Please somebody recommend an album that blows you away. Everything I've listened to recently has been pretty mediocre. Help a buddy out.
Can't Find Any Good Music
Jaxson Miller
Gabriel Williams
Bwcause the Internet by Childish Gambino
Tribute to the Masters by Proletr
Villains by Queens of the Stone Age
Camden Campbell
literally every death grips album, EP, mixtape. just fucking everything they have ever done
Carter Myers
Vektor - Terminal Redux
Austin Phillips
If you're into metal, try Blood Incantation - Starspawn and this
Leo Jenkins
Kobieta z wydm - Bental
It's on spotify
Jose Cruz
Dominic Morgan
William Morris
I really enjoyed this, give it a try
Ian Sanders
Something great I know you haven't heard.
Animal Slaves - Dog-Eat-Dog. Check the archive.