Milo, Your New Leader?

Lets talk about (((Milo))). Yes he is Jjewish. Yes he is gay. But I believe he is also a disinformation agent and a shill. He is co-opting the "alt right" movement and making a mockery of it. He is literally making you all look fucking stupid.

How can the J ew's run rings around you so easily? I mean, Stefan Molyneux the secret (((anarcho-capitalist))) rabbi. Ben Shapiro... Why do you have such cognitive dissonance?

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I'm just here to piss Sup Forums off for those sweet, sweet (you)'s.

Ohayo Reddit

I don't take any of them seriously , and never will. They are as fake as a 3 dollar bill.

>Taking the alt-right seriously

Toppest kek

>alt right
>a thing
Nice try new friend, you have to go back ->

Just because a couple of MGTOW autists on here like him doesn't mean he represents neo-imperialism / natsoc. But libcucks can't call it that, that gives us too much power.

they are entertaining and are pro right

No harm done. For educated people everything that he sayd is already understood.

That's all he is, right wing entertainment.

Not a bad thing, he's pretty switched on and pretty funny at times.

The SJW hurt is also amazing.

A gay jew represent me, no fucking way.


>someone who states facts in debates and makes feminists and other forms of SJWs look stupid

>her dur he's making alt right look stupid though

You don't even make sense.

Also, wtf us alt right actually meant to mean?

Of faggotry?

Well name one person who seems to be one of Sup Forumss leaders/figureheads. Three spring to mind, and they're all jews

Ben shapiro

Its all well and good saying "muh I just find them funny" but they are the face of this board and their twisted opinions seem to be contrary to everything this board claims to be about.

I just find his banter entertaining.

Milo has never claimed to be alt-right. In fact he disassociates from alt-right every time he speaks.
Talk about misinfo agents. People are sitting all day on Sup Forums and spamming threads going on about how Milo is hijacking alt-right, how he's infiltrating or whatever, when Milo hasn't even once claimed to be part of alt-right.

All he does is write his fucking articles and do his little college speeches. You can watch the speeches and see what kind of stuff he's saying. You can easily find these videos and find out what he says for yourself.
You're being flat out lied to by literal shills on Sup Forums who can't stand that someone is getting away with not being PC in public.

The guy is a stand-up comedian, right? He's very Andy Kaufmanish.

He is the only jew faggot I would not gas, because just like Trump he manages to get EVERYONE butthurt.

>Ben Shapiro

Your shill playbook seems to be outdated, Chaim.

Who cares? he's standing up for free speech and pissing off fags.

every mother fucking time
point the jew be called names
nice try JIDF

nice meme
still, breitbart is pushing it's gay agenda

why does everyone say hes a jew when everywhere its written hes Roman Catholic. Also jews arent coalburners

I don't get why people worship other people for having a specific opinion
All I know about this Milano guy is that he has an opinion and some people cream their pants because of it
What happened to having your own opinion and not needing an idol to attach it to? Is it all part of the identity politics craze?

>all these fucking faggots arguing about our supposed "alt-right image"

No one gives a fuck about Milo. Or Ben Shapiro. Or Stefan. Or Even Trump. They are complete strangers to all of us, in real life. I don't have Sunday dinner at Milo's parent's house, and I'm not Kike Face's co-worker, so they could die for all I care? Do they make good points and help to put looney Marxist Jews in their place? Yeah, and that's why people on Sup Forums like to share their content. Not everything is about the integrity of some fucking movement, and some British faggot prancing around, making us "look bad" wouldn't destroy the movement, anyways. There are a hundred new guys ready to take his place. His articles are all written by interns, anyways. (((BUZZFEED))) even wrote an expose on it. But the movement didn't magically die, did it?

His mother is a Jew

I think he is just an attention whore and his EGO is growing to epic proportions, it will be the end of him.

Have you seen how he enters a building? Such degeneracy! I also think he is a massive drug addict, he always wears dark shades and when he is not his eye movement is that of an autistic sloth.

fuck him.

>half greek half anglo
>somehow becomes Catholic

seems iffy

Maybe in the 1500s or some shit, but being Catholic is just the easy and trendy way, now.

>Disinfo agent
You had to be so redundant? Of course he's disinfo. He uses the same strategy as Ben: infiltrate and tear them up from the inside.

It's really easy to agree with all he says and make an effort to overhear his degeneracy normalization speech.

Must I say again there is no such thing as alt-right. It's another attempt to create controlled opposition. Who with half a brain would idolize a jewish faggot who's getting blacked in the ass ?

He might be a usefull idiot for a while, but do not think this man is our ally.

My grandparents were british and both of them were catholic.

its really not common at all in europe to pick the religion of another country than the one you come from or live in

well good for you special snowflake but catholicism in the UK is very small that's why its unlikely

And why does he get away with being non PC?

Because he is PC as fuck himself.


what does the pic say and what ultras are this ?

How did it get so small? I thought all of Europe was catholic at one stage.

"Death to the hump-backed nose" (jews)
Don't know which club tho.


What's his endgame? Going around buttblasting college feminazis?

this pic is fucked

Milo is nothing but a agitator

That battle is lost, gay rights are here to stay.
Regroup and find another weaker front. If you want to win the culture war you have to pick your battles.

There's nothing wrong with letting Jews lead, after all they're the most intelligent race of people.

>there's nothing wrong with letting our homosexual, gay, provocateur caricature of a man to """""lead"""""

60% murica, 60%

>Its all well and good saying "muh I just find them funny"
it is not, and you should feel bad

He is an attention whore faggot. If right wing thinking was popular he would be a leftist. He is not even interesting. He just steals other peoples talking points.

>>there's nothing wrong with letting our homosexual, gay, provocateur caricature of a man to """""lead"""""
There is nothing wrong with our dearest gayreek racemixing joo being vocal,objective in what he says and thinks and making money from this niche

and you can't lead something as abstract as "alt-right" ,speaking common sense isn't leading a movement
I congratulate him for finding his "glove" that fits,doing a good job and making money from it

It's important to know that Milo das never the representative of Sup Forums. He has his own agenda, but Milo and Sup Forums use each other since they share some viewpoints
>Oh no my gun is pink, better break it instead of killing dykes

>Cher - gypsy tramp and thief
She fits the description

>Sup Forums still thinks that jews stand unified
>Sup Forums still worships a kike god
>Sup Forums still uses the dumb tumblr idea of judging an argument by the identity of the argumentator rather than the argument itself
>Sup Forums still thinks there's salvation on politics when the human nature remained the same in the last 2000 years
>Sup Forums would rather defend and attack a generic label like "cuckservative" and "alt-right" than see what stances each individual person has
>Sup Forums still thinks that Sup Forums is one guy
This is a comedic Sup Forums thread at it's finest.

>Yes he is Jjewish. Yes he is gay.

literally don't see a issue here.

>. He is co-opting the "alt right" movement and making a mockery of it.

the only ones that make the alt right look bad are the neo nazis from stromfront.

>not being a gay jewish neo nazy

Nice analogy Ahmed