What happens if he gets rid of Sup Forums? Because he seems like the SJW type to do so.
Do you guys even have a home to go to if this place ceased to exist?
What happens if he gets rid of Sup Forums? Because he seems like the SJW type to do so.
Do you guys even have a home to go to if this place ceased to exist?
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I'll just shit up some other board.
Since when do people care so little about the freedoms of others to express their opinions?
The jews fear the samurai. He will never let the jew remove Sup Forums
He already said he wouldn't on qa and was rather based about the whole thing.
I know there's a screencap somewhere where he says that he wants to keep Sup Forums for the same of discussion. He was in a GoT thread and somebody asked him about us.
The Samson option.
We'd all disperse, shit up other boards for awhile before settling in Sup Forums.
We did what we did last time
Half of us shit up /r9k/ and the other half went to hotwheels
He's better than m00t, don't dishonor the samurai.
/pol is satire
nah mate
Is it really that inconceivable that some fucks here are serious about what they're talking about it? I know it's hard to believe, but some people are genuinely that stupid.
Hiroshima Nagasaki knows what's good fo him.
We go to /mlp/ driving the horsefuckers out to the rest of Sup Forums.
>getting rid of Sup Forums
why would the CIA get rid of their yet greatest honey pot?
Devilish. A lot less passive than going to Infinity.
I doubt hiroshima would do that.
champion of the people, Those leftist shills would even try to corrupt based hiro when pol is one of the fourth most popular boards in Sup Forums.
It would be extremely painful
I bet moot will cry when he see this.
>I choose interesting Sup Forums more than profitable Sup Forums
based AS FUCK
Already decided last year with all the board shenanigans that I'd find another backup. The forums are great with mods to keep reddotards and bbc posters out snd there's alot of community projects to participate in.
> "If you delete Sup Forums, Reddit wins"
I never get to see Hiro post, what board is he on the most?
So, you're basically looking for a hugbox.
Pretty sure he already said HE WON'T DELETE Sup Forums
An hiro is trullly a hero
Cripple kike bailed and now Hiroshima's old partner owns disabledchan, it's done for so we couldn't run there anyway.
But that's correct. You're memeing all wrong.
Sup Forums pulls in so many users that i would be stupid to delete it. itd be like cutting off the right arm of Sup Forums. then you have the sampson option where we invade /mlp/ and i dont think hiro would be ok with that
the only thing they can do is what they are doing currently. slide threads, post b8, and try to destroy dialogue here
He's probably the jap that makes all those based posts.
I'd love to see the Samson option in action.
>Because he seems like the SJW type to do so.
Based on what?
>profitability of a fucking Internet website
The JIDF isn't real, guys, it is not real!
You should take a knee tonight and pray, user. Pray for yourself, for your family, and for your mothers cunt.
No one loves you, not even accidentally. No one thinks about you. You are a pain to those closest to you when they must admit your existence. Not because you look like a fish, or that your voice is annoying but because in acknowledging you, they must admit how low humanity can be. They look on you and hate themselves for how low the lowest rung on the ladder truly is and that they are so close to it.
Do the right thing, user. Practise your 360s and walking away but tonight, commit sedoku.
We don't love you. No one could ever love you.
Is there any truth to the allegations that Hiroshima is a card carrying Scientologist?
Because if that's the case then we are all FUCKED.
dunno. usually see him on /qa/. hes not bad to be honest, i got him to remove WWE from Sup Forums which was needed. he actually will listen if you dont shitpost
Sup Forums would just take over other boards until their demands were met.
why would you get rid of Sup Forums its a board of peace
He's not that stupid. He knows it's better to keep everyone in one place than to spread them out.
We already control other boards. We are the backbone of this site.
We did it when moot cucked /pol it was glorious.
God bless
I think he was on Sup Forums once. He likes game of thrones.
I don't do it for YOUR pleasure I do it for MY pleasure.
I wish I was here to see it.
>he seems like the SJW type to do so.
His original chans were all really far-right, but he opened a communist board after enough pleading. He seems to not want to do that again, though.
I think, like most otaku, he probably doesn't give a single fuck about liberals.
Wow that actually gives me a lot of respect for him.
they're not getting rid of us.
we're a containment board.
without the containment board, we fuck up other boards.
they know this.
>Sup Forums killing this site
How? This board has generated an insane amount of memes and publicity.
There's no way to disband Sup Forums, even if the board was glassed. KEK has manifested, 4 of clubs, memes, etc. Sup Forums is now a force of nature
oyy guise the NSA id forcing me to keep some boards up so they can monitor the users, let's just pretend that I'm a hero or whatever for fending you and everything is aight ask no questions goy ;)
Good new Sup Forums is literally cancer full of rebbit, newfags, and underage
No the fuck you don't. It was the most annoying fucking thing I've experienced on Sup Forums and Sup Forums changed afterwards.
I remember sitting here drunk one night and unfucking the catalog with the edit feature in mozilla so I could pretend Sup Forums was back to normal.
/pol is one of the largest boards and generates a lot of traffic.
When it became popular to be chivalrous.
Silencing dissenting opinions became the new 'laying your jacket over a puddle'.
>JIDF waving other people's money in front of Hiro
>he doesn't take the bait
Based! I like him more than the old one.
Considering chivalry is pretty much Sup Forums, it's best to call them fedora SJWhores
Hiroshima is GOAT
It was fun when it was on, but Sup Forums changed afterwards. Suddenly this place got a lot less fun and everyone seemed angry most of the time.
Hiro is way mo betta than m00t eva was
I swear this guy is much better than that SJW sellout Moot.
This. Sup Forums is the most influential board at the moment.
Based on how anyone who disagrees with my opinions is an SJW retard, obviously.
He's a good man
>People will actually believe this
>Linking a video of the guy that ran away from his e-fame TWICE
Reddit please
>His argument towards X issue is invalid cause
I didn't know libcucks hung in this board.
mook > moot
For you
whatever, PM of Canada is handsome man.
He has an attractive face and figure, and good personality.
No one can defeat him desu desu.
Moot leaving and he coming is the best thing that happen to Sup Forums
Libcucks hang out on Reddit and you need to go back.
Take (((Milo))) and the rest of your alt-right normalfaggotry back with you.
newfag detected
moot fucked with Sup Forums all the time because he loved us & it made the chanology type chicken littles self-deport
we would literally ask him to do it in IRC when the newfag chanology OMG GUYZ LETZ GET ON BOARD WITH THIS CRUSADE FOR [X] kids got out of hand
and then they'd all start freaking out over the "cuckolding princess kahren" or "i am a robot" and blame it on the jewluminatti conspiracy and go to that other shitty board
it was great
If it gets shut down how will JIDF make money?
Simply regroup on /x/ and have those fruits paranoid that the illuminati is finally taking over.
8pol desune
you can already hear M00t crying
one that's actually working on trying to make things happen for the happening. Make posters, design, podcasts or code jew trackers.
get involved intead of complaining about the kikes,SJWS, or feminists.
But the alt-right meme is the biggest circle-jerk on Sup Forums, user.
I don't think that it's a silly request.
Those shitstains that want Sup Forums deleted are delusional thinking it'll make Sup Forums look good to advertisers.
It will also make all the other big boards 50% pol, I already see crossposting all the time on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
>newfag detected
>Jim said a thing so it's true.
>Jim is never wrong.
>Pls let me suck your cock Jim.
I like the guy, and his concerns were valid at the time, but at this point it's fair to say that they didn't pan out.
this guy has been a surprisingly good admin.
if only he would raise the file size limit in /wsg/ and /gif/
But imagine, it'd be great.
They can't oust us as Sup Forumsacks if there is no Sup Forums left to return to.
Or just allow sounds on webms on all boards.
an hiro an cute
>wanting a bunch of screamer vids posted everywhere
no thanks