Now that Newt fucked up his VP chance. Whos the next VP choice?

Now that Newt fucked up his VP chance. Whos the next VP choice?

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Rand Paul is the only one who hasn't talked shit since Trump called him a manlet on live tv

jeff sessions will be the vp

Ben Garrison
Chuck Norris
Hulk Hogan
Robot Nixon
Charles Montgomery Burns
Resurrected Teddy Roosevelt
Any of the world class boxers he hung out with during the height of their careers.

how did he fuck it up?

What did the Moonman do?

If his VP is Rand Paul, my vote is secured.

desu I wouldn't mind another round of Nixon


Rand hates Trump and wouldn't accept. dad works for nintendo

He didn't show his loyalty to Trump and didn't defend him about Trump university.

Paul Ryan

why hasnt fox news mentioned once that spic judge is la raza
maybe newt didnt know the spic was la raza and was talking based on what he heard on the news which is, as always, "trump is raycis n shiet"

Pat Buchannan

>It's a MSM feign ignorance at all the facts to purposely make Trump look bad episode

These clowns have been honking the same horn for a solid year. Trump passed the post even faster than Hillary riding on a magic carpet of Arabian money and running against a comatose communist cuck pensioner.

Bob Cocker




I don't think it was a fuck up. Trump went to far. We see Newt call him out. We feel more comfortable with Newt as VP cause he will reign him. What we just saw would be a private conversation, but for drama was made public.

Sell me on this guy. What has he done to make him BASED?

>Now that Newt fucked up his VP chance.

What happened?

>Trump hasn't announced his VP yet


even Tapper said he knew the Mexican judge was a member of La Raza and that the law firm made contributions to Hillary's campaign

Alex Jones for VP
then we can all get kid-ease and water filters

He's doing it at the convention

Been saying the same shit about illegal immigrants Trump is saying for years.

Endorsed Trump

>We see Newt call him out. We feel more comfortable with Newt as VP cause he will reign him.


Is this the royal "we" or what?

Pat Buchanan, came out swinging in defense of Trump in his column today.

Fox did bring up the La raza group but they said it wasn't the same Organization.

went with the stream of all the Paul Ryan type republicans denouncing Trump for his comments against the La Raza judge

Bob Corker.

Hes one of those rare not crazy Republicans.

Nobody with half a brain did. Trump should respect that Newt isn't a sycophant.

This. If there is anyone else that's younger/female/minority that has the same views as Trump on immigration and trade, he'll pick them but that person doesn't exist besides Sessions.


La Raza judge habitually decides cases based on what his gang is named after. But pointing this out is racist, according to the people who call absolutely everything racist.

Hillary is going to cluck cluck cluck the same old song she's already been singing since a year ago. Her concession speech is going to be the same exact clucking and then so will her portion of The View once the winds of fate put her onto that show happily ever after.


He should just steal Ted Cruz' VP. Women love a winning man.

nah Rubio talked shit too

Jeff fucking Sessions

>Chances of being VP

Jeff Sessions
Rudy Giuliani
Susanna Martinez
Scott Brown
Chris Christie
Newt Gingrich

Someone with a vagina.


He dun goofed. Once you betray the donald its over. Hes always been a loyal guy.

Fuck Newt. He's not really a Trump supporter. Newt wants into the campaign to mess shit up. Just like Ed Rollins, they're both bad news. Rollins fucked over Huckabee and Bachmann's campaigns and then acts like he never knew them. I'll trust Newt when he admits he was a huge NAFTA supporter and that NAFTA was about trade with Mexico, which he still denies.

he's busy actually vetting people so he doesn't pull a Palin

Please for the love of Christ not palin

Palin was worth fucking though.

Nah. Newt is a globalist with a closet full of skeletons.

but muh moonbase

In all fairness Trump wasn't specific enough on his misgivings about the judge. I've seen the interviews. He was asked straight up : "Do you think he's unfair based on his ethnicity" and Trump basically said yes and he kept pointing to the judge's mexican ethnicity rather than the conflict of interest with the membership of La Raza and the Hillary campaign contributions. He fucked up

>Rudy Giuliani
I will vote for Hillary Clinton if this ultrashabbo becomes Trump's running mate.

>Newt Gingrich
Failed the last minute acid test.

Yes, I want Pitchfork Pat.

Webbhead reporting in.

Katrina Pierson a.k.a. my waifu

>Ur a racist for stating facts hurr! Please give me credit leftists! Didn't I do good? cuck cuck cuck - Newt Gingrich

>Hes one of those rare not crazy Republicans.

Probably because he's a corporate shill RINO

Honestly for a long time I though that the VP was going to be Allen West but I now I am not so sure.

I really hope he picks a Jew just to see new-level Sup Forumstard cognitive dissonance


Rand, tbqh.

I was blown away by how Trump managed to destroy everyone at the GOP debates (even Rand himself), but Rand was probably the best debater on that one Fox debate that Donald sat out.

Since GE debates are quiet and people shy away from applause lines, he'd need someone with Cruz-tier debating skills to take on Hillary's minority VP. Rand is probably the only one that comes close.

Why would he want Rubio as VP when he embarassed him so bad that the fucker's not even running for reelection?

Doesn't matter. Even Ben Carson did a better job defending Trump today.

What do you mean by globalist. Free trade? Sure. Open borders? No.

>Judge belongs to a gang named after race while spending any money he can on installing Hillary
>Clear-as-day conflict of interest
>Pointing this out is racist because southwest USA belongs to Mexico even after they sold it
>This is literally La Raza's only argument

trump's first endorsement from a senator

I'd love to see it, but Pat's too old.

As effective of a politician as Newt but not a globalist.

Whoever it is will become a world-wide celebrity over night.

Can you handle that kind of pressure and scrutiny, Sup Forums?

We are one before the great savior of Western culture.

But Trump hasn't pointed out the La Raza shit and I really fucking wish he would so this Trump U sideshow can stop. There's no way he doesn't know so I have no idea why he's sitting on it

Vice President Zyklon Ben would be a sleeper free-win button, like Vice President Truman. If NWO calls a hit on Trump, then Ben gets the codes.

Why the fuck would you betray the Donald? What was Newt thinking?


Maybe he's collecting a blacklist of shills who would know that and called him racist anyway.

I'd love a Goldwater-esque VP on the ticket.

>Whoever it is will become a world-wide celebrity over night.

He fucked up. Now all the news are using Newt words on him.

This. Trump attacked based on the judge's race, not the judge's affiliations. Big rhetorical fuckup.

probably he was thinking that trump should stop the incoherent whining about this judge.

Trump is sending the wrong message by focusing on the guys mexican ethnicity. He should be using the left's own playbook and focusing on the guy's nationalism and how La Raza is a racist movement

Yeah fair enough, I meant establishment. I'm just bitter about Newt after having thought he turned over a new pro Trump leaf.

Also a senior member of the Senate who could help him get things done in Congress (a stated priority for his running mate).

He's also one of the closest people save for Pat Buchanan to Trump philosophically on Trade & Immigration.

Downsides are that as an Alabama Senator, he has no crossover geographic or ideological appeal (not that Paul Ryan helped President Romney to carry Wisconsin in 2012 either), and it reinforces his blatant Southern Strategy 2.0 double down which could cause even further minority backlash in the General.

Also he looks like an elf with those giant ears.

>not a psychopath

That would make him a little too NY for most republicans.

All Trump really needs to care about VP wise is someone who can work congress, imo.

You're right. Trump shouldn't have called the judge a Mexican over and over, he should've called him a member of the racist anti-American organization La Raza

That is extremely relevant

This whole thing has really made me start to question Trump's competency. Why the fuck didn't he mention La Raza and why does he still refuse to? Instead of mentioning the judge's ethnicity he should be calling out the blatant conflict of interest with him and Clinton. What the hell is he doing?

He was saying all the things Trump has been saying long before it was popular or allowed.

maybe 20-30 years ago

I don't think that even he is that smart

>tfw one of your boys throw you under the bus

Everybody shitting on Newt now.



Because We'll already win New York, New Jersey and Ohio. Rubio locks up Florida and it's game over.

Nabisco ran to mexico out of fear of this guy.

Gingrich has always been a self-serving piece of slime. His butthurt is legendary in political circles from back in the 90s when Bill gave him the Rosa Parks treatment on Air Force One.

Joe Biden looks like a walking mummy but he still got picked.

Pat would make a great assassination shield, as would Rand.

Free attention.


He doesn't have to do anything else you dumb cunt. He made a factual statement and is letting the media do what they want with it. They know he's right, everyone knows he's right.

It's gotta be Rand. Trump would get a shit load of support across the board. Plus Rand stuck to his words and endorsed him once he became nominee. The two of them would be like Penn/Teller.


Ummmmm NO