I just found this between the seats of my car, can anyone tell me what it is...

I just found this between the seats of my car, can anyone tell me what it is. I'm preety scared cause some days ago i left my car unlocked while i went for like 2 minutes in a store.

Attached: 29512927_2025821840991553_1897572423928020646_n.jpg (720x960, 134K)

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GPS tracker they are watching you go to your lawyer

probably a transponder or tracking device placed there by a private investigator. Unless you're some kind of high-level criminal (in which case I dont think you would come to Sup Forums to ask what it is)

If you're married, maybe your wife is spying on you in preparation for a divorce.

tape it to a garbage truck

i vote for this

Tape it to you neighbors car and wait...

Behead someone/thing and stick it in the mouth that will send a message

Attached: 1404870460828.png (448x539, 117K)

hide ur cheeseburgers cause Randy Bobandy is coming

Attached: randy1.jpg (329x399, 42K)

enough with the god damn cheeseburgers is that all you guys think about?