Has humanity fucked itself over by advancing too fast in our communications technology...

Has humanity fucked itself over by advancing too fast in our communications technology? We now live neck-deep in the global village, however we still have our parochial views and prejudices. Will we ever be able to actually communicate with each other?

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Will we ever be able to live together in peace? Are we destined to destroy each other because we can't see past our conflicting worldviews?

unfortunately there are some individuals who will never be able to connect with others

are we just bound to suffer?

the point of life is to find enjoyment in the rare good moments between bouts of suffering

You sound like a fucking Buddhist

>too fast in our communications technology
OP found our biggest worry for the future

>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

I think we will. It's going to take something huge. Another type of war perhaps, then all of us sitting down and realize how fucking stupid that war was.

It's like the story of the brothers that left for the Civil War. One fought for North, one fought for South. At the end of the war, they met at a bridge in opposing uniforms, cried and held each other.

They were so so passionate about it at first, then realized how fucking dumb it all was.


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