Americans unironically celebrate and are proud of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln

>Americans unironically celebrate and are proud of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln

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He was a good president regardless of what buttmad southerners say

His only regret was not living long enough to send those niggers back

[citation needed]

he sent millions to their deaths in a bloody and unnecessary war and he ended slavery, diversity is our strength!


This has to be a first for an Aussie not shitposting.

>diversity is our strength!
Lincoln wanted them deported, he deplored slavery and wanted them free but he also wanted them back where they came from

>unnecessary war

Restoring the union

>he ended slavery

and was going to send the Africans to Liberia until a buttmad southerner shot him

>Restoring the union
they also left the union because of his policies, he was basically a Stalin/Hitler level dictator, "Accept my policies of ending slavery or else i'll send your own countrymen to kill you"

who made them stay?

(((powerful figures)))

>About to make policies that would remove slavery
>They rebel and attack us first
>Fight the rebels to restore the Union

Learn your fucking history you fucking retard.

The whole purpose of the united states is that there is a peaceful change of government. The confederacy was undermining the whole purpose of the united states so allowing them to leave would make no sense, and would just lead to more states leaving whenever someone they don't like is in office.

Not to mention the huge loss of exports and economic activity that letting the south go would lead to.

The civil war was a completely necessary war that occurred to assure that the union is forever together and will never be broken. If it wasn't for it, the United States wouldn't be around today.

Stick to emu cock, what you aussies know best.

>seven states don;t like my radical policies and left the union
>better send their brothers down there to slaughter them because >muh human rights
>butcher around a million fellow americans and rewrite history to make it seem like a war worth fighting
>"ahah y.. yeah! we freed the slaves guys! this can only be a good thing for our country! i'll bet by the year 2000 america will be a utopia"

wew lad

Sophomore Australian shitposting major detected. Come back when you've taken more shitposting classes.

Okay you're just shitposting and pretending to be retarded then

>The States of America turned into The United States of America
>Started a bloody war because the democratic system was fucked
>Slavery was a dying market anyways and if they had of waited the slave trade would have collapsed in on itself, meaning no blacks that you have today
>Created tension between the North and South that lives on to this day

Lincoln was a shit

>No counter argument
>ahah your a retard man ahah *praise lincoln*

He didn't want to end slavery, but the South chimped out anyway. The Civil war was a bankers war

Not me

>who made them stay?
John wilks booth

The whole reason the south tried to secede was due to the fact that the North (read: Abe), was levying unfair taxes on the South, so that he could benefit his rich friends to the north.

Every other nation on earth that ended slavery was able to do so peacefully except for one.

Why would i provide a counter argument when you didn't even read my post, friend.

>Who was James Buchanan?

First gay president that did literally jack shit.

i thought he was pro slavery

If I'm not mistaken, Lincoln actually hated niggers and had plans to send the slaves back to Africa, but it never took off.

Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to africa. Thanks to John wilks killing lincoln, they were forced to stay

Didn't finish post. He's the reason why America was in such a mess because he did not do a single thing to calm down the north and south. The moment Lincoln took office, shit blew up.

why didn't lincolns successor deport them. it doesn;t make sense

You can't leave the union whenever you feel like it. Once your in it, you stay.

>he wanted to deport them

I'm so fucking sick of this meme.

>t. Abraham Lincoln

Sure he did and there was so much legislation sitting in congress just waiting to start the shipment of millions back to africa. For get all that shit about giving them the vote and all.

That's it
#imlooseforbooth now

Out of spite. Or making the south live with the choices they made

I mentioned this is a report in 6th grade and got a detention.

This. Why are Americans so in denial that Lincoln was a degenerate SJW hippie human rights fag who craved the BBC

The south chimped out due to the unfair taxation. Imagine if you had to pay more federal taxes based on where you lived.

He destroyed the idea of America. We're just under a federal power with zero limits on what it can do realistically and this has led America to its current state.

They're trying to do the same in Europe with the EU, probably already succeeded.

>. Imagine if you had to pay more federal taxes based on where you lived
So jews

Fuck you fucking Yankees, we will rise once more

Who the fuck thinks that? All I here about now days is that he was a racist who was forced to stop slavery.

When will this meme end?

Fuck Lincoln

Lincoln's goal was to keep the union together at all costs if He could have done it without freeing a single slave he would have.

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

good post. very, very informative.