Am I the only one who gets why people are mad about this faggot?

Am I the only one who gets why people are mad about this faggot?

> typical naive university student who lived in liberal norcal bubble for his entire life and doesnt understand how the world works
> finds a thot, does a degnerate dance with her and then drags and falls behind a dumpster
> realizes this was his "opportunity" and proceeds to sloppily undress her and fingerbang her
> Swedebros find this situation and tackle him
> he worms his way out and runs away leaving thot behind
> turns himself in with a statement. Then completely changes his story into something that doesnt even make any sense
> guilty as fuck according to the jury
> typical norcal liberal helicopter dad pleads with judge, writes sob story about his son coming home for snacks and argues that 20 minutes shouldnt dictate your life and that he wasn't violent even on that night (lol)
> backpeddals on this and says the 20 minutes wasnt just the fingerblasting
> liberal judge doesnt think sending him to jail for more than six months will do anything
> only recently we get this kids mugshot

The only thing is that, yeah, women should learn not to black-out drink and, yeah, other women should be much better about taking care of their drunk friends. It took some random Swedes to stop it. Other than that though, fuck this kid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Women can molest all the children they want and get off with a slap on the wrist

>Women can claim any guy under the sun raped them and get him locked the fuck up and destroy him

>Women alone aren't responsible for their behavior when drunk

>One guy finally gets treated how a woman would in the same situation

>Asses become utterly fucking destroyed

I don't even give a fuck, bring on the tears.

> feminists have utterly destroyed our legal system
> the solution is to accept it when guys act like women

It's no wonder Mudslimes are already taking over Europe. The leftists enable them, and everyone else figures that letting a rapefugee off the hook is a +1 for dudes everywhere.

No, the solution is gas them all but since fragile feelings are on the line here all that's left to do is watch the world burn. Like I said, bring on the tears.

Haha fair enough.

My problem is mostly this. So many Mudslimes go on with the ReligionOfPeace thing. When you point out how bullshit that is and use examples, they get mad about having to denounce shit or even get into full tinfoilburka mode and claim it wasn't Mudslimes but Jews/America/etc.

Sadly I see a lot of that with people like us. With the Johnny Depp thing there was reason to suspect bullfuckery and honestly beating someone isnt as bad as shoving pudgy fingers into their dry cunts, not that I really care about that degenerate. But in this scenario it's definitely some fuck with parents who donate to Democrats and RINOs who took care of everything and used liberal logic to give their son an amazing deal.

Maybe it affects me more because I had to spend some time in the bay area of CA and I know how people like these work behind their gated communities. Funny how the feminist narrative about "white straight men = rape culture" actually mostly applies to their "safe space" colleges and liberal circles? The rest of us are too busy struggling and hustling, just trying to survive, and not just seeking thots.


This whole situation was completely fucked. It wasn't clear cut and dry. The fact that he turned himself in out of guilt shows he has empathy unlike a lot of rapists. He seems like a good kid who made the wrong decisions under the influence of alcohol. He shows a lot of promise ergo no reason to throw his life away. Please stop making these threads

>they are the exact same size
I don't think so

anyway, I agree with you
the judge is a total cunt
this rapist should get the harshest sentence as possible, and I hope he is terrorized and raped in prison as well. every single day.

forgot to hit save

> Please stop making these threads

Shut up, Dan.

ok so if you were unconscious and some qt virgin girl rode your cock for 20 seconds you'd hope she gets terrorized and raped in prison? lol. christ

>he turned himself in out of guilt

> qt virgin girl riding your dick for 20 seconds
> somehow the equivalent of a manlet with jew hair shoving his pudgey fingers into your dry cunt behind a dumpster for 20 minutes

more like you pass out drunk and some landwhale sits on your face.

Huh he's not really a manlet but damn did he look like one in court. Did his lawyer intentionally try to make him look like a manlet to gain sympathy?

It's kind of worse because they put their genitals on your genitals. I'd rather a finger than a dick.

it actually happened to me (january 2010), and it was terrifying at first

then i woke up from the black out (of booze + xanax) and could consent and went on

still, i had >1hr of blackout beforehand and coudln't remember going to her place either.

>when you look so beta/ugly even daddy's money can't get you laid in college so you have to rape a drunk bitch in an alley and get legally cucked

This shit is on the front page every second so fucking annoying. Muslims rape little girls in Europe and no one bats an eye (they don't get any sentence).
Going off of what OP said, why would he turn himself in otherwise? He's obviously a good kid who just got caught up in a fucked up situation. If she was passed out then he was obviously so intoxicated he couldn't comprehend shit.

Well the female equivalent would probably involve a dry prostate rub in that case. But you are correct, finger > dick/vag in terms of this sort of thing.

Yeah this isn't HuffPo where many of us will screech about rape culture. If there's any place to actually have a decent and fair discussion, this is oddly enough it. I agree about the lack of attention about Europe. Doesn't mean we can't talk about this little douche.

> Going off of what OP said, why would he turn himself in otherwise?

You clearly have no idea how legal stuff works. In this certain situation the boy and.or family realized that he would fare better for turning himself in as he would possibly have been caught as the Swedebros had a good look of him and he was at the party being rejected by more sober thots.

girl got blackout drunk, she probably doesn't even remember anything.

it's basically a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.

wanna be this guy's lawyer?
he'll have a drink with you afterwards...

So some whore got fingers put in her vagina while she was unconscious? Why should anyone care?

The butthurt is worth it

> "I am triggered"
SJW still manages to make it about them,

>getting drunk and fucking some random guy doesn't make you a slit
>getting drunk and fucking some random slut makes you a rapist


>you're dad

Here's you're (you)

That family. His hair. He got off where a white person would go to jail.

It's a kike buddy.

>some dumb slut gets wasted and horny as fuck
>lets some popular swimmer fingerfuck her
>falls asleep on the ground like a retard
>is told she COULD have been raped
>decides to bank on it since the last guy she remembers was a famous loaded swimmer
>literally 0 seaman found, and zero bruising of the vaginal area
>only thing found was her cum on his fingers
>Jury fool of angry feminists vote to lock him up

Holy fuckin shit what has the world come to? When I was younger we used to get wasted and not give a fuck who we banged, everyone was horny as fuck and loved it including the girls.

if we go by the "can't consent after drinking" definition, I don't think I've ever had consensual sex.

Nah I get it too.
It reminds me of that faggot that killed 4 people while drunk driving and got off with a slap on the wrist because of "affluenza"
They're literal sociopaths that think they're above plebian laws and when the world comes crashing down around them they cry because they literally had no idea that's how the world worked.
Still though, the whole thing is blown way out of proportion when he just fingerbanged some worthless chick. She's probably had 3 miles of cock since then.

tl;dr Fuck it. Throw him and jail and let me never hear about this again.

the kid decided to act like a nigger, so fuck him

>"white privilege does not exist"

you do realize, this forever destroys Sup Forums's rhetoric?

I think Leo is talking about Muhammad Ali

slave morality, son.

Feminists like the case because it seeminglyconfirms their rhetoric and allows for easy moralizing.

>Judge up for reelection
>Gives lighter sentence to good boy athlete because it would, in the past, make him more popular and help assure his popularity
>Doesn't actually give a shit about anyone involved
>Fuck the justice system, give votes please
>"Rape culture! Cis white scum!"
Screaming words is easier than actually understanding where a problem might actually originate.

Aren't judges appointed to their positions for exactly that reason?

Sex outside of holy matrimony should be a criminal offence, as should be consuming alcohol to the point of drunkenness.

There. Problem solved. No more edge cases of is it rape or not.

Does the whole Ali thing piss anyone else off? I've heard hordes of asswipe lebniggers ranting about how he was the perfect muslim.

First, he was raised as CASSIUS THE MONOGAMOUS EMPEROR, not Mohammed the polygamous pedophile. Secondly, he was still certainly Cassius when he defeated Sonny Liston and became champion.

His bullshit was just a "i'm an independent black man who don't need no whitey" cuckout, not realizing that the semites he now considers himself amongst have done nothing but ill towards the nigger population.

>Sex outside of holy matrimony should be a criminal offence, as should be consuming alcohol to the point of drunkenness.
uh sure thing Abdul

>stopping a rape
Yeah this story just isn't adding up. Should've declared a mistrial

>it's basically a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.
you're kinda dumb

more like punching a guy who is blacked out drunk in the dick

*tips fedora*

Holy shit what is with all this faggotry? They were both drunk of their asses. There's no evidence that she didn't tell him she wanted it. Why would a rapist even finger a girl?

If you read her statement all the test they did after on her is what traumatized her. She doesn't remember anything. She just woke up and everyone was telling her she was raped.

those eyes - like the crazy Runaway Bride woman

>she just woke up and everyone was telling her she got raped

being a sloot does not qualify you for being raped. you made a bad decision and got fucked. dont cry after the fact that you got raped so your social circles will think you are a victim instead of a whore

what kind of person writes like this? are you high?


I live in Sacramento and half of my fakebook friends live in Santa Clara so I can't even check my messages without the top 10 stories on my page (which is filtered by Facebook's own """""algorithms""""") about girls saying how much of a travesty this is and that our legal system is so fucked up.

Yet these are the same people who have nothing to say about the large number of rape allegations found to be false, the wildly sexist divorce courts statistics, or the fact that over 40% of non prison rapes are committed by women (usually on other women).

It puts me in this awkward position where I totally agree that this guy should have gotten a harsher sentence, I think rape is a terrible crime and rapists deserve to be castrated, but then again my definition of rape is a lot stricter than "I was drunk", "I regretted it the next day", and "He touched my arm at a party".

I'm extremely distraught that this case is going to be used as the flagship for proof of a patriarchal rape culture for the next 5 years while a lot of other prevalent issues get swept under the rug. Disgraceful.

Couldn't agree more.

Here's the police report. Brock's story from the get go was that it started consensually, they took it outside, and as they were making out on the ground he began fingering her. He allegedly doesn't remember running from the swedes, and shouted for help as they pinned him down. The accuser woke up in the hospital with no injuries (besides a bruise from the nurses needle) and went back to sleep thinking she was in the campus drunk tank.