Guys, these bumps have been on my scrotum for the last 3ish months and they itch. Wtf is going on?!!
Guys, these bumps have been on my scrotum for the last 3ish months and they itch. Wtf is going on?!!
Owen Martin
Jacob Myers
Can confirm its aids, i'm sorry user
Wyatt Cruz
Isaac Jackson
genital warts or herps
Ian Brown
you got a nice herpes outbreak there user
Jackson Young
Joshua Phillips
Thats the bcash virus
Austin Hall
Nigger aids and herpes
William Ramirez
OP here.
No blood, puss, nor blisters. Just these annoying-ass bumps that resemble bug bites, but are only on the god damn balls! It's hell yo!
Alexander Carter
Looks like you fucked a girl who had two aids but only used one condom. Next time you need to use two or more condoms to protect you from that many aids.