Pissed off Sanders supporter here. AMA
Ask Me Anything
Will you make America great again?
Should i watch this movie?
How did you become so bad at economics?
How come you're not a super delegate?
when you an hero will you take others with you?
Pretty close to voting for Trump. I'm an Independent, and a candidate being anti-establishment is huge for me.
Pocket money, child support funds or college savings?
How good is your wifi signal in the cuck shed?
Watch MST3K, it's awful on its own
As someone who was a die-hard Paulbot 4 years ago, I just came to believe that true freedom is not possible without some level of financial security.
Because I'm not an elite, illuminati-worshipping, establishment puppet.
Nah, but I'll try to convince some to vote for Trump.
Are you going to drink the kool-aid?
Are you going to kill yourself? Or move to Venezuela to be part of a socialist paradise?
Is it hammertime?
Money I get from being a male stripper.
Pretty good.
What's the interest rate on the loan you took out to support Bernie?
Why do you support a candidate that actual real democratic socialists call an idiot?
How did it make you feel when Bernie lost the primary?
Do you think he still has a chance at le convention?
Do u cut yourself?
Depends on the flavor. If it's that cool blue flavor, I'll down that shit.
You have no idea what democratic socialism is.
Never took loans for college, not an idiot.
Bernie politics cant work with an open global state
it spells our doom
we need national interest first then we could have your socialist utopia
I am curious, how do you go from being A Paul Libertarian, to supporting a Big Gov Socialist, whom supports removing the 2nd amendment, along with further expanding the welfare state and taxes?
What's the name of your wife's son
Pissed off. Same thing happened to Paul 4 years ago.
Nope. Only reason he shouldn't drop out is to continue to make Hillary look like shit.
Good man
Trump and Bernie supporters united can rock this crooked and corrupt political establishment to it's core
IIRC he called open borders a Koch brothers thing. Though that's not very consistent with him being all buddies with mexican illegals lol
>"not an idiot"
>Sanders supporter
Pick one.
I agree that we need to put America first, we can start by pulling back our military involvement (and strengthen our national defense).
Both of them:
- are anti-Fed.
- are against the War on Drugs.
- have non-interventionist foreign policies.
- were against the bailouts.
- are for cutting military spending.
- are against the Patriot Act and NSA spying.
- are for cutting corporate welfare before general welfare.
- are against the anti-American trade deals like the TPP
This isn't a great one, but basically market economy is what we would called democratic socialism, and one of the rules of a democratic socialism is not restricting businesses' freedoms.
Also once you go Trump, which hat will you buy? I still haven't decided myself. They'll be worth tons in the future having a first edition Trump hat
how much have you donated total?
I just donated $100. Will you match me?
Will you suck my dick if I promise not to come in your mouth?
>Cuz thats what youve been getting from Bernie all this time
didn't bernie, just yesterday, say he was staying in it no matter what?
why does he not run independent?
Trump will have Bernie supporters to thank when he wins in November. I know he already realizes that, hence why he's being extra nice to Bernie lately.
I'll check it out. White and gold one looks nice.
Just 50 bucks.
I would, but I'm too busy prepping the bull at the moment.
Sanders had switched his vote on the FED at the last second.
why did you EVER think an undercover communist had a chance at getting nominated you unbelievable retard?
We all have to pull together as Americans. Anyone and everyone is welcome on the Trump Train
how do you feel about meme magic, do you think there's a lack of it on the bernie side?
On another note, what would your reaction be if he was Hillarys VP?
At least I got some memories to hang onto. How most relationships go.
Wish to god he'd run as an Independent.
I've seen that a bunch. It sucks, but remember that he did vote yes on Rand Paul's bill. Also, he grilled Greenspan back in 03'. Definitely anti-Fed.
He's been huffing those dank memes.
There's no other explanation for going from an old-school libertarian to an NDP-tier social democrat. He's an idiot.
Communism =/= Social Democracy
Better than Shillary.
Bernie memes are terrible, not gonna lie.
Fuck this stupid board. Don't listen to half of these fucking Philistine Trump and Hillary supporters, they have the intellect of a stalactite. Most of you are dumb, poorly read, and have zero critical thinking skills if you vote for anyone other than Sanders.
>Because I'm not an elite, illuminati-worshipping, establishment puppet.
Did you actually just fucking say that?
He was not a real libertarian in the first place
bernie didnt switch his vote, he just gutted it so much that the bill didnt matter anymore
he did vote in favor of the audit the fed bill in january, without gutting it
what do you think is the reason that bernie memes are terrible?
I mean what are the fundemental differences in the bernie vs trump crowds that cause this memetic imbalance.
I'm genuinely curious, I can't think of anything.
I just said the fact of the situation, yes.
Trump is a walking meme sometimes, it's pretty easy.
Basically this. I agree a lot with Libertarians on domestic, social, and foreign policy. Economics though? Not so much.
You turn into Dr.Phil?
Fuck off shill bot
I may be a Philistine, as well as dumb, poorly-read, and possess no critical thinking skills, but I'll have you know that this Trump supporter has the intellect of a STALAGMITE, you fucker.
do you think if bernie was a "walking meme" like trump that he would have won?
You are not a libertarian
Dem nom was rigged for Hillary
>le ebin Bernie is a communist meme
Trump's got the personality to rise above a lot of the bullshit. I love Bernie, but the normal American isn't attracted to his personality. Trump gets attention, hence why he was able to dominate.
cuz baby you're a stalagmiteeeeee
Do everyone a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.
That all you got you dim fuckwit?
pick one
What do you have against Trump, exactly?
Congrats, you repeated what I agreed to.
You are a huge, tasteless faggot.
Sanders' superdelagate count proves he is anti-establishment.
>You have no idea what democratic socialism is.
He's a loud mouthed buffoon that rambles on with no thought whatsoever, he would make an embarrassing fucking President. I do agree with him on immigration and that's it.
Democratic Socialism is as bad as Democratic Islam prove me wrong, both create Social legislation that alienate's those who are against it, and the legislation is continuous and most of the time they try and make it irreversible,
Sorry but no thanks, i feel as if we are seeing the death of Democratic Socialism in Europe just as my fellow idiotic Americans are jumping on the sinking ship.
Your perception of him has something in common with this thread.
>Social Democracy
wrong you fucking idiot.
the man literally identifies as a "democratic" socialist, not a social democrat. no wonder you were stupid and delusional enough to think an undercover communist had a chance. LMAO.
communism is always the end game of socialism. you are factually wrong, bitch boy. enjoy watching bernie pampers' "campaign" end tomorrow while the millions of dollars idiots like you donated go right into hillary's pocket LMFAO.
Well look at what the candidates stand for. Look at what Sanders says about trunp and Clinton. If you still think you can vote for him after that well then I question how strongly you supported Sanders in the first place.
>mfw Bernie cucks will vote for Trump just because Hillary's an "insider"
Hate to break it to you, but Trump is an "insider" too. Business is politics on the private sector.
Goodnight faggots. Fuck Clinton.
I assume like some of my friends, un-informed, lazy, wanting handouts, drug addicts. They know nothing of history and are doomed to repeat it. Their hearts where in the right place when they backed Paul, but now they drank the kool-aid, and they are too stupid to realize it.
Trump supports torture. Sure, vote for him, but don't fall for him.
"Insider" refers to "political insider". By that stupid stretched definition, NOBODY is an outsider.
>Carson's an insider because being a doctor is politics in the medical sector.
>communism is always the end game of socialism
I swear it's like talking to a damn brick wall, HE IS SOCIALIST that by nature supports bigger government, how in the fuck is this not giving the establishment what it wants.
have you ever even attempted to get a job that pays above minimum wage?
have you ever actually held a job?
Do you know you can save money by not buying weed?
do you know that experience in minimum wage work can net you higher paying jobs?
ITT: Former pothead making 12.50 hour starting pay as pharmacy technician with no degree.
>dumb shit can't refute the point
>posts a meme instead
time to fuck off back to your tumblr safe space, kid.
Yeah you've never actually heard him give a speech or a rally. Stay sucking the media teet you fucking sheep
america needs stronk national defense, bernie is a pussy who believes america doesn't need a strong military. i say bernie needs to fuck off back to canada
>le ebin tumblr meme
Post a fucking argument in the first place you fucking retard
Are you voting for Trump, or killing yourself?
Businesses have to deal with politicians all the time. Lobbyists and such. You don't want Congress passing a law enforcing a $15 minimum wage if you profit off of Wal-Mart, after all.
And I got trips, so clearly, I'm in the right. Holy Kek says so. Sorry.
As a drug addict who holds down a job and doesn't vote for meme candidates, I'm triggered.
I doubt trunp knows what democratic socialism is either but here you are ready to vote for him.
He's such an insider they pitted him against 17 establishment candidates and over 60,000 negative ads against him.
>we need national interest first then we could have your socialist utopia
So nationalism, then socialism?
I wonder if there's a term for that.
Who cares if some dune coons get "tortured?" You realize they burn people alive and drown them in cages, right?
>implying Trump doesn't feed off the bad publicity
Trump? Are you retarded?
silly newfag, Sup Forums see's no reason why mankind shouldn't be as cold as nature.
Because "bigger government' isn't an aim in itself for those people? It's about personal enrichment and empowerment.
Those in the medical sector have to deal with politicians all the time. Lobbyists and such. You don't want Congress passing a law systematically changing health care that affects the way that you operate, after all. Just ask the American Medical Association's lobbyists, and look at the money spent during the years Obamacare was passed.
Worst excuse for a trips post of all time, it's a shame that you took it away from a potentially decent post.
If Hillary picks Bernie as her nominee, I'll vote for her. Otherwise I'm voting Trump.
trump needs to fuck off back to ireland
Anyone whose been paying attention has heard that dumb shit Trump mouthing off like a baboon, its constantly on the media. The fucking moron doesn't think there's a drought going on in California for fucks sake. You really must be the dullest tool in your whole small shitty town to follow that simpleton.
You realize Obama and our allies in the middle east basically created ISIS, right?
That is exactly the kind of stuff that some of the worst dictators history was made of.