who is next?
Who is next?
still France
Italy. Voting for Pisa.
God that cartoon makes me cringe so hard.
Most blue pilled faggot shit I've ever seen.
Rome or Vienna
Anyways, all of it. Bye bye Yurope!
Ahh fuck you guys
Hopefully no one :(
Two countries showing solidarity to each other is bluepilled and cringy?
Be more of an edgelord
You were not invited to the party, so let's bring you up to speed. All your friends left to raid Europe, that's why there is no new shit on your sand or what ever the hell you use as a lawn.
Get fucked weedman
Nothing's gonna happen here.
we didn't let them in, so not here
Pretty sure we can take em.
Eh, chances are I'll be the next person elected into your cabinet.
After all, we want a cabinet that "reflects Canada", don't we Justin? :^)
Based Sisi is BTFOing muzzie fundamentalists. You need to get up to speed.
Hopefully us. Shock some sense into the British public. Or not. They're all brainwashed liberals. Russia should do some bombing runs here too.
because bowing their heads and crying is all they're doing about it. they'd rather have their people killed and their children raped than be called bigots.
This, I despise this. This is a parallel to cuckolding and to the neutering of the internet and to the Fine Bros taking over commentary and to TV: here is a nice little spot we have planned and prepared for you. Today, your place in life is to look down and cry. Maybe tomorrow your place will be to dance a happy dance that we have choreographed.
Now this I can understand and get behind.
Hopefully the grief will be a stepping stone to... whatever the next step is.
I got nothin, weedman sucks.
Then US will make an excuse to ally with them because they re the only great power left thats 99% white
We proceed to end all conflict around the world with brutal strength and fear
It will be an all inside job for trumps win too, hopefully
you've never met a russian have you?
When I was in Uni, we had a debate about the merits of the newly formed Egyptian parliament, this was after it was dissolved and reformed. The prof was quick to point out that the Muslim brotherhood had half the seats. I pointed out that there were seats for scientists and journalist, something our parliament lacks. We were out democracied by sand niggers.
Being Egyptian, is it better or worse than before?
I Only get a strange retarded bias here.
Your mum is next.
Well I'm actually an expat here. I think it's more of a so-so type deal. Some things have improved, while other things have gotten worse. One of those things being the trust between the public and the police.
Never trust anything. I can't shake the feeling I'm walled in somewhere and keep being told I'm on the good side of the wall. Like some brave new world shit. What's the other side of the wall like these days?
>vote to stay
>attack days after
>country wide regret
It would be so delicious
look, the Muslim is trying to make us be cucks
Well aside from the few months I'm staying here, I live in Cape Town, South Africa. Lived in that country for 14 years. Also lived in the US for 8 years so I got some perspective.
If you got a good degree/skill user, look into SA. The safe (read: white) neighborhoods are amazing.
Thinking about hauling ass to Iceland, I understand they kicked the redshields out.
Would never move to africa, I like snow too much.
>I like snow too much.
Shit man. I'm of Dutch descent, anything above 25 for me is fucking hell ;_;
France because there will be Yuro 2016, so a lot of potential targets like bars/pubs, city squares, stadiums and masses of people that will visit this country.
Then probably Germany or Britain.
Probably whichever country is most likely to respond to violence with navel-gazing so-sad fuckery like this picture instead of growing a pair and fighting back. So definitely in Europe somewhere.
Sweden on 9 July, then Germany on 30 August.
Then UK on 19 September
Germany again
>extremists attack your country, slaughter your people, destroy your infrastructure and spread fear among your people
>your response is to draw pictures of physical representations of the countries crying and hugging each other
>all the while continuing to pump your nation full of these people
these people treat terrorist attacks like natural disasters and not like an attack by a physical enemy you can go and destroy
what the fuck
Make it Poland, with no casualties. Then you will see a decent European country in action, as far as integrity goes anyway.
Crashing this plane.
Germany should have been last thursday, but the German federal police apperntly prevented it (or so they say)
Southern Ontario vs everyone else.
Get comfy.
>these people treat terrorist attacks like natural disasters and not like an attack by a physical enemy you can go and destroy
Hit the nail on the head, user. They don't associate Islam with fundamentalism, these are just "outliers" like school shooters.
If your first reaction wasn't nuke the sandniggers after that shit happened, and instead this pussy gay shit, you need to off yourself Mr WUZ.
June 11th, Marseille
Eurocup soccer match Russia-England
Screencap this.
Who cares about europussies
t. Pajeet from his designated shitting street:DDDD
honestly, when are you guys going full Deus Vult, i mean first the hordes of jamals and now you have to be cautious not to run into one of these suicide bombers...