What can stop her now?
What can stop her now?
High Spiral Energy
The ghost of Ambassador Stevens
Kek, the Forbidden One.
Her lack of personality and cluttered political past.
A bullet?
Barnie Senders
Trump obviously.
My captcha was milkshakes
Nothing, better you be #HillaryArtillery
Nothing. She'll eventually get a zinger on Trump, he'll bring up Monica Lewinsky to try and recover, and she'll wipe the floor with him.
He's also part of the GOP's tradition of picking candidates that are undecided voter cancer.
The justice department?
Agent Cooper.
>what can stop her
-She's a she
-She's fat
-She's old
-She's a baby boomer
-She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person.
She polls better than Trump, she is your future president
I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what america you deserve this. you deserve a wall street whore. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed debbie wassermna schultz to do this, no one spoke up. Now she wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose bernie. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to canada but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty country with shitty debbie wasserman jew bitches. Fuck all of you.
Put a bullet in her head. Stop her campaign and I shall carry you up the escalators of Trump Tower; All shiny and gold.
>She has stroke-induced brain damage
I wonder why people don't look into this? She's on blood thinners, has a constant cough, and she has a lazy eye now.
Indictment over the State Department email stuff? That, or an assassination.
nothing of course
the people with power have decided she is to win, and that's that.
Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
an aneurysm?
capped for the General. Thx.
Perfect for hillarybots that ask for why she is un-electable without resorting to "name-calling"
Herself, who she is, what she is. It's inescapable at this point.
>She was a lawyer who defended a rapist
What's wrong with this? Everyone deserves a defense.
she laughed about getting the guy off on tape
then pretends shes for women
I mean yea people deserve legal defense, but I don't see people praising defense lawyers as some upstanding hero of the people, in fact they are almost universally regarded as sociopaths, evil, or at the very least only concerned with money.
i have not once heard what she'll actually do. i knew trump would build wall and bernie would give free shit long before i actually read up on them.
If Clinton wins, we're so fucking fucked fuck. Like more immigration from anything south of Texas, and a shit ton of people from the middle east
that movie was so shit
Not to mention Civil War will happen as well.
Yeah because Germany is doing such a good job that we need it over here.
I will kill myself if she wins.
Seriously, who can support this nasty cunt and look at themselves in the mirror without absolute self-loathing?
She's never going to last until November, she's either going to keel over dead from the lung cancer she's battling, or, the upcoming Secret Service tell-all book in 2 weeks will crush her even further, either way, I'm fine with watching her either keel over dead or fade away into obscurity. She can't possibly win this election, so it's all good.
Hillary herself.
Hillary is her own worst enemy, why do you think she refuses to do any press conferences or do any interview that isn't heavily controlled? Why do you think the debates were severely limited and hidden away? Why do you think she barely campaigns or when she does it's highly controlled and she is completely unavailable to the press?
Hillary is her own worst enemy, Trump doesn't need to do shit.
Who are you voting for user?
She has lung cancer? Why hasn't she quit her election yet? Its gonna make it worse for her if she keeps on going and I don't want another President thats in poor condition like FDR that will die in office from a disease.
her criminal record
Someone should just bite the bullet and kill her. I know I'm sounding like one of those anti-trump retards now but if you guys want Trump to win that badly killing her will do the job since it just leaves Colonel Sanders
Do you really think that book will get more than a lol in any major press? The author would have stabbed himself forty times in the back already if there was anything truly damning.
>First Gentleman Bill Clinton
yeah no that would be the worst thing to ever happen. she need to live almost as badly as trump
I'm voting for whoever that neck tattooed bitch ain't
>he thinks that Biden wouldn't step in and proceed to wipe the floor with Trump
A stroke.
My bugout bag is packed and ready to go.
KEK is that a real pic?
Hillary Clinton has shown herself to be very Germanophobic, so maybe she won't copy Merkel and what she said about her earlier was just to ride on her coattails.
Being quite honest, I would be scared to visit America if Clinton is president based on the extremely hateful things she and her supporters have said about Trump's German heritage. I don't get how that kind of overt hate campaign against the largest group of white voters in the USA gets unnoticed and ignored while wanting to stop illegal immigration makes you a nazi.
The butthurt is gonna be so sweet win she wins.
Whining Rs, there was a simple solution... Put up a real candidate!
Fuck that, join the rebels when Civil War breaks out.
>starting WWIII is ok as long as I get to laugh at some autists on the internet
Trump is going to call her a cuck, and it's going to stick.
Cucky Hillary, or some similar bantz.
She's gonna be a one-term president and then we're going to get an actual palatable R. Calm down.
>needing more than one year to get the planet glassed
I bet it's going to be Cruz.
You're a retard. Go be a violent fuck up in your own country.
Maybe if.... No, that will literally never happen. Ever.
The FBI, Guccifer, Trump, a stroke
I could never get the sexual satisfaction I would get out of the FBI letting Clinton know she was indicted right in the fucking middle of her speach. I would be like a rock.
that would never happen because god doesn't exist.
we all know the first female president is neigh.
But there is no god user
Those are literally all the reasons not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person.
the most redneck picture ever. Quit sucking trumps dick just cause hes famous. This looks for like a homoerotic wet dream than a picture. gtfo
We must cross the streams. It was nice knowing you.
A split left wing vote.
Green Party forever.
Secretary Clinton, I'm FBI