Post yfw Bernie ends his campaign tomorrow

>Post yfw Bernie ends his campaign tomorrow








And the lobbies ask for the millions back and he doesn't have it lol

it doesn't work that way, leaf

candidates can keep whatever contributions they want.

Uh they asked some one for the money back. I think it was trump if he was going to leave the Republican party. So fu

>can keep whatever contributions they want.

>By the end of March, the self-described democratic socialist senator from Vermont had spent nearly $166 million on his campaign — more than any other 2016 presidential contender, including rival Hillary Clinton. More than $91 million went to a small group of admakers and media buyers who produced a swarm of commercials and placed them on television, radio and online, according to a Washington Post analysis of Federal Election Commission reports

keep what exactly?

not funney should have ended months ago

>According to the FEC, as of March 31, 2016, Sanders had spent $168 million (leaving $17 million cash on hand), while Clinton had spent $157.8 million.

>So about $43.5 million of the small-dollar donations Sanders has raised has gone directly into the coffers of some of the world’s biggest corporations: Facebook FB 0.27% , Google GOOG -0.80% , and Verizon VZ -0.41% , cable and broadcast conglomerates like Comcast CMCSA -0.25% , radio station and billboard owners.

>bernie subreddit mods arent banning trolls anymore
bern it down



O shit MAGA

No shit. It's sad to the point that God damn TED CRUZ had the decency to drop out when he realized he had no chance to win.

Sanders doesn't even possess the human decency of Ted Cruz, I didn't even know that was possible.


>The Sanders campaign began taking steps late last month to downsize its operation. He reduced his payroll from about 1,000 to fewer than 400 employees. Sanders has pledged to continue in the race until the final primary, June 14 in Washington, D.C.

All these Reddit Autism bux will be lost like .. Rain

>not “O shit wallup“

>Insult me
>I don't care
>insult America
>its beat down time!

Who didn't see this coming, really? Besides oblivious bernouts of course

Nice one

>Sanders spent $1,659,181 on charter flights in February, according to the most recent report, a month when the candidate had to jet among the Super Tuesday states. By comparison, in the third quarter of 2015 former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush spent about $920,000 on private jets, and total spending on air charters in that period for all the candidates was $2.5 million.

He actually spent more than foolish Guac Bowl merchant, Yeb!

probably something like this

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in California ???? This is so fucked.



I would fuck her in half.


damn i wnated that free college

>Bernie ends his campaign tomorrow
whoa wait what!? Can someone explain this shit to me please? Im Germanfag and iv only been here for like 2 years and i dont get the politics yet, i just like Trump and hate Hillary.

Hillary officially hit the number of delegates needed for the nomination (as we all expected). Bernie is done.

The jew wont quit until he gets more contributions. its what he lives for.

KEK! Fuckin nice! All my hate goes to Hillary and i dont actually "hate" Bernie personally but holy shit i cant wait to see mass reddit suicides and TYTs crying like little little bitches. I also know a few friends / famly members who told me i was wrong when i said "Bernie is mathematically eliminated, he cant win" so that'll be fun.

Im going to start claiming i "love Bernie" and "im so pissed off that im going to vote for Trump"


I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what america you deserve this. you deserve a wall street whore. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed debbie wassermna schultz to do this, no one spoke up. Now she wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose bernie. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to canada but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty country with shitty debbie wasserman jew bitches. Fuck all of you

No, he needs to stay in till the very fucking end, to ensure a huge chimpout at the DNC.

I pissed a wall in my hole.

Can somebody link me this video?

You should, because Hillary will put everyone with German heritage in an internment camp for supporting Trump (because he's a nazi and we're nazis, so it must be).

>June 14th.
>My birthday is June 13th.

Watching Berniefags mass suicide will be the greatest birthday present ever.

>Sanders had spent $168 million

Tears tsunami tomorrow

that doesnt look like bill

>a bunch of whiny leftist faggots again got fleeced and scammed in a manner that dwarfs Anita and Kony 2012
>Donald J. Trump will make our greatest ally great again
What's not to like?

> when people say there moving to canada but i actually am

her?????/ check your pronouns you transphobic bigot

bye bernie!





I can only hope. Gone will be the days of stoners and failures rambling on about the gibs of the Bern.

The media will declare Hillary the winner even if she loses. All of the senators, the governor, the elections secretary himself, most of the mayors, and most of the representatives and senate endorsed Hillary. It's could end up being pretty rough tomorrow for Bernie.



where is this from?

Either kys or come to the light

from when trump became president

>Bernie be like


They already legalized shitskins to assault whites without deadly weapons if it is at a Trump rally and spew vicious hate speech

The international 3.

Its not over. Bernie needs your $27, again.

>No shit. It's sad to the point that God damn TED CRUZ had the decency to drop out when he realized he had no chance to win.

Cruz is still being a dick though, hanging on to his delegates. The fucking retard honestly thinks Trump may drop out of the race and he will swoop in and become the pick for november. This is how deluded Washington insiders really are.

Just donated $100 from my student loan.
Somebody match me.

I kept seeing twitter statuses and videos of Sanders saying "IT'S NOT OVER YET, WE CAN STILL WIN" just a few days ago

Why he think like that?

> this probably actually happened all over burgerland



Just put my entire trust fund into Bernie's campaign. Just got to hold off on Ramen noodles and Starbucks WiFi for 6 months!

God I can't wait for him to get BTFO tomorrow.


Looks like jimmy carter desu


Trump hasn't accepted money from anyone except in the form of payment for dank AF hats.

I don't why everyone here hated on the bernfags.

At least they made attempts to get what they wanted through force, something we pray to Kek we had the balls to do.

They fought with their fist, and we fought with memes. In the end Clinton and the DNC lost by showing their true colors

bottomless pit



Bernie's campaign died back in February.

Can't wait till Colbert does an episode of hungry for power games on him.

The salt coming from him will be delicious