What do you usually do while listening to music?

What do you usually do while listening to music?

play with foreskin


browse this shithole

Play some dm on CSS

touch my pee pee.

scroll through Sup Forums

Damn you niggas don't have very interesting lives.

its not a contest jamal

foreskin with pee pee play on Sup Forums

Read about the album or piece I'm listening to, context matters plebs.
Sit back with my eyes closed focusing solely on the music.
Good to see I share a board with utter plebs who do things other than the two I listed, plebs.

>he needs to look up the context of the album
and you call us plebs, huh?

If it's a new album I usually lay on my bed and listen with my eyes closed

>implying context on music is not crucial to truly understanding and appreciating the nuance.
I bet you chose what you listen to based off the cover don't you user?

drink whiskey and cry

Ρωμ ;

I could understand the album just fine without looking shit up thank you, plebfag

mostly while driving, reading, vidya, with normie friends, or touching foreskin pee pee Sup Forums

Driving if in car
Browse Sup Forums, tumblr or scaruffi if at home

Cooking, working out, driving

I usually only listen when I'm going to and from university, otherwise I'm too occupied to enjoy it fully

It takes an hour there and back so I usually download 2 albums a night and then listen to them on the bus the next day, it's great and makes me not hate the commute.

If it’s for anything but porn you need have to go back

play doom

it can be nice to look at pictures of the band you're listening to on tumblr

Stick to describing music as "I like it" and "I don't like it"

You are too busy looking up what brand of toilet paper the drummer used to wipe his ass during the sessions of making the album to actually enjoy it

Is this really what you think context is?
No wonder you're this much of a fucking idiot.

Why cant you understand the context in the actual album instead of the band spoonfeeding you? pleb

Is this really what you think context is?
No wonder you're this much of a fucking idiot.

Maybe you are the one that doesn't,
>fucking idiot
I can call you names too, watch this...Pajeet

user please, you're embarrassing yourself. Read about your favorite album, I'm sure you'll gain a new appreciation for it in some way or another.
However, to reiterate.

ok quit sperging out and calling me a fucking idiot I dont appreciate that, I dont see anything in my posts that suggest that I had the wrong definition for 'context' that you are talking about.

either drive or work outside.


Drive, clean room. Gym


why would you want to do something particularly interesting while listening to music?

walk, shower, roll cigs, work, study. pretty much everything is better with music

Try and play guitar over them.

I completely fuck up the solos without fail.

lying on the bed with my eyes closed, looking out the window, crying

70% of the time: ride my bike
30% of the time: Lay in my bed with my eyes closed and headphones on

me too

biking with music is probably the greatest invention ever

Sit on the couch and stare out the window

It's all i can do to survive with this fucking major.


Not to be a faggot but isn't that kind of dangerous?

Pace around the room and look at the floor.

>do push-ups
>go on Sup Forums (not necessarily this board)
>lie down or sit in front of the speakers for optimum listening experience
>read the little booklet that comes with the album with all the pictures and lyrics
>read songwriting credits
>look at the record rotate while trying to calculate the linear velocity of the record without using a calculator or paper

I don’t listen to music

i swear this whole exact thread has literally taken place before

>listening to music that is mainstream enough to find any information about it at all

I just listen to the music