>in the next decade there will be more German descendants in America than ethnic Germans in Germany
In the next decade there will be more German descendants in America than ethnic Germans in Germany
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Its not that bad.
Come home white man
Yeah, it sucks, as far as I know nothing is keeping the Germans there, We Anglo's left that Evil Godforsaken place over a 1000 years ago.
My only joy in all that misery
Yeah, Don't worrier.
Given the track recoard of that reglion germany will return to its old ways and begin purging groups that they don't like.
Mostly unbelievers and women, but that actually kinda explains those boats being full of men.
ripperonis without any pepperonis
100-150 Million ethnic Germans worldwide.
FYI, German Americans are the biggest cucks going.
>n the next decade there will be more German descendants in America than ethnic Germans in Germany
Hasn't it been that way with the Irish for decades?
Please elaborate?
4.5million Irish in ireland, 40,000000 + in america
>Half your population starved to death
>A large chunk of your island is still ruled by a foreign nation
People really don't give you guys enough shit
germans aren't part of the master race
they're losers as proven every time they're in a conflict
they have never made themselves master of another race in the way that the english, french and spanish have, there aren't even any german speaking countries outside of german and austria
It's funny you say that since we're probably related through centuries of Irish rape slavery.
No really, Irish were considered substantially cheaper than niggers in the slave trade and that's the sole reason there are so many in America. Slave owners actually way took better care of the niggers since they were stronger, and sometimes outright didn't care if the Micks died in the holds of ships and factories because there'd always be another one to take their place for food scraps and pennies.
If that isn't complete racial cuckoldry I don't know what is.
>Irish Americans
And is that why the Mick's run your country now? The niggers stayed at the bottom while the Mick's rose to the top. kek, oh how the tables have turned.
>complain about anglo domination
>Write "poems" and steal livestock
Even abbos invented boomerangs
To be fair, the Irish don't even consider us American offspring to be 1% Irish.
Irish ancestry is really chaff here, everyone has a bit of it and finds it really boring considering leprechauns are the only meaningful historical figures your entire nation has. Not to mention most of the Irish have been raped out of conventional existence, and outliers with archetypal Irish traits like freckles and red hair are bullied growing up and told they don't have souls.
>there aren't even any german speaking countries outside of german and austria
Because having huge chunks of non-whites speaking your language worked out so well for the English and French, didn't it?
if it wasn't really hard to move legally to the US as a german I would
What's stopping you? EU regulations?
Our government makes it unbelievably difficult to move the the US as a white European. However, our doors are wide open to non-whites.
They dont call it New Germany for nothing.
Can you use EU migration freedoms to move to a different country within in the EU without those regulations and leave from there? Or is the "make whitey stay put and die" thing just universal?
>implying american mutts are German, Irish, Italian or anything else they claim.
I hope one day we'll have something akin to the nazi hunters that'll go after the people that jumped the ship, like you would.
Pennswald Deutsch sind best Deutsch.
What why wouldn't we be that
>there aren't even any german speaking countries outside of german and austria
what is switzerland and lichtenstein
Brit here. No you cannot. There is a green card lottery Europeans can enter (but not the British because too many of us move to the US anyway). Otherwise you're totally fucked.
It's the same if Americans try to move to Europe but no one in history has ever desired this so people don't know about it.
A meme country and a literally who.
because you're all mixed. Anti-German sentiment and propaganda was so strong even if you are genetically German, ethnically and philosophically you are not.
>your all mixed
So if you move to Kenya and marry another German there, you and your wife and children are suddenly black?
You're living proof that most of the smart Euros left that eternal cluster fuck of little countries who can't get along for the new world.
my uncle is married to an american. And he's having problems. They literally held him for 5 hours at the airport when he last went to visit her because they thought he was a nazi because he was wearing pic related. He is not a nazi has a good job and no criminal record. They held him for 5 fucking hours almost barring him from seeing his wife.
Lol there are already is. Back before the world wars it was a bit more even, but you're all Russian rape babies now anyway
well there are always exceptions
>You're living proof that most of the smart Euros left that eternal cluster fuck of little countries who can't get along for the new world.
>Whole national identity is that you kicked out the Brits
>Become poor, leave the island and give it to Somalians
>Be Irish
>Call someone else a cuck
You Germans have had far more anti-German brainwashing than us.
there arent. There were about 200.000 babies born to russian soldiers in the post war period whether through rape or volontairy relationships. That is not nearly enough to impact the genetic make up of a nation as numerous as the germans. Especially because virtually everyone of those babies married Germans and had children with germans later on.
That's actually a valid point.
Americans don't really have a true ancestry usually and I think that's why we've been attracted so easily to the idea of "white" to describe our ethnicity.
Still, the average American "white" is a lot more ethnically and philosophically Germanic than a typical German national in Berlin.
If Germany gets back on it's feet I wouldn't moving back and living as a second class citizen just to have a vague sense of ethnonationalism which we lack in America. It's depressing to not have a real home.
you dont know shit about us.
And both will be minorities in their own countries
The fashion police held him lol!
I'm so sorry you have to live like that.
the americans held him.
America is not really German %35
Europe soup with honor and guns
These threads are pathetic. White people telling other white people that they don't count. Shitting on each other for no good reason.
It's all part of the Jewish divide and conquer method. You guys are too stupid to see that. Unite not fight, niggers and mudslimes are the real problem.
Germans have such an awful stigma because of the brainwashing. I mean the single concept of a "German" equates to "Nazi" in everyone's minds here. That's why I think most of us almost completely abandoned our German ancestry except for some few but very proud pockets. Barely anybody realizes they're human, and even fewer realize everything they're told about them is a lie.
Has there been a surge in nationalism since the migrant crisis or is it all repressed?
You guys are probably one of the most racially "pure" countries that exist because of your xenophobia. Never change.
Isn't nazi becoming a positive label
>implying America will still be white by then
>Implying aussies won't get wiped out by emus in a few years
Don't you have a spoon to be holding over a lighter or something?
I envy them.
I won't become a refugee in the US though, I hate refugees.
Feels good, there's strength in diversity. You'll take the ultimate red pill once too, user.
I always think about that. Of course there are little differences between us you could argue makes us different, but all of us together are so much better than the alternative.
Caucasoid people across the spectrum need to realize they're racially in danger. We all have a shared history and evolution spanning thousands of years filled with globe spanning combating empires and we're being displaced by peoples who still lived in huts a century ago.
and I'll join you
t. german refugee located in netherlands
Godspeed you brave soul.
Brown people are the aliens that we United to destroy in all those hit movies like independence day
Just be yourself. It worked for me.
Where did you move to once you got here, user?
That would be the Scandinavians. See Minnesota.
Seriously. Whites as a whole are the most civilized and important people on the planet. There are certainly differences between us, but in the grand scheme of things we are a global minority that needs to stick together.
Muslims would have our way of life destroyed. Blacks are leeches on our society. Latin Americans cause lots of strife and believe in La Raza bullshit.
Asians do some pretty fucked up things in their countries, but in ours they're pretty assimilated. We can't just split ourselves anymore, leftists are already a big enough problem. White guilt is fucking stupid.
>"The foreigners are a disease of the skin, the communists are a disease of the heart."
It's not so much that we're being attacked on all sides, but it's that we're pacified against defending ourselves. If we wanted we could take it all back overnight but we just don't out of fear of judgement from our peers for being "wrong". It's sad, but we're beginning to wake up.
Isn't his a good thing?
That's true
We all just like shit posting each other
Ireland is 96% white and most of the 4% are Chinese who run takeaways
Last year during the height of the crisis, the german government passed a law that restricted family unions between the 1.6 million muslim colonists and their families at home. 80% of those who came were young males, most of them married with a wife and kid at home.
These restrictions on family reunions will cease right after the next federal elections in Germany in late 2017, when the federal government is elected.
The biggest german mainstream newspaper BILD - strictly pro-Merkel - predicted the additional amount of colonist immigrants through family reunions 5-7 million people.
If this happens, germans aged 0-40 will be a minority in their own country and muslims will have reached critical mass in that particular important age group.
An article in the Washington Post comes to the conclusion, that article also states that anyone who thinks that many muslim migrants can be 'integrated' into german society must be a complete idiot, or a member of the Merkel government.
That means right after Merkel is re-elected, most likely and at her express wish with an ultra-leftist green party coalition (=antifa "Perish Germany" party), she will seal the fate of the german people. Protest parties like AfD dont even seem to realize this and they never seem to mention this during their rallies.
Link to said article? Googled it but couldn't find that specific article.
tfw i wanted to move to Germany after uni and find a blonde german wife to take home. Now it will be too late
Was actually an article in NYT
Most germans - even the AfD idiots who apparently are only eyeing the money they'll personally pocket by entering parliament - dont seem to realize the danger this country is in.
If a drastic regime change in Germany does not take place before the end of the next year, then by 2018 the fate of the german people will be sealed. The only options germans will have at that point is to migrate to greener pastures, like they did 1600 years ago when the Huns pushed them across the Rhine.
There is absolutely nothing positive about being german.
history repeats itself eh hans
Any blonde german worth anything is already out of germany. Most likely in america.
Rich people are leaving germany in droves. Soon the only people left in germany will be lefties, muslims and the retards that want to die for their womyn.
you are currently making enemies with all of europe so you shouldnt mouth off
What he said is still 100% true regardless. A good number of us ended up here from studying propaganda.
> Blacks are leeches on our society
They were taught to be like that my collectivist democrats though, back in the 50s they were far more productive, and they even had more stable family units than we did before democratic party programming started to sell them collectivism.
Gotta remember that no one hates black folks more than people pretending to be their friends
Don't worry, there won't be.
>in the next century there will be no such at all
Same with swedes kek'd.
The micks don't run the country. End this fucking meme and realize how unimportant you are, please.
>bring in the muslims
>leave europe
The kikes pulling a societal dutch oven on you guys
You're not too big to get put over a knee, Straya.
What have you done compared to Ireland creatively? You're a disappointment.
Fellow Germans, remember: Make children, train yourselves for combat, stay alert.
There already is
I am the german now