My little cousin is staying at home since a month ago and my life has become a living NIGHTMARE

my little cousin is staying at home since a month ago and my life has become a living NIGHTMARE

she walks around the house half naked, tries to sit on me when I am watching a movie, gets into my room at night constantly to the point I now have to sleep with my door locked...

basically she sexually harass me 24/7, yesterday I was super tired and when I went to my room she was there inside my bed saying she was scared, because some horror movie and asked to sleep with me in my small twin bed, she went super mad when I kicked her out.

I am 18 she is 16, cant move alone yet. I told mom about this and she just laugh and says is just a kid
what can I do, moving alone is not an option yet
pic related is her

Attached: 1514495779835.jpg (905x854, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pics of half naked as proof required

sex offender list too stronk

You know the rules OP...

pretty sure your cousin is a trap, op

Attached: DSTcS1FUEAEKBbe.jpg (900x900, 95K)

Let her blow you.

Basically OP has a free pass and he's cucking himself.

Copypasta and sage

Just fuck her be her first

Typical white mutt useless whore is probably craving dick since your drunk pedo uncle isn't around to pound her smooth snatch. She's gonna develop a drug addiction by 17 and end up homeless at 18, sucking niggers off for enough change to buy more smack.
Stick it in her butthole and move on with it. You're only young once.