This is what is on my Facebook now. I don't even

This is what is on my Facebook now. I don't even.

>using faceberg

top goy

If I'm still a racist no matter what I may aswell enmbrace it.

>Remeber you're racist forever
Yes goy feel the remorse


Whoa...It really makes you think...

If I'm still racist no matter what, might as well call them all niggers and lynch a few if possible.

why censor names? the whole "if you dont censor names the thread will be culled" meme is bullshit

>calling people who are not white essentially "colored people"
>this is a-ok

Why the fuck are you retards ALWAYS censoring their names? It just makes it harder to read and there's no reason protecting these people.

When someone on the right says something dumb no one is hiding their name. They will post a screenshot with their name on it, and that person is going to be shamed until they go away and erase all traces of them online.
When a leftist posts stupid shit you idiots protect them because someone might send them a mean message on facebook and hurt their fee fees.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Fucked up cucks. No wonder you're a loser.

>censoring names

>10 ways your opinion as a white person doesn't count


if you're going to do the time anyway you may as well commit the crime. and enjoy it.

>What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's 4/pol/, faggot, where everyone likes mod dick in their ass.

>number 10
>you're a racist because we say so

Literally 1984 tier shit. Why are these idiots taken seriously?

so according to 10 you are racist no matter what for being white so then what is the fucking point of following 1-9?

Idiots take idiots seriously. When you have a large enough group of idiots and you disagree with them you're seen as the idiot.

Part of me want to refute anything, but she's such a mind-addled liberal it wouldn't get through regardless.

Her number one crusade in life (as a non-binary gender) it to degenerate my town by passing a law ot allow femiwhales and... regular whales to go shirtless.

Only 20-something progressive university student retards take them seriously. A lot of ordinary people are getting sick of being called racist for no reason.


>10 ways you can actively support an institution that resents you existing and seeks to disenfranchise you at every turn

+ 1

>dat last point

Well fuck man. I'm racist. Fuck it. I don't want to hang out with POC.

That's very minimalist.

The problem is, I was raised in a liberal democrat household, learned my whole life to be colorblind, bit now that I see this crap it makes me racist. Humans have this animal instinct to fear "the other," so we are racist by default, and it takes education and environment and so forth to avoid these feelings, but now these so-called "anti-racists" have inadvertently brought this crap to the surface, undoing decades of conditioning in me. This whole business of reviving the us-versus-them crap can only be counter-productive. But I'm and ignorant honkey so what do I know?

Said by a PoOR person.
That's the new PC term - People of Over-representing Rape

>censoring names
Go away reddit.

>1. Take up minimal space during anti-racism dialogues and protests.

This group or page or who/whatever made this needs to be infiltrated and protested in the name of fatphobia/fat hate/intolerance to POS (people of size). They won't be able to win.

Like you'd do anything with the names.

Whats going on with that "minimum space" thing?

I wouldn't. So why censor it?

>Never invite people of color to the table for the sake of claiming diversity.

Can we exploit this? Doesn't this go against current leftist immigration policies?

Wouldn't wanted as being misconstrued as encouraging a raid or some bullshit?

>animal instinct to fear

So you admit that you are the throwback, that you're the monkey man who represents our rat heritage. See, some of the human race is growing up, and some of it is deevolving. Are you sure you know which is which, Sup Forums?

>Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.

It reads like fucking parody. Eventually people will wake up to this ridiculousness. These infographics cripple their "movement."

Just say you're a white supremacist. It literally doesn't mean anything any more

The media and the dishonest left are going to do it anyway.
The pic claims that you're racist no matter what, so it really doesn't matter what they call you.

If I am sharing a pic of someone saying something stupid, and they go ''WOW!!! RAID RAID RAID!!! HE'S RAIDING! I AM BEING DOXXED!!'' then they're the one who have a problem. I am just sharing a picture of something someone said.
If something like Salon or Gawker starts shit you simply have to point out that they are doxxing people on a daily basis. Whenever someone says something ''racist'' they post their name online without any issue.

Pretty much catholicism
>recognize you're born with original sin
>recognize you'll always be a sinner
>only try your best to revert this by pacifism and self sacrifice

1) I don't go to anti-racist stuff, soI have no problem with this.
2) If a person owns something, they should do whatever they want with it, so long as it's legal. Don't like it? Outbid them next time.
3) Microaggressions are mostly POC being thin-skinned over bantz, a decade after I hear the last "white people can't dance/jump/make love" crack I'll stop making fu of you. Also, what's with black macroaggression? Tone that shit down or stfu.
4) I don't invite black people to the table anyways, I don't even like black waiters coming to my table.
5) If you can't say anything to your friend, he isn't your friend.
6) Yeah, even though black people who act white are the most successful and happy black people in the world, we should know better than to pretend 95% of niggers could ever attain that level of lawfulness. Agreed.
7) Their racism isn't blind hate, it's justified through experience. To call them out on it, I have to explain why it's ok for black people to commit crime, not tip, rape, etc, and I just can't do that.
8) Yeah, I know, diversity = special snowflake, but much like the people with their own made up gender, I just can't bring myself to care about your made up issues.
9/10) If you decide on a solution without consulting 60% of the population, it better just involve you and yours. Which, to be honest, it should, since black people and their behavior are the source of almost all modern racism.

My reply is this:

The key idea is that the new moral culture of victimhood fosters “moral dependence” and an atrophying of the ability to handle small interpersonal matters on one’s own. At the same time that it weakens individuals, it creates a society of constant and intense moral conflict as people compete for status as victims or as defenders of victims.

(B. Campbell, J. Manning; "Microaggression and Moral Cultures," Comparative Sociology, Volume 13, Issue 6 (692-726)

Had to go just collegiate enough to trigger.

>recognize you still racist no matter what
this is just a free pass to make racist jokes, why are not more people taking it?

>make racist comment
>user!!! why are you saying such things???
>point out list

>implying niggers can grow and evolve.
Go to africa mate, they still have shit-mut huts as homes....just like 2000 years ago.
good joke.

no negotiating with terrorists

Dony know about you, but I always read POC as Piece Of Crap

Also this is both "art" and "activism."


>10 Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.

The only one worth following.

I seriously thought that was a guy until I noticed the tits.

POC is such a dehumanising term.
It's hilarious.

You know the feel when you just lost everything and can only laugh? I just did, lost my house, kids, car and job in a single afternoon. My wife cheated on me, I took her to court. Her boyfriend paid for someone out of my league and I have nothing. I come here and see this shit and I can't stop laughing. How insane is everyone not on this board right now at this very moment. To make a post like that. It's like for the first time in my life I'm grounded in reality

1). I'm not even fat? Otherwise literally muh man spreading
2). I don't get it, aren't the liberals the one gentrifying?
3). No one ever did this to me
4). Muh segregation
5). What are you even talking about
6). It must be literally OK to loot and vandalize property then right?
7). That's not my job
8). tl;dr only black lives matter
9). I never even wanted to take part in them
10). I'm only racist because I think #BlackLivesMatter is a hate organization lead by a child predator that condones violence against white people

t. Non-White


White liberals are the most racist peoples on Earth.

I'm not kidding you, they literally expect us to be their puppets of the stupid PC agenda that they shove down other peoples's throats. But it's also that sometimes POC just means black people so that itself is racist.

2 and 4 are on point. Let the faggots attack their own kind.

Because nowadays we mostly refrain from using violence against such vitriolic groups and we have something called freedom of speech.

We been to accepting of these subversive groups and they'll get their due.

10 ways you can actively become a victim of racism

1. Loot the city, kill each other then call it a protest
2. Stop contributing full stop
3.dont listen when a police officer says Freeze or I'll shoot
4. Never let a white barber cut your hair
5. Refrain from learning to speak properly or integrating with society
6. Bring up event of racism that happened generations ago - explain to the white folk that they owe you but give no specific details on how much or for how long.
7. Call your hoes, niggas and your dealer on how degrading, racist and oppressive white people are - even when not relevant to situation
8 fail to understand that anti racism work involves realising you're part of the problem
9 realize that discussion about race are in fact racist
10. Recognise that vining is not a realistic career choice

Maybe black people should have better pictures available? Does anybody have that screenshot of somebody onTwitter whining to news channel about picture they used for a black criminal?

>waaaah stop gentrification
Hey if the niggers want to segregate themselves then I am all for that


Honestly this. I never really cared about race until I started experiencing things for myself. Then it really it the fan once this progressive bullshit took over and they turned me much more racist than I ever was.

Their retarded anti-racism actually made me more racist.

why did you censor the names OP

So how exactly court justified her cheating on you?

>being a white male in the current year
shit goy what are you doing

>Take up minimal space during anti-racism dialogues and protests.
I do this by not attending.
>Never invite people of color to the table for the sake of claiming diversity.
I agree, affirmative action should be banned.
>Recognize that you're still racist. No matter what.
Yes, I am. I think niggers are violent apes.

I can get behind some parts of this list, desu.

>4) Never invite people of color to the table for the sake of claiming diversity.

But when you don't do that they yell at you for not being diverse enough and "silencing PoCs".

You literally cannot win with these people.

that wasn't even the first pic released of little tray tray. the first one was the one from when he was 13 with a big smile on his face. the one they're claiming to be the first picture in that image is in fact shopped to hell and back to lighten his skin.

forgot pic

that sack of shit stole a heart transplant from a decent person too. you can see the scar in the first pic. he had a juvenile record and a history of not showing up for appointments so doctors decided he was a bad risk but his family screamed racism. dead two years later after wrecking a car he had jacked while being chased by the police. a fucking nigger.

>yfw SJWs would have been preachy Catholics decades ago

Post yfw qt 3.14 aryan would be nat-sco girl dies so that nigger can live.

oh um... okay

Probably not, nigger hearts are more likely to go to niggers because of compatibility.

Against all leftist beliefs there are races and they are different, and it matters in medicine.

I didn't know this as a fact but I wholeheartedly believe it. I know they're susceptible to a whole host of diseases that others are not.

But we's all the samze on the insidez, nah?



Every word of this. Fuck you censoring SJW losers. Get the fuck out of here.

> 1
I don't go to anti-racist dialogues, so I meet this one perfectly. I take up the *minimum* amount of space
> 2
I'm in university, so I don't have the capitol to contribute to gentrification
> 3
I always listen to when people tell me I'm committing a microagression or being problematic. I then tell them to shut the fuck up and stop being cucks
> 4
I don't invite pocks anywhere
> 5
I don't use ghetto speech, since Aussie slang is superior, mate
> 6
I don't use pocks as examples of anything beneficial, since I do law
> 7
For some reason, my family, friends and so forth all jump all over this anyway - they keep asking me why I'm saying things so right-wing, or not being fair to pocks, it's amazing. Check
> 8
I understand anti-racism work isn't working. Check
> 9
Very true. #buildawall, and I'm not even in America!
> 10
You got it boss!