Explain why this album is higher than a 7/10

Explain why this album is higher than a 7/10

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It really isn't.

You're getting upset, calm down, it's not that deep

Album is incredible front to back. The main gripe with this album (which I think fantano touched on nicely) is that DAMN. isn't as cohesive as an album topically or sonically as GKMD or TPAB. And I really don't think that's what Kendrick was going for here.
While DAMN. bounces all over the place, I think some of Kendrick's best and most raw performances are on this album. In fact, every song feels like it's own album. Hard to explain, but each independent track just feels so powerful and impactful.

This is the best way I could sum up the album. Every song is its own concept album inside 3-7 minutes.
It's really impressive and a cool way to follow up one of the most expensive rap albums ever without completely stripping everything back like Yeezus.
I'd compare it to a show like Master of None or The Sopranos. So many shows nowadays try to act like the entire season is one thing and forget how to make engaging self contained episodic television that still works in a serial format. I think this album has a similar approach.

It is if you remove the song with Rihanna

Grow up.

I've seen so many people complain that melon gave it a 7, but ive never seen anyone explain why it deserves better. the two common arguments i see are:

1. When Anthony gives something a 7 its like a 9 for a normal person
2. It's only a 7 compared to TPAB, if it was released by any other artist he would have given it higher.

Both of which have nothing to do with the music and don't really make sense. Like how do fantanos 7s equal other peoples 9s? What about his 8s 9s and 10s?

Good points :) Thank you for your post!

didn't mean to link that at the end

>I'm an Israeli, I ain't no black no more
What the fuck did he mean by that? Is Kendrick the first open Zionist rapper?

you should stop taking a critic's score so seriously in the first place

I'm not. I don't care about his review, he's one person, but I'm interested in why thousands of other people seem to have the exact same opinions which seem pretty unfounded.

Like what makes thousands of people say that a fantano 7 is a normal persons 9, that one just confuses me, and it's so popularly said

realistically this album is a 5 but some of the cuts on here are solid like "fear" and "duckworth" other than that it's nothing mind blowing or new or substantial, it gets old fast
i enjoy good kid so much more, even with the dated sound

you should also stop taking a critic's fanbase so seriously

>When Anthony gives something a 7 its like a 9 for a normal person
i have never said this to anyone else because often it means nothing but:

kill yourself

why are you getting so upset at someone being a bit curious about something?

...but I'm not upset? you're clearly projecting

This message applies to everyone in this thread

Kendrick is alright, but he's no Lil Wayne.

Epic meme image you have there my fellow boomer. Mind if I save it? Thanks in advance

It isn’t. Untitled Unmastered was better.

What did he say?

I agree

you're supposed to post this

patrician taste

It genuinely was a 7 in my opinion. Weak tracks like Loyalty, Love and God really bog the album down despite having some of Kendrick's best work. It is also far worse instrumentally when compared to To Pimp a Butterfly.

Yes, I agree. It was too inconsistent in quality and theme to be higher than a 7, but the songs that are good are REALLY good. If every song was as good as FEEL and DNA, it could be great

lmao I hate seeing that shit on Twitter. Black people make me sick loool



Nuff said

fag detected

there are a few other deleted posts too

if you listen to it backwards it's a 10

No need to. 5/10 at best

Some blacks think they're some lost Jews from Egypt or something. Crazy nog thinking with no proof.

i genuinely think this is a 6.5/7

When you say backwards, do you mean literally reversing the songs or just from the last song to the first song?
