So whats the truth behind Trump & the judge?

redpill me on this

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you don't need a redpill for this

Trump is toying the media so hard. He's a political genius.

what exactly did he do?

it's just the latest move by The Don to stay in the curret news cycle. increasingly nervous reddit shills will make threads saying,

>Trump BTFO!!! It's ogre! How can he recover from pointing out an obvious fact that a hispanic judge is biased against him?

then this news cycle will end and The Don will produce some more banter to dominate the next news cycle. increasing nervous man will make more threads. all this does is increase trump's press and publicity. it essentially empowers him and makes him stronger.


Listening to what he said, he very easily could have been referring to the judge's La Raza ties, rather than his heritage directly.

The judge has already shown himself to be incompetent and biased against Donald Trump, in any event.

Judge is Mexican

Is that really hard for you to understand?

the judge has ties to the la raza lawyer association and thus has a conflict of interest in the case
Trump has kind of been hinting at it maybe he'll just come out and say so but the whole case is a non issue and it's better not to give shillary any more ammo

It's a work in progress

The judge is a member of a group called La Raza. La Raza is basically a domestic terrorist group that stands for the annexation of the Southwest United States back into Mexico by racially-motivated violence.

It's not that hard.

>Curiel is Mexican
>Donald wants to build a wall


No redpill required. All that is needed is a brain.

>Trump has immigration policies which affect Mexicans illegally immigrating to USA, also has proposed a temp ban on Muslims into the US until figure out a better screening process.

>The judge is of Mexican heritage and part of La Raza, a pro-mexican law group who also has ties with Clinton Foundation.

Just having Mexican heritage alone is enough for me though. It's obvious that if someone is proposing immigration laws that will effect Mexicans and someone (in this day and age where it's trendy to call people racist) is mexican, they could have a bias.

CNN will not talk about Hillary taking millions from universities and paying the money back 10 fold with taxpayer money

Born in Indiana. He's American.

The judge is a racist. If a white judge belonged to a whites-only group, it would be racist. Same with a Hispanic judge.

Member of La Raza, which is basically the KKK for Mexicans.

>t. jude

la raza is the equivalent to fucking black panthers or the kkk, how can these judge be on this without getting into trouble

To two Mexican parents retard

I think this issues is bigger than that. This judge belongs to exclusive Hispanic/Latino organizations. For some reason this is acceptable. But consider if a white judge belonged to:

>The White Race Lawyers Association
>The White National Bar Association
>The White Judges Association
>The National White Prosecutors Association

That judge would immediately be called out as a racist, and no one would doubt it. But for some reason it's perfectly OK for a Hispanic to do it. This is the same logic that allows Hispanic and other minority student organizations at universities, but not white organizations.

I'm hoping that Trump will eventually get around to making that bigger point. It would cause a huge furor, but in the end it would get lots of people on his side, because objectively it is not fair. Either racism is not OK for everybody, or it's OK for everybody. We can't have it both ways for different groups. That in itself is racist.

Trump wants to deport illegals back to their countries of origin and build a wall on the border with Mexico. The judge is part of an organisation that wants to bring in more illegals from Mexico and then murder all the white people in the south-west and succeed from the union to form their own Hispanic only nation called Atzlan. You can see where the allegations of bias might come from.

Would this be racist?

Read Pat Buchanan's article: