Friday night h/fur

Friday night h/fur

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>sleep 2 hours
>wake up and fantasize about being a girl for 2 more hours because I can't get my fucking mind to rest
Insomnia is great.

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Indeed. I think the only cure is being employed. Maintaining a good sleep schedule while doing jack shit all day is hard

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I fucking wish it were that easy. I couldn't maintain a proper schedule for the life of me throughout my entire schooling. I've had sleep problems and disorders since I was 1, and had night terrors until I was 3. Not even medication can fix sleep disorders this severe. Trust me, I've tried everything under the sun, and not damn thing works. Fuck my life. My brain is FUBAR.

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Been a while since I last heard that term

Having something to keep me occupied seems to work, but it really does need to be a 5 days/week ordeal. Scattered classes for uni don't do it for me

Improving sleep hygiene definitely helps

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