Only in western societies these whore make money without having to work
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They do work... that dick
Except prostitution and the like is generally frowned upon in America. It is a huge commercial business that is embraced in other countries. At least we look down on its degeneracy.
This is correct. Western culture allows women to be sluts and whores, and men are expected to not criticize women for their degeneracy.
We should have killed the feminists and the jews
That's why we hang em here
Is there even a better way to fix this problem?
>Is there even a better way to fix this problem?
Sell them to Israel and use the money to buy guns
>yeah cuz keeping up a body like that takes no work at all
you are so naive and full of resentment, puny portuguese
woman detected
Brazilian intellectuals...solving the world's problems one prostitute at a time
Allowing prostitution and ''women's power'' worked so well for Sweden and Canada
oh it worked in Germany as well
Women are responsible for electing a communist in Austria
>Blue is men, red is women.
based sideways mexico
Sauce brazil bro?
>angry sub human Brazilian advocating violence online
Lmao look man just because you are ugly and have no personally doesn't mean you have to hate women man. It's no ones fault but your own :)
Violence online...
I'm talking about handling the prostitution/jewish issue
Things are the way they are because lack of violence. Spoiling too much those sluts
>tfw fucking bitches on Tinder and hiring escorts every other weekend
you're going to end up hiring too many escorts from the same agency and their pimp is going to set you up one day watch it idiot
A jew negotiating the price for 1 hour sex
Things haven't changed.
Prostitution keep the masses distracted while the jews are taking over
>not work
If I had to fuck awkward creepy uggos all day, I would hate my fucking job.
>We should have killed the feminists and the jews
Naw just the jews, feminists can be reformed.
>implying the feminist are not jews after the irreversible brainwashing
No they can't.
Feminists are just women that haven't been properly fucked. Thats why they only date beta orbiters, they are terrified of a good fucking.
Actually the only thing that matters to women are money, even if it means fucking grandpas or crippled people forever
That may be. We definitely have different priorities as sexes.
"Between 1880 and 1939," notes scholar Edward Bristow, "the Jews played a conspicuous role in 'white slavery,' as the commercial prostitution of that era was dramatically called. Not only was this Jewish participation conspicuous, it was historically unprecedented, geographically widespread, and fraught with collective political dangers." [ 1]
"Jewish trafficking," says Bristow, "was anchored in brothel keeping, women freelanced or kept houses while their husbands procured ... Jewish traffickers also supplied Gentile-run houses."
- See more at: henrymakow.com
Women want security, sometimes its expressed in desire for money, others desire being with an alpha male.
I see no problem with this, women have a role. Feminists refuse to accept this role which is why they're all working in Subway or as afternoon baristas and are chronically late on their rent. They secretly desire stability with a strong man who can make money but like niggers...they refuse to give in to 'the man'
>Women want security,
Nah. They want easy money and people to look to their ass.
Anything more than that is pure speculation.
This ''security'' theory is another jewish psychology trick.
Take away their smartphones and social media and they go back to dishes
So tell your sister to move over here. I'll give her some business
jews see women as a commodity, don't fall for the jew hatred of women.
Women are a treasure and the very core of our society. Thats why men go off to war to die, we are expendable, women are not.
if you lose your women...you lost the war.
The jews want to reverse the roles, destroy the family unit, make women another commodity to be bought and sold and traded, with the men being the purchasers.
Resist the jew and his ways. She exists for you and you for her and you can't put a price on that.
>Women are a treasure and the very core of our society
I absolutely agree with this. As long as they are home and raising kids, they are the most precious thing in this earth.
Its because of fucks like you that women are being allowed to ruin society. They're just an inferior version of males. weaker, stupider, they act based on emotions instead of logic. Their only value is in reproduction
>Their only value is in reproduction
>As long as they are home and raising kids
Socialist education everybody.
>Their only value is in reproduction
Nonsense. Look at any christian webpage what do you see? A graphic of a happy family.
Women are the core of society, and unless protected from the Jew, can easily stray from the true path and end up with blue hair and a penchant for freebleeding and protesting.
The man's role is to protect his women and even serve as protectors of other men's women.
These are roles that have been around 200,000 years and have never changed, until the jew came along and saw an opportunity.
>huurrr durrrr how do we fix women?
Social policies: East London sharia law
Economics: Islamic communism
It's the true redpill yet Sup Forumstards won't accept it.
Your mentality enables women to feel entitled. Because of cucks like you, theyre put on a pedestal, and they think they can do whatever they want.
>they are the most precious thing in this earth.
This is fucking fedora tier faggotry. Noose yourself, cuck. We have enough weak submissive men as it is
Thanks Mohammed for that predictable little bit of input.
A fucking leaf. You elected Trudeau, you don't have a say in this anymore.
Islam is and was always the goal of communism
>Karl Marx was a jewish troll
He is right though. Women are good only making babies and raising the family.
>He is right though. Women are good only making babies and raising the family.
But women can't make babies nor raise their family without being protected by a strong stable man.
A real cuck is the one that looks at chicks with dicks on the internet while his wife is busy getting plowed by the mexican gardener and the kids are running wild.
It's pretty sad that you don't realize that the only reason you give a shit about women is because of your dick. If it weren't for the possibility of sex and physical stimulation, you would have no reason to defend women like some whiteknight faggot. By the way, women don't find that shit attractive. They're disgusted by men who are actually subservient to women. They want a guy who will dominate them, not one that will tell them how precious they are
Yeah, because islam is literally solving the world's problems left, right and center, right?
Fuck off back to the 7th century.
>without being protected by a strong stable man.
they don't need that much, they only want a strong stable man because the jewish media brainwash them.
If they have a men that is capable of having sex .. it's more than enough for them to feel happy and satisfied .
Islam is the answer
What a woman wants.. that should not be of our concern
What they want is what the jewish media tells them they should look for. Until we have a law that allow us to beat our daughters and wives we can't fix shit.
>says the third world country with an age of consent of 14, rampant child prostitution and human trafficking
Only in Brazil does a 12 year old girl not have to work or go to school, sells her body on the dirty shack filled streets and then births a deformed half nigger baby with Zika.
>goes from saying women are the most precious thing in the world to saying men should be able to beat them
Has the vodka rotted your brain away, pyotr?
Those white sluts will make Islam more degenerate than any other civilization.
Look what they have done to the beautiful Christian civilization.
Now imagine what they will do to the horrible Islamic civilization.
>he doesn't want Islamic communism
Pic related. London's current Muslim mayabd and Britain's future prime minister.
>supposedly hang prostitutes
>in the land of "temporary marriage"
sure thing pal, prostitution is literally hallal
Nobody here is going to listen your effeminate woman worshiping. Men don't want to be expendable or do anything for women anymore because do not deserve respect.
You betas are pathetic. All that unresolved hate for the world just because Lisa the Cheerleader wouldn't suck your 2" dick in highschool.
Jesus, the world is far simpler than your brain interprets it as. A woman wants a man, she doesn't want some boymanchild who is 35 years old and still owns an X-Box sitting on the living room floor. She wants a protector, a provider. I'm sorry but thats your role, you have to get a job, you have to protect your woman.
If you don't want that well become a dick sucking faggot, they have plenty of sex and zero actual responsibility, thats why they have fuck booths in their clubs so they're shielded from having real relationships.
I said in irony... "As long as they are home, they are precious"
As long as they want to have something more than having a house and raising kids, they are worthless.
You didn't understand me in the first place, socialist education Canadian.
Forgot pic
This is London's New Muslim mayor and possibly Britain's future prime minister.
No, you just don't have a very good grasp on the language, or maybe you're just retarded. Im thinking both
I thought he got arrested for supporting islamic terror, did the BritCucks let him go already?
It's not hatred for women you stupid liberal repeater
Women are degenerate, born degenerate. What a woman wants it's what the jewish media tells them they want. It should not be any of our concern.
>Women are degenerate, born degenerate. What a woman wants it's what the jewish media tells them they want. It should not be any of our concern.
Thats what a Jew would say. Caught ya, kike.
Times have changed and women have changed
Well I ucked all sorts of women in school, and still did the same before settling with my gf.,I do still think that sluts need to be shamed rather than promoted.
This whole "a woman wants a strong man bla bla bla" is another way of interpreting the jewish propaganda on western women
They should not desire anything but a family even if the man is a total beta. She should behave like the queen of the house in any situation
Because if we pay attention to what they want, we lose.
Based poland
Bruv, he could become our next prime minister, form Britain a union with Pakistan and Bangladesh, increase our army together, and then annex Israel and promote Palestine, while our huge british-pakistan-bangledesh army declares war on USA, if USA has any say on our Israel annex process.
oh please, have you even seen a kpop 'artist'? also its none of your business what people spend their money on and thats the beauty of the west and reason its superior to other cultures.
>calls me a beta after going on about how women should be put on a pedestal
You're not even responding to what i said. You're just have an autistic meltdown because your beliefs have been challenged. You sound like some faggot who sees real life as an anime. No, women don't give a fuck about having a protector or provider. They will leach off any man that they can, and theres more than enough opportunity to do that whenever they please. They're pretty similar to most men. Most just want to get fucked and act completely degenerate. They will latch onto some beta (guys that fill your description of a 'real man') and leech off him for money while they suck dicks behind his back. You would know this if you had any experience with women besides masturbating to them through a computer screen
Britcongs mixing with Pakis and Bangladesh indians
Oh my God you sound like a pathetic loser. All this spergy autistic rage and that .gif to go along with it. You should consider suicide, whoever you are. I'm not sure if you're a bitter femanon or an effeminate little dudebro, hard to tell. Regardless, suicide is the final solution for you.
You're fucking stupid
Women desire alpha men. Women want attention, and by being with a based alpha man who creates the attention, she feels like shes a queen who's being given the attention by being with one of the based kings.
Women hate beta males and nu males just as much as men hate ugly women and landwhales.
Kill yourself Catholicuck
>Women want attention
As I said earlier, what they want is not of our concern.
They should be satisfied with a man and family.
If we give them more than that we are feeding the Devil.
What does this mean, how do they set you up exactly?
No, women literally want attention. They want people to look at them.
No one's going to care about them (in their typical insecure female mind) if they're with a boring scrawny and quiet nu male.
The media (trend) promote feminist, nu male and cuck culture, yet women are still repulsed by beta men, and so they should be.
>They want people to look at them.
Well, keep giving them attention while they destroy our society.
We Catholics gave women too much attention and power and that's why now every "catholic" woman is a slut.
To me -- that is honestly better than the alternative.
I like the whole idea of the "Nuclear Family", but you get any more 'conservative than that, and we're in Muslim Territory.
So I'd rather what we have now, than Muslim bullshit.
I'd even go so far as to say, I'm glad we have gays and transgenders and such. Because if you think about it, no matter whether you agree or disagree with their life choices, in the end, that is pretty much the epitome of freedom.
Wouldn't you rather live in a free society than one where people are thrown off of buildings.
>Wouldn't you rather live in a free society than one where people are thrown off of buildings.
Just because a society disapproves of homosexuality doesn't mean it has to outlaw homosexuality or throw people off buildings...
did that for a few years and it left me miserable
That's my exact point, user. The west might have it's problems, but the way OP is reacting, it's exactly like some psychopath Muslim.
>hurr durr women sluts we should all wear hajib allahuackbar
>What is brazillian fart porn
Shut the fuck up retard.
This. Feminists were created by the Jews.
yeah but it doesnt mean we have to welcome gays and trannies. that type of degeneracy can still be discouraged without making it illegal. Sort of like 50 years ago
Don't the kids over there do that?
Does UK even have the force projection to take on Israel?
Where people were beaten on the street for being gay? Or police abused them?
I don't think that's good either.
Discouraged, yes. Violence and or abuse? No.
Depends. How high is the building?
This thing looks fucking awful. Disgusting nose, fucked up lips, sloppy body.
Why do degenerate Americans find this attractive and give Jews all the power to make media propaganda?
this is NOT a real quote from this show
no fucking way
Here is your (You)
Cultural Marxist feminists have been preaching this shit since the late 60's, it is to entrenched, we just need to ideologically cleanse all feminists from the face of the earth, male and female.
Did you just reply to yourself you giant faggot?
Of course it is. That's still tame compared to other stuff in this and similar shows.
You're so delusional you replied to yourself
Yes, turn them into Raliphate sex slave only
Would still fuck her hard.
>Women are just an inferior version of males
retards like you are how this gender-fluid shit took hold. They're inferior versions of men because they're biologically different. No fucking shit they are bad at being men. A woman's place is with the nuclear family, and it is there that she is valuable to society.
If they get paid to do something it is because there is a demand for it
And you have no right to prohibit people to pay them to do whatever they do nor prohibit them for accepting the money