Why won't you vote for him, Sup Forums?

Why won't you vote for him, Sup Forums?

>inb4 because he cant win

That's a self-fulfilling prophecy fed to you by corporate jew media, and i expect you to do better than that.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't like his gun grabber VP pick.


Because there is no substantial difference between a libertarian and a communist.

And I hate communists.

>I agree with 73% of what Bernie Sanders says

He wants open borders and free trade.

He wants to eliminate all unskilled jobs in the US and let Mexicans do them. He is trying to sell out common Americans


>inb4 the only valid reason why no one will vote for him
You can't do that OP. Also libertarians are a joke. You can't fight fascist leftism with apathetic libertarianism

You can't use a reason that's only true because you make it true. It has to be some trait of the candidate himself, not something you created.


>Borders doesn't real



The LP has no dignity anymore, hasn't for awhile though. A joke of a party that I do not support, and I certainly do not stand behind "Le Weed Man Leftist Libertarian Gary Johnson" and his gun grabbing VP Bill """"The Original Libertarian"""" Weld. What a fucking joke

Gun grabbing Piece of shit. See Inb4 >he's not a gun grabber

Nice meme

It implies that Trump somehow deserves my vote by default. That isnt true.

Because people know that the voting system in the US actively prevents voting for a third party.

By voting for him, you literally support Hillary, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary is secretly giving him money.

That's inevitably how this works because it's a winner takes all system for the election.

Queer mannerisms, drug use, (((libertarian)))


He's a douchebag


Also good podcast of a real libertarian, Tom Woods, showing you the errors of Gary



You know nothing about US politics, stop embarrassing yourself

Open borders piece of shit. Threw the olive branch George Washington replica gun away like a prick. Self-admittedly agrees with BERNIE SANDERS on the vast majority of issues.

He's another leftist joke masquerading as a "conservative" alternative by the dishonest media. Truly just an awful, awful candidate.

There wouldn't be such a thing as an out of work white male if it wasn't for government regulations.

>open borders

You can't create a libertarian society by importing people who are not and will never be libertarian.

>because there is no substantial difference between an ideology that worships individual freedoms and anarcho-capitalism and Trotskyism


VP's don't do anything.

His interview on FoxNews said it all:

-gay marriage should be legal because its not governments job
>what about poligamy
-if if if if if if , er, ugh , if if if

Libertarianism is great for certain policies but applied on a large scale doesn't make sense.

This user gets it. Anyone who sides 73 percent with BERNIE FUCKING SANDERS on iSidewith is not a fucking libertarian. Hopefully this faggot will steal more votes from the dems because of it

So the answer is

>muh guns
>muh mexicans

Is that about it?

>Why won't you vote for him, Sup Forums?
I will though, mainly because I don't live in a swing state.

So he doesnt fit your definition of a libertarian.

Who are you voting for, then? A real libertarian?

He never said give anyone citizenship.

He's a cuck

The first and last commiefornian I'd vote for is Reagan, and that's only because Regan appeared before commiefonia was a thing.


>just pretending

Johnson sounds like a fucking commie

Open Borders
Gun Grabber
Le American Weedman
Pro Israel and thus Pro Zionist Foreign Policy
At the debate he called Iran the largest State Sponsor of Terrorism

I did already
in 2012

>He never said give anyone citizenship.

Oh never mind then, I mean we have millions of socialists living here right now who aren't citizens and you can see how inconsequential their collective voice is in the minds of Americans

Because he is a Democrat

>when la raza is actively pouring in, attacking americans and burning our flag
>when an unknown millions of migrants are flooding yurop forever changing its people

gary johnson is too stupid to be serious

puts me in a tough spot since I hate trump and hilary equally.

No, I'm not. Voting for Trump. I'm not going to pick a loser who doesn't represent my ideology anyways and a party that I don't stand behind. If the LP wasn't such a joke perhaps I would want more votes to come his way so they can gain more popularity, but LP is full of nothing but open border leftist libertarian cucks. This is coming from the guy who voted Petersen in the primary, I admittedly would have been much happier and probably voted for him had he gone through but he didn't.

He's from North Dakota and then New Mexico you retarded faggot.

Is there more of her?

It will be pretty hard for them to live without welfare. They will go back to mexico more likely.

>lets bail out stupid college kids
>lets just fuck our borders up
>lets take your guns too
>lets all just be raging homosexuals

This guy is a closet socialist fuck him.

I'm not an open borders retard

Gary " I believe in nearly all of Bernie Sanders policies" Johnson is a meme, hes a leftist in disguise.

Johnson doesn't speak for all libertarians.

You have to keep in mind that a substantial portion of libertarians refuse to vote or otherwise think the LP is a joke.

So the LP is a watered-down, pozzed-up, maymay version of what actual constitutes libertarianism.

>dude force Jews to bake nazi cakes it'll be hella f*cking epic

>complains like a bitch about trumps 'incendiary' words

what a fucking cuck. this loser is just another lefty stooge.

I'm going to guess he's going to vote for the non-globalist, non-corrupt piece of shit that represents the only alternative to the establishment that we've been trapped with for God knows how long, instead of throwing his vote away for a fake "alternative" for absolutely no reason.

Trump is the only answer if you actually want to see change and politics to be permanently flipped upside down.

See this guy gets it user

>They will go back to mexico more likely.

Or they will stick around and riot until the half of the country who thinks you all are insane will either resurrect the welfare state or give them the ability to do it themselves through amnesty or "voter freedom" laws

You don't save a sinking ship by drilling more holes in the hull. You patch them up, then you start bailing the water out.

>muh made up scenarios.

I guess they will just riot when trump is elected until the half of the country who thinks you all are insane will impeach trump and put in a democrat.


he is a pot smoking open boarders degenerate

>They will go back to mexico more likely.

>scrounge up your pesos for years
>pay a lot of money to a shifty dude to smuggle you over
>get here with no cash, no chance for welfare and no docs

Considering that he can't magically summon the power to walk back, he'll either
>turn to crime
>become a vagrant
>do something worth getting deported (at taxpayer expense)

It's best that they dont come at all. GJ is a faggot

fuck off /leftypol/ do you honestly think anyone is falling for this shit?
do you feel like you are somehow making a difference?
if anything you did mattered Bernie wouldn't be dropping out right now

>bernie gets wrecked
>suddenly Sup Forums is swarmed with pro Johnson threads
>pure coincidence goyim

Voted for him 4 years ago. Now I disagree with open borders and gun grabbing faggotrt. Also the idealogy is nice but just isn't viable.

Where did you get those vampire kike ears? Is his mummy a jewess?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

A lot of the isidewith quiz is just pointing out what the problems are with America, which i think most people agree on. Where people differ is what to do about it.

Im not saying everyone would side with Bernie 73%, but it shouldn't be that big a deal with you if youve ever taken the complete quiz.

And most of the libertarians here think Johnson is (((garbage))) anyway.

>just cuck my country up senpai

they already don't come you retard, look up mexico illegal immigration statistics, it has already all but stopped.

the problem is the 12 million already here.

I see one Johnson thread amidst dozens of Trump and Bernie threads.

Not everything is a jew conspiracy you jaded fucking retard.


There's your answer, OP. If the Cuckitarians could finally become nationalists instead of suicidally inclined, they'd still get my vote, but that all ended in 2008 after 3 rounds of giving them my support.

They need to wake the fuck up about border security, or keep on being the ugly stepdaughter in the family of politics.

>muh made up scenarios.

That's a pretty rich accusation coming from someone who believes that every person in America is either a libertarian or entirely dependent on welfare, mutually exclusive.

I've taken the complete quiz, and Bernie was down at around 12%, with Trump at 93%.

That's a severe indictment on Johnson's chances of ever getting my vote. Don't try making excuses for that guy or his stupid policies. It's a leftist package with different wrapping paper. Just as bad, if not worse.

His immigration policy is literally worse than Clinton's..

he's a goof ass

he was a goof ass when he ran my state, he will be an even goofier ass if he ran the country

> someone who believes that every person in America is either a libertarian or entirely dependent on welfare, mutually exclusive.

You're just grasping a straws now, I never even implied such a thing.

This. The government only has one job and that is to regulate how non-Europeans come into this country.

If you side with any candidate that high you are literally just putting in answers you think will go with that candidate's platform.

Around what date did you stop thinking for yourself?

He's not a libertarian.

>You're just grasping a straws now, I never even implied such a thing.

Then how is eliminating welfare while maintaining open borders going to lead to a libertarian society?

Actually, I voted for Kasich in the primary, and took that test well before I was a Trump supporter. I honestly couldn't believe the results at the time, either. Just maybe Trump says what I believe and want to see happen?

Around what date are you going to stop being a condescending, presumptuous prick?

they literally aren't real. LITERALLY.

He said he agrees with 75% of what Sander's has talked about. Even 10% is too much. Lolbertarians are ridiculous.

Open borders are only suicidal if you have a welfare state.

But even with that said i hate johnson. He makes me ashamed to be a lolbertarian.

It will force them to either get a job or leave. Once you stop being dependent on government, you stop being a democrat.

It shows that hes a completely unprincipled Ilibertarian and principles are the only reason to ever vote for a third party candidate.

aaand that's why you don't go into politics for pussy.

Jesus christ, shared

>Once you stop being dependent on government, you stop being a democrat.

So in other words...

>every person in America is either a libertarian or entirely dependent on welfare, mutually exclusive.

>imply spics won't come here anyway for jobs and then vote democrat
Way to go.

So in other words...you have the reading comprehension of a five year old.

You can be a lot of things besides a democrat. Also it is not just about welfare, Every company in american needs to have human resource department due to government regulations imposed by the democrats.

So if you work in human resourses you are not on welfare but you are still dependent on the government.

his VP choice is anti-gun

They jobs they can get would give them a lower quality of life then living in mexico. If it wasn't for welfare they wouldn't even be able to afford food.

>They jobs they can get would give them a lower quality of life then living in mexico.
Totally false. The US has way better wages than in Mexico.


So basically your plan is to get rid of a whole bunch of things that people vote for, then all those people won't want to vote for those things anymore. That's brilliant, it's astounding no one has thought of it before.

illegals don't get min wage, and cost of living is a hundred times higher then mexico.

in mexico you set up a favela and live rent free. In the Us there is not a single place you can build yourself a shack and live.

if it wasn't for government housing programs they wouldn't even have a roof over their heads.

I won't vote for him because he's the biggest kike jew of them all and he has you fucking idiots fooled. Fuking goyim

That is every politician you fucking retard, because when you change things and make it better people will want to keep it that way.

You're in a fantasy world my friend. Mexico has absolutely shit wages, period. This isn't even a question. See the median income (PPP dollars so it's adjusted for cost of living) in OECD countries. Mexico is at the bottom.

Even if you make some shitty wage here (I dunno like $5 an hour), that's still way more than what you can get in Mexico.

>when you change things and make it better

When you're an r-selected rabbit working is not better than getting free resources from the government. Someone else forcing you to work is not going to change your opinion on this. If it did, then welfare or other redistributionist policies wouldn't exist in the first place. We didn't crawl out of caves with SNAP, after all.