>Implying you lazy spoiled brats would actually do the jobs that these hard working immigrants do
The U.S should be at least 85% white
That's not to much to ask is it?
Why? What does skin color have to do with anything?
Agreed. Probably 90% minimum to be safe.
race is more than skin deep
No it is not. Science disagrees with your neo nazi beliefs. Read a book.
Blacks and Mexicans statistically cause the most crime in the United States.
That's because of socioeconomic status, not because of their race. Educate yourself, kid.
middle class blacks commit just as much crime as poor whites, though. Most gun violence is due to blacks and gang violence, along with rapes. Being poor didn't force them to rape and kill.
Do you have any evidence for that??
you should read a book
Science agrees that their are inherent differences between the races when it comes to intelligence
intelligence =/= IQ points
minority IQ has literally GONE UP the last 25 years or so.
Yes there are differences in the races but jesus christ, IQ test mainly asses your ability to read and predict patterns if anything. not straight up IQ.
>flooding a country with dirt cheap migrant labor is a good thing
>intelligence =/= IQ points
your feelings don't change this
Simple FBI crime statistics show blacks commit crimes per %. This is basic shit. Google isn't very hard.
We should make 95% just to stay on the safe side.
Its because it hurts the lower class. They destroy the lower classes ability to compete and drive down wages. So implying that doesn't happen, sure your theory works I guess??
What I stated is a fact
I don't even believe in race but how would be possible for selective pressures to create human populations that look different including in cranial size without effecting genes not related to physical appearance?
I would do them for a fair wage, but illegal and legal immigrants keep the wages low.
>ability to compete
is it really the Mexican's fault most nigs and Americans are fat lazy fucks?
>more white people living in poverty than niggers
>niggers commit more murders than white people
Socioeconomic my ass.
>Unskilled Boomers and Gen Yers stuck in the same dead-end minimum wage job for years ask for an increase in the minimum wage so they can live off of it
>New unskilled workers can't get jobs because employers don't have enough cash to hire new employees, and they can't fire the old workers without cause
>Illegals also do unskilled labor under the table for less than minimum wage
>New unskilled workers can't compete since they have to work for minimum wage or get assfucked by the feds
The lesson is, get an apprenticeship. You can't make it as an unskilled worker in this age because of boomers who failed at life, and illegals.
Being poor is no excuse for bad parenting.
I think that girl is really pretty and I keep seeing her pop up everywhere.
shes mexican #buildwall
Fuck america
maybe not, but why have 1000 on welfare for the 2 jobs that need to be done?
I already work 2 jobs. It isn't me who needs it, it is the welfare niggers. Can't complain about not being able to get a job when 11-30 million just opened up.
Im a scientist and I disagree with you
Quite right.
We'd build machines to automate those jobs.
Their existence is holding back the future.
Nice dubs but what are these mysterious jobs americans wont do? I have always thought this was stupid. its jobs americans have to get paid for more.
Your going to have to shill harder than that faggot.
Who did all the work when america was 90% white?
Literally everything was mad out of cotton man
we wuz builders n shiet
I am bretty sure that railroads, buildings, ships, trains etc were not built by nogs. I am also pretty sure that most of the miners were whites
The white americans did, and when their hard labour paid off, they bought machines to do the work for them, just like it happens now.
of course back in the day machines were not automated electric robots, but -in the timeframe's mindset- legally posessed humans you take care for, but are very costly so had to make sure they don't run away, because that would resullt in a net loss
and yet you never hear the Chinese about this
Cunt I'm a farmer in Australia. The ragheads can't fucking keep up and complain.
Little bitches, each and every one of them.
I think the unemployed should be shot.
>lose your low education job because cheap east-european workforces in your country
>get shot
What if you're 3/4 white, ethnically, and 1/4 black? You're obviously not white still, not visibly, but if you are raised by whites in the united states then you're still the same as everyone else with the exception of your skin colour. How would kicking them out change anything?
>tfw being made redundant on Friday
Y-you don't really think that do you user?
Man u bein racis n sheit
My issue is not with jobs, my issue is with the fuckers that come here and mooch of our system. I know it fucking happens, I know distant relatives that fucking do it, the fucking cunts.
different animals have different levels of intelligence. Even dog breeds have different levels of intelligence. Intelligence, like everything else, contributes to survival and reproduction. The humans smart enough to form tribes had an advantage over the one's striving alone through the wildness. The tribes inventing the wheel had an advantage over the one's that didn't and they started to form civilizations, killing low level savages and taking more territory. Evolution worked really well. For animals and for humans. Now we don't fight savages anymore, we invite them to our territory so they can rape our women and spread their low intelligence demon semen.
No other immigrant in Spain worked harder than me on a shittier job.
I've met immigrants in shitty jobs as well as desperate spaniards. Don't think that a father of three will decline any kind of job to feed his family.
>immigrant workers do jobs natives won't
I realise this is a 2/10 troll, but I keep hearing this same tired argument from the left. Firstly, why is OK for you to make generalisations about minorities? Saying that immigrants are more willing to settle for crappy pay and conditions is the same as us saying they're more likely to commit rape. Except the rape claim can actually be backed up.
The jobs you're talking about don't pay well because the unskilled worker market is over-saturated. Zero hours contracts exist because, as you've rightly pointed out, plebs from 3rd world countries are happy to accept those terms. This is not a reflection on the natives. Removing unskilled immigrant workers will increase demand, and thus increase the wages and benefits to make these jobs attractive again.
Is this porn?
> Live on my own property and farm it.
> Support a community of retired people that
> live on my property and deserve respect.
> Have never been unemployed.
> Worked hard while people fucked around.
> Have a beautiful Wife and two children I love.
The unemployed should be shot.
The European emigrants did.
I really fucking do mate. :)
kys uncle mahoma
Turks don't work here. There are no fucking jobs. Any low-skill unwanted jobs have long since been taken over by Eastern Euros.
it's a shame!
Actually cunt if you're in Oz, and want a job in the NT and can actually speak fucking English then I can help out out. No offense if not - I realise this life up here is not for everyone.
eh, why not push it a little more. 99% sounds good
>Haha, stupid Republicans whining about people ''taking their jobs'' haha, what idiots :)
> hard working jobs
You are an accomplice in the destruction of two nations and your overlords won't spare you when it is complete
> Not live on an island content
> Have to have borders and other countries
> Not ruling your land as a King
> lol
Can you even shoot abos over there???
Where can I buy one of those?
Here we go, getting to the root of he problem: Overpopulation
>white people having anything to do with overpopulation
ecks dee
It seems to be Italy always posting this
>I don't understand how having a class of virtual slave labor affects wages!
>I don't understand how large amounts of illegal under the table payments don't contribute to my nation's tax income!
I've been looking for this same exact image, but instead of a burger, it's a leaf.
Thanks for destroying my sides, Sven.
>(((ID: EZrjG4bI)))
Well well well
What do you grow?
kill yourself jew
Except not really. They take high-income jobs (diaspora promotion), they take low-income jobs where they do not require anything to do (child-jobs like delivery-boy or burger flipper; spewing streets; etc.) or stay neet.
They do not work for less money and they do not work hard.
They are cheaper, because they do not pay taxes. Sometimes the system of lower taxation of foreign "workers" is even legal.
> why would we tax people who live elswhere
> muh medical care @ mexirats are people too
If you can't get everyone employed the you got too many people.
Unemployment does not always mean there is a lack of available jobs.
Forced military service for the unemployed.
Fuck oath cunt, what do you do? I'm a mechanic in by trade. Chinko cunt bought the business and made me redundant.
Correct. The western side of the railroad builders were made up of in large part Chinese, Irish, and poor Americans, and the eastern end was made up of Irish and Americans.
Also, the farmers who couldn't afford to operate solely on slave labour, (which was the vast majority) worked alongside their handful of slaves with their family. Everyone else worked with their family and hired farmhands during harvesting season.
i do though. I am white and work on farms and harvest apples and grapes during harvest season in upstate newyork. do landscaping in the summer, snow removal during the winter. I work construction when people I know are behind deadline.
This. Most Americans are completely oblivious of the system, parts supported by the government and others maintained by illegal supporters, that exists to exclusively help illegals with virtually everything they could need. I didn't believe a lot of it until I saw it or had Mexican friends confirm what they have seen.
>American education
well the MSM have done a good job of suppressing it and making anyone that spoke out easy to lambast like in the OP
>Sometimes the system of lower taxation of foreign "workers" is even legal.
It was in Russia till 2012 IIRC. Foreign workers in Russia didn't pay social security and medical taxes (30% from income, they paid only 13% income tax) then.
>hard working immigrants
damn almost took you seriously..
>makes an argument that immigrants are needed because they do shitty jobs for the "wealthy rich american"
>expects to be seem as a moral individual
Nigger, please.
I can't entirely blame the illegals, they come from a corrupt society and are part of that society's shit class, so they're cared about even less than the other classes. They go to America, and see benefits unofficially given only to them at Social Security offices, and organisations that help them with everything from cheap/free groceries, to how to game the legal system for more free shit or to get themselves out of legal situations. Many people would take advantage of that.
Do I excuse their actions for it though? No, and I grow resentful of the ones who spit on my country when it has provided the opportunity for a better life, or go to charities outside of their illegal-alien-help network and take the supplies from there to mostly sell at their flee markets. They have their shit, but they take other things that primarily poor whites rely on, to sell at fucking flee markets for even more money.
I understand their shit situations and environments that spawned their mentality, but Goddamn I don't have to like it or find it acceptable. This is why I agree with people saying, "fuck you, go fix your country and stop trashing ours like your people trashed your own".
>le whos going to make el taco if we all leave, meme
huehuehue jajajajajaj
i think we'll handle it paco. worry about your wallo
more then 70% of them just leech off the taxpayers.
> not getting the joke
God damn it, Sweden.
My favorite poor african nation!
>flee markets
Fuck, tired brain
>these hard working immigrants
This might have been the case 30 years ago now illegals come here spit out kids and go immediately on welfare and SSI
>Hard working
Is this just another example of what American education does to you?
Americans would if they paid a fair wage. This is the dumbest fucking argument out there. Why do little shits like you always try to justify the exploitation of illegal migrant workers, who work for no benefits and less than the minimum wage, often in poor conditions and under constant fear of being reported to ICE?
Really shit tier liberal you are.
They would be better off at home.