What causes these abnormalities?

What causes these abnormalities?

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>when tha blunt hit u

American-made bioweapons/eugenics.
As long as it's only targeting South America I have no problems with it.

It looks like when you smash a baby doll's face in with a hammer.

Hitler clone, when? When will scientists give us a proper Hitler clone?


It's really slippery in there and sometimes they slip out right smack down on the floor, so we sell it as a defect and fill up the ol' coffee cup with some more scotch
t. Doctor



too much Sup Forums




Holy fucking shit. It looks like a cartoon character got hit in the face with a shovel. Why go through the trouble of putting a bow on that baby? It's not going to distract or pretty up THAT. Jesus.

Nature sometimes makes mistakes.


how is she abnormal? she's a beautiful human being to me

No matter how you dress it, it's still a potato.





Cabbage patch kid.

fight me faggot.

I'm just throwing ideas against the wall here, but I think it's the completely flattened face thing. Or maybe the color of her eyes.

Probably the completely flattened face thing, though.

she's beautiful i don't give a fuck what people think is beautiful or not

Maybe in 18 years, you can marry her!

Drug abuse is degenerate.

It's like one of sticky little aliens you got from one of those 25 cent toy vendors at the front of the supermarket. You know, the ones next to the store brand soda machines?

i've been thinking this the whole damn time man

i don't like you at all

>What causes these abnormalities

Well what causes a human to grow into the shape of a human, and causes all the organs to take their shape, and all of cell differentiation? Tuft's University scientists, in the last few years, discovered that electric fields have a lot to do with this process.


They basically set a camera to observe tadpoles developing overnight, and had one tadpole embryo that happened to face the camera all night long. During this time, the camera recorded an electric field sweep over the surface of the cell which took the shape of a face. The embryo then GREW INTO THAT FACE. They hypothesized that the electric field changed which proteins the cells would synthesize. They confirmed their hypothesis by manipulating the cell membrane voltage in other embryos and caused different organs to be created in different areas of the tadpoles, like causing eyes to grow out of the back side of the embryo and outside of the head.

So to go back to the original question, what causes these deformities? Well, any number of things can change these membrane voltages. Perhaps it's weak ass DNA for an old dude, or old ass eggs from an old lady. Perhaps the woman's uterus is not an ideal environment and doesn't support a healthy electrically-balanced environment. The introduction of teratogens, or materials which cause birth defects, can cause this. Thalidomide was one such substance, and caused the arms to be absent in babies.

Imagine if this electric connection between the development of life and the Earth itself is more firmly established. What will it mean for evolution? Imagine a powerful solar or galactic electric storm sweeping the Earth in the past, more powerful than we've ever seen in our lifetime. Imagine macroevolution taking place in the span of hours or days.

That's okay. I don't like myself, either.

I like you :3

>Solar storm bot on creates happening but also fucks up children
Humanity will be fucked

Erdogan the kid.

holy shit its a Bothan

You know how women have miscarriages, usually early on? Most of the time it's because the fetus/embryo had some genetic defect, or something that was missing (segment of dna, etc) that would not be compatible with life outside the womb. And sometimes, despite natures way or flushing out a bad copy, the survive. This is the result. Not sure if you can genetic test for these Abnormalies Looks like cleft lip, possibly palate, missing a nose. Fuck this kid is just messed up.

It is not cool to laugh at a kid, what is wrong with you """people"""?

Kek it's a match

Inbreeding. White bois fuck their sisters and this is the result.

Is that real or a doll?

Wallace has babbies?