How will you be spending your last days on Sup Forums??
Reddit got hit, CL, and we are next.
It's been a fun ride faggots. But we didn't listen.
How will you be spending your last days on Sup Forums??
Reddit got hit, CL, and we are next.
It's been a fun ride faggots. But we didn't listen.
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Rip foreign board that's going to be invaded.
Just because mook is the owner doesn't mean anything
This is a bad trend that can cause all personals sites to shut down
oh no people will have to go outside to meet people
what ever will we do?!?!
its more about the government being able to shut things down that belong to the private sector, they manipulate business constantly to their own benefit
Stay in basement.
Play vidya.
Eat cheetos.
it specifically mentions sex trafficking and such things. how about you read it before you freak out like reddit and imgur and idiots.
you got the right idea friendo
wanna come over on saturday and play some super smash bros?
All the subreddits for stealing and "bad shit" all got closed yesterday, we are going to be fucked soon. We are losing internet freedom
waiting for user to finish their site
>sex trafficking and such things
That's how they always spin it.
is every millennial retarded?
or just you?
It started with his administration getting rid of net neutrality. Thank your president Trump. Not my president.
This. No story here. Just stupid click b8.
whore ads were supposed to be banned anyway... maybe they can come up with a spam proof way to carry on but it seems like spam bots ruin everything
you must be new here
>its more about the government being able to shut things down that belong to the private sector, they manipulate business constantly to their own benefit
When Trump becomes president he will never let that happen!
shit is going to happen regardless of who is president since they don't control as much as most pretend they do
someone always has to pee in the pool and spoil it for the rest of us
well most of us
if it all goes to shit at least i still remember living in an age before the internet
stay mad princess
stay mad princess
Stupid trumpcuck
This. I used to browse CL looking for easy sex, now that it's no longer an option I'll be forced to improve my looks and communication skills to meet women in real life.
BUT, we can't overlook the main principle that the US government is now openly censoring the internet. They made CL get rid of all personals, that means innocent lonely people just trying to make a connection are now shit outta luck. Horseshit.
stay mad princess
How am I going to get my cock fix now? being totally serious i give dudes head all the time off craigslist. this is not cool
You suck cocks
Seems to be the only people that are upset are those that like cock in their mouth.
RIP Backpage!
Yep. This on top of the whole FCC deal is just... I mean it's pathetic. They aren't even trying to hide it.
Go outside and look at that big yellow thing in the sky I guess
No more escorts.
Nice try shills. It isn't about that. It is about holding hosts responsible for their users' actions. That is unconstitutional and is a means for censorship.
Shill or sheep, I don't care, but go neck yourselves.
Paid shills are less than human.
yea i posted about this a while ago and no one cared.....
they didn't make craigslist do anything
they put legislation into act that would hold them liable for illegal activity carried out by users on their platform and craigslist chose to just get rid of it rather than take the legal risk
it could have always put some effort in to reduce false ads, spammers, scammers, and other bullshit like that but instead it was just cheaper and easier to close it
nothing against them, probably the best option for their business
but don't think the gubment showed up to their offices and told them to shut it down, shut it all down.
stay mad princess
stay mad princess
this retarded
this retarded
stay mad princess
Adult book store video booths are about to get a lot more crowded
stay mad princess
stay mad princess
Rolling for dubs.
Trump voters and rural people are even less human than that.
1 more time
It’s not worth it, man. These alt-right faggots will ride trumps jewish cut cock to the death. They’re just going to continue spamming the same thing over and over because they have no argument besides buzzwords/buzz phrases. Fuck them
RIP fun T4M adventures
stay mad princess
stay mad princess
i know right.
theres not really anywhere else good to find a good trannie to bang. and god help you if you actually want to date.
this is great for adult video stores with booths and shit lel
>they didn't make them do anything
>they only introduced a bill that would force them to do something they didn't want to do.
ok, kid.
Sure kid
stay mad princess
You're the genocidal maniac that you accuse others of being when they disagree with you.
If you were truly progressive, you wouldn't be proclaiming other groups as subhuman.
>everyone on this site is in their 30's
>ok kid
you actually answered that cuck?
>force them
>cause them to rethink things and either upgrade their system to fight back against illegal activity on their site in order to reduce the legal risk or just get rid of it altogether to save time and money
stay mad princess
>proclaiming other groups as subhuman.
Pretty self evident if you've ever had to be in the presence of such trash.
>tfw all this means is people stop hosting in the US.
pretty simple to fix desu, migrate servers to Canada, like mook did or some european country. Sup Forums isn't in danger because only a handful of its servers are still hosted at quadranet in LA. the rest are OVH/Kimsufi
being this mad
get your government check yet cuck?
Who cares prostitution should be legal
Yeah, I've got the day off, might as well be entertained somehow, besides I believe in opposing bad ideas.
Enjoy becoming what you hate, you and your ilk will be the future example to children of what not to do, just like the nazis or the people behind the Rwandan genocide.
Stay mad princess :^))))))))))))))
You are welcome to 2ch, cyka-blyat)
>sex trafficking
Literally a victimless crime when you consider the fact that sex workers aren't people.
>calls someone princess
>drools at the thought of getting to touch the wrinkly cock of a fat 70 year old man with a bad hairpiece
Stay gay princess
Stay le mad princess :^)))))))))))
sure kid
stay retarded the democrats need you.
this weak
you really are a princess
I don't advocate the genocide of rural and trump voting subhumans, I just believe the voter records should be released so that we can properly ostracized them and their children from society. Denied employment, housing, food purchases, medical care, etc. Just treat them like the second class citizens like we all know they are.
Stay mad princess:^)))))
>being this jewish
Sure yid
>inb4 stay mad princess
those salty tears
I'm a far left anarchist, I'm just not a disgust driven tribalist.
wasted post
>I don't wanna kill them, I just want to exclude them from society and let them starve to death.
That's still genocide you idiot.
still pushing this kid?
love your commie circlejerks.
stay mad
>if it all goes to shit at least i still remember living in an age before the internet
I'm really glad to be an oldfag and remember days before the internet, Everything is going to hell in a handbasket. One of the reasons I've avoided having children thus far in life, I'm afraid to bring a child into this world
no u!
he's a fat loser that bitches everyday about this.
pay him no mind.
>he's a fat loser that bitches everyday about this.
>pay him no mind.
That could be said of almost all of us, there'd be no Sup Forums if we didn't engage with each other.
That’s cool. I’m a far north traditionalist. Pic related. Is me
that would be speculation
It technically is not.
this retarded
stay mad princess