Yfw when you'll never have a traditionnal gf

Yfw when you'll never have a traditionnal gf

Why live?

>women will never look through the catalogue and wish to buy modest clothes like this

>college girls will never dress like this

Any man would be blessed to marry one of those ladies

>girls will never go to school dressed like this


Meh, where is the HISTORY

But you can have a traditional gf and wife.

Thanks leaf.

Sorry Anglos don't have peasants clothing, actually we do the suit you wear to the office today is the lower class clothing Anglos wore in the 19th century :)

Fuck off fattobro


>a well designed skating dress

>yachting gown





Then why don't you moce to a vilage and find and do a local and/or agricultular.

>coming home from church

It's six in the morning here. Also becoming christian ,at least culturally.



Because the traditions are being lost and you can't juste move in one of those villages, to date one of those girls you must be from the same village
