Sup Forums, how do we save the next generation, or at least minimize the brainwashing? Vid related
Generation Z
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>Generation Z
You think millenials are insufferable, you wait till these fuckers get a voice. They will make Planet of the Apes a reality. People from two-thousand years in the future will think Charleston's Heston's character was a real person.
Is there any way to stop it or fight back? I hate to see people I love having to go through this
These abominations never knew life without porn video games gay pride and diversity. It's fucking over. You will not get off this wild ride.
I want to blame abuse of the Internet and media, but there are so many other factors
You don't. There is no way to stop this.
>less brainwashing
>teaches them to hate Jews
At least I got a smile from that ID
She seems to love Bernie Sanders, I don't think she's going to hate Jews any time soon :(
You're 4 generations late.
You could have stopped Women's suffrage
You could have stopped civil rights
You could have stopped mass immigration
But now it's too late
Why the hell are we not disliking these, this is just degenerate
I don't see any particular problem with this, just some boring suburbanites pretending they're interesting and edgy. Not much different from a teenager in the 90's, in less than a decade she'll melt into the boring office clerk / grade school teacher she was destined to be.
Yeah but the millennials weren't a good generation, we haven't had a good generation since the baby boomers came around
Break the internet.
Return to a life of simplicity.
It was a fun run, but this is for the best.
This is really the only option at this point. Sorry OP, but there's no going back. Civilization is fucked.
What makes something a "good generation" and what gives you the perspective to make that judgement?
Oh, I should've noticed this was a thinly veiled personal army request. Fucking summer.
Well these people are indoctrinated real early but one thing encouraged by Western culture is nicely seeking.
I know one kid who is a fucking Communist at 14 there is only so far to the left you can go. By 18 they should be fully pozzed. But that won't be edgy enough. We will reach a point where being a communist cocksucking faggot is just not enough to to punish your parents and society because your parents and society will be completely supportive of your lifestyle. Obviously this doesn't apply to women since fucking niggers and wanting to kill white men and cuck them is their ultimate form of rebellious liberating self actualization and always will be.
So a lot of the men will inevitably become fascists shitpost smug nazi frogs listen to Milo and Richard Spencer and become natural aristocrats. At that point Ahmed and Jamal will make up 50% of the population tho.
Novelty* seeking
Only the great happening can fix anything honestly.
I'm not asking for an army of anything, shouldn't have commented that. I'm just taking short breaks in between studying calc, exam on Wednesday.
The baby boomers led to the rise of a lot of the social degeneracy we see today, and much of the unrest can be traced back to the '50s/'60s. Freeloading hippies came after we peaked
I wish I shared your optimisms
it's just some vapid bitch who thinks her opinion means anything, what's the big deal
getting control over media and yeah jews and stuff
Guys c'mon if you had friends in highschool this is what you did.
The point of no return has been reached.
No fuel to go back and only hell is where we're heading. Only choice is to crash the plane now.
Jesus Christ it's like they all live in the 70's hippie movement.
Do they all act like this? What the fuck.
That's a pretty gross oversimplification of post-WWII society, which I think is the cutoff you were looking for, and I think you'll note that no matter how far back you look there was a lot of dogshit in every generation. Ours is full of it, but it's ours, so do something with it or fuck off. These people will eventually fade into obscurity and nobody important is listening to them.
I sure hope not, we need people to take care of society when we've done what we can
given all the 16 year old and below chads nailing their teachers in the news, I feel like they're going to turn out all right and fill in the gap left by the millenial's narrow shoulders.
It's become more and more common to live with your parents until you're 30, and if that isn't a sign of social decay I don't know what is
except they listen to nigger music.
Did you guys not have fuckin friends going up? They just seem like pussy versions of kids from the 90s. They grow out of that shit or turn into barflies, the only difference is now its being documented.
My only problem with these videos is that they seem to find every middle school task edgy as fuck
>shit this ankle deep creek is nuts indiana jones over here
>holy fuck three drops of tobasco on his tongue drink some water you madman
Theyre just fucking kids from the suburbs
Lord Kek. Why have you forsaken us?
solid memes
Indiana Jones holy mother of kek how did I miss that
>how do we save the next generation
Remind them they are not special.
Why were you able to find this shit when it's got something like 100 views?
Related to Stefan Molymeme according to Jewtube
gen z here, 18 yo. its very strange, alot of people my age have very liberal views and automatically disregard anything conservative as dumb. good luck gramps itt in not getting triggered when we're in charge
Youtube recent uploads through filters.
Tell me, why is everything funny?
When I was growing up, if you laughed at something odd, it was taken as a nervous laugh and you were treated as if you were some schizo.
really makes u think....
They're probably underage you leaflita
what are you talking about? only people that laugh at random shit are the forced quirky type. everyone else is dead on the inside
legal here
Just teens being stupid. Who cares? You all were probably assholes or lonely shits too. That's why you're here in your 20s wasting time.
if white people are this weak then they deserve to be conquered by muslims, chinks, and beaners
Agreed. Just young kids doing stupid shit. The world is a horrible place. Let life slowly crush their dreams and aspirations - they'll be shit posting on Sup Forums in no time.
>Those nails
>wife material
what did she mean by this?
Europe is getting poor.
Gen Z will be some of the first the riot in ten years or so.
War will kill their liberalism.
Also, aren't these just regular teenagers doing teen-stuff? I feel more sadness for their future rather than that I resent them.
House and rent prices coupled with wage stagflation have placed housing out of reach of many millenials. This is not something that we millenials (1980-) can solve by ourselves short of revolution.
Good luck with your society, whelp. Just realise that almost everyone becomes conservative as they get older and want to preserve the society they grew up in for future generations.
Nigga common core is going full decentralized if Trump wins. No more indoctrination for the new generations. The leftist agitators and communist organizers will riot and try all sorts of shit when Trump is elected, and they will be arrested and not allow to spread propaganda anymore. Think about how quick the mainstream media will shape up if CNN executives get marched out of their HQ in cuffs when they're linked to the Clinton Foundation.
honestly i think they will go full 1488 to rebel against their cucked libtard parents
tthis generation is lost. the next generation however will rebel against the stupid fucks the boomers put in charge. it is in a childs nature to rebel, being conservative will be the new trend
This right here. These faggots cant be sheltered suburban kids for ever. The waves of shit will eventually crash at their shores and instead of having that one token mexican guy as rich as them, they'll have 50 pacos and 50 LaDariuses selling drugs to their kids in their corners. Thats when they'll start wondering if voting for Bernie was the right thing after all.
That at almost any point in having vocal conversation with kids from your generation, male or female, they will always end their sentence with a literal lol. Over anything at anytime. Its equates to a nervous twitch or some sign of psychosis.
The new hire I supervise at work (lol) does it every time I ask him to do a new (lol) task. Even when he says, "Hello" (lol) he laughs, or replies that he will do something (lol), he laughs. I asked him before, whats so funny (lol) He said nothing and still laughed (lol).
Its extremely disturbing behaviour.
Being conservative already IS the new rebellious thing to do.
>People from two-thousand years in the future will think Charleston's Heston's character was a real person.
made me kek
Who are millenials? Are 1985-1990 millenials?
The Z must stand for Zika
sent :^)
you guys are finished. enjoy your v&.
Millennial here I'm probably more racist/sexist then you since I grew up in it and know more racists then you go fuck yourself cunts. 18 btw mods
Maybe it's just cause I'm from the best nation on Earth though. In fact more people are going to be "awakening" when they see the results of immigration in Europe and America. Just remember we're fucking full but we may squeeze in a few non cucked White Englishmen when shit hits the fan but that's it
kek. keep us updated user
>be zebra
>walk in group
>have big ass cancer on right leg
>walk slower than rest of group
>fall down
>delicous meal for tigers
>even hyenas get a part of dat booty
>rest of zebra group becomes better and faster
>mfw humans can't compete with fucking zebras
>eaten by
>opens to fucking Sleigh Bells at 90 decibels
yeah okay no fuck that thank you
Was initially surprised to see Interracial cuckold porn then I saw the flag.
Dutch people call lions 'tiere' which is basically tigers
Honestly I think Gen Z will be even worse than Millennials. We're in for a wild ride folks.
From my understanding, millenials are all the people who didn't reach adulthood before 2000
I was there when that noah thing happened.
How long ago was it?
huh... really makes you think...
idk about you but i cant watch this its mind torture
It got spammed all over back when I was still posting on autism-chan, so ~ 6-8 months.
Someone is producing these and selling them why are we not cashing in on our own ____nigger stickers
We have to leave some humans without internet. It just destroys the brain. Meanwhile, we will work on virtual reality that is just like being back in 80's America. Couple that with memory blockers and we can simulate humans while the AI superintelligence establishes itself.
>we're fucked
What birth year is the cutoff for Generation Z?
Japan-desu don't be mad, you'll get that chance at godly feminist pussy real soon.
Femishiima 2.0
Do you think she codes? I can't tell.
question is who are you in the vid becauase how else did you find this low count vid. Also they're no worse than the generation before
no but she 100% craves attention
I don't understand what's with all the hate?
She clearly shows a coat hanger somewhere around 1:10 and says "my mom should have used this".
Irony or not, that statement is true.
1996 I believe
Generally accepted to be anyone born between 1980 and 2000, depends on source
1982-2001. 5 years is much too short to be a generation which generally spans about 20 years or so.
2002-the current year
These dubs
Jewish swede.
Black and femis don't know .gifs
Wew lad
>barely passes intro to computer sciences course as a part of a gen ed requirement
>"shieeet maybe if i put deez stickerz people will think im a smart, intellectual, n progressive. god black wumin are so powerful n strong fukk white gurlz shieeet ooga booga"
>swedes in a nutshell.
holy shit, these people can't be real
[spoiler]I was born in the wrong century[/spoiler]