
Now he's up there collabing with Lil Peep RIP



RIP he made girls look at their game

unironically a talented musician

F(uck off waifufag)

F(ellatiate a pencil, F(aggot))

Fake news. He's in the hospital and may very well die, but nothing's been declared yet.

indeed. Shame about the whole sociopathy thing.

You still payed respects faggot!


Thanks for the inspiration bud

not confirmed yet

I respect that there will never be a person so vile and horrid as him ever. So yeah, I'm happy he's suffering as a jewel in the crown of Satan.

There are much worse people out there than Manson. People who have fucked things up on a much greater scale and committed more atrocities. Manson is fucking small time.

F, he's dealing the cards and rolling the nickels in heaven now

Of course there is, but his death is only the beginning. One by one, every wretched human whose sole purpose is the degradation of humanity will collapse under their malicious desires, and soon, the Earth will return back to one again.

Lol dude, that's like some deep nondualistic hindu shit. Pass the bunt bruh xD

Can't believe he's really gone...

>mass murderer
But Charles Manson didn’t murder anyone

Let's address the elephant in the room
Does he get a sticky or no?
I say yes, it's fucking Charles Manson

"Suicide coercer" doesn't have the same ring to it.

No Petty No Manson in 2017

rip he'll be coercing murders in heaven now :,(

Dennis Wilson said he did

F, damn never thought id be upset by the death of a nomadic cult hippie