sniffing like a madman
He seems high as fuck again
It's a well known fact that gay men love drugs, MDMA and cocaine especially
he is just too high this time, kinda cringe
Fuck off milo
This guy plays Sup Forums like a fiddle
Wish I could manipulate ingrates and racists to do my bidding like this guy can
I didn't watch it I don't care about homos
you could start by huffing gasoline, not the topic ausidiot
A little tip for everyone who worships this kike faggot.
he is literally cringe
he is so fucked it's just not even funny
>when your milligram scale is broke and you snort too much crushed adderall before the show
Based straya
He is horrible tonight Jesus Christ. And I usually like Milo.
Damn, his nose is fucking full, his eyes just rolled into the back of his skull as he tried to pull it in.
What the fuck did he snort.
he has been high off his tits for all of the speech
>that shitty rick astley hair
He talked about it on his podcast with Dave Rubin. He said he's always been really spastic and twitchy. He probably has mild tourettes.
no he actually seems high as shit
>tfw sitting here feeling like shit for milo when he is high and I cringe for him
atleast he gave a semi-non cucked answer on the black question
Why do you guys like this guy? Hes literally the male paris hilton...
Enjoy that dicking fags
>there's going to be a race war if Sanders is president
he usually fucks with sjw's. only this rally the auditorium is less than half full and milo is high as fuck
the people who let him go on stage are retarded. better to fake fucking illness
Sup Forums is dead, full of newfags and redditors spouting memes who think they're Sup Forums material. People that support this kike for example. In another thread there were a bunch of people wanting some guy at a Milo rally to scream Sup Forums memes.
Sup Forums is fucking finished and it's partly Milo's fault
>regurgitates Sup Forums memes like an original and gets paid thousands for it
Kek what a fucking fraud faggot
t. paki
>have a horrible cold
kek no
Why is no one asking why he is high as shit?
Your alt-right world is falling apart
>im loving it
>a fag jew is cucking himself
you are screwed
>bernie losing
no it's not true
get cucked berniefag
He is messing with his nose. I think something is up
im pretty sure that like 99% of faggots do coke
>Sup Forums is fucking finished and it's partly Milo's fault
You need a fucking life bro, you're way too invested in Sup Forums.
but he's been super high for like 2 hours. must be some mdma
>feel the bern
t. faggoter than milo
He also has a Goliath sized margarita
>having tourettes means you are spastic and twitchy
my nigga what is you sayin
margaritas don't make you sniff though
Cocaine isn't that bad desu
he is too high, not even funny
Milo aint that bad
yes hes a jew and a faggot, but hes actually out there taking on feminism, SJWs, transfreaks etc.
hes useful, you dont have to suck his dick over it, but nor is he some plant that is going to destroy us.
a high dude is not useful anymore. if he don't sober up he is no longer useful
Why are you so obsessed with him being high?
cause he is making a fool of himself mr. akkad
If I was breitbart or milo I would not upload this shit
OH I don't dispute that. He is totally high in more than 1 way
>you will never snort mountains of cocaine and tour the country with milo by day and love him tenderly by night
How would he deal with the inevitable post-cocaine crash ?
valium ?
weed ?
maybe a little heroin ?
takes a hue to know how to detox
Because you can tell, and he looks dumb, and then it undermines his point
Muslims are not welcome here. Fuck off.