ITT we share our thoughts on what happens after death

ITT we share our thoughts on what happens after death.

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Nothing. One ticket per customer homie

Saying this based off of the before birth theory?

We die

>worms eat me
> worms take a shit
>fertilize a tree
> be tree
>chopped down
>used as fire wood
>become smoke
>Qt3.14 inhales
>was inside grill
> no longer virgin

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>fertilize the tree
>become tree
How does this connect, in your opinion?
Doesn't make sense in this pattern.

Dad had an NDE when I was a kid. He was helping change the lights on a tennis court at a Country Club and something happened and he was electrocuted. Fortunately for him there was a doctor on the golf course near the tennis courts and brought him back to life. He was gone for approximately five minutes or so.

He said he went through a "life review" and had to answer for everything wrong he did to people and it made him very remorseful.

After this he completely changed. He took no interest in material things and trying to make a lot of money, but was also deeply depressed and angry because he wanted to stay in this awesome place.

His personality change was so great that my mom decided to divorce him and he distanced himself from many long time friends he saw as"toxic". He says to be nice to people, because you will have to see and experience the pain that you put people through in this life.

>what happens after death
nothing. what do you feel when you sleep and don't dream? that.

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you go into dreamland
each dream lasts approx. 5 mins
feels like 9 months
you fuck little girls, cause why not?

Everyone in the world is the same person. There is only one consciousness which created the world and all the lives in it because it was bored. You reading this are that one consciousness. When you die you just turn into another person and experience that life.

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Thats pretty much the standard. Although, you dont HAVE to experience those things. Its a spiritual choice in order to learn and grow.

I think its more like fractal geometry. The whole can be found with its parts. Each of us has "God" within us and "God" is the sum of all of us combined. Each person/soul/consciousness is a different expression of the equation. Time doesnt exist, therefore the past, present and future all coexist at the same time, for us humans though we experience this dimension on a linear scale that is "time".

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You're speaking with an unjustifiable degree of certainty.

with the same degree of certainty as people that speak about the big bang. I mean, the big bang theory.

daily reminder that heretics (like you lot) burn it hell

Lemme know how that works out bucko

hell is a scare tactic and makes absolutely no sense in every possible way. I can even sense the hate in your comment. Very christian of you.

A lot of people say that when they die, they experience some sort of dream or bright light or answering their crimes.

How much do you think is the brain's neurons all firing at once at moment of death, and how much is actually true?

enjoy literally burning in hell forever

its just tripping, aka the brain releasing dmt. people without drug experience mistake it for a touch with a greater entity.

probably nothing , much like the billions of years you experienced oblivion before you came to be.

makes you wonder however if conciousness is actually a field , or if the universe is cyclical on infinite repeat, perhaps reincarnation is a thing because of some aspect of quantum immortality, or we are actually in a simulation made by post singularity humanity a million years into the future.

You just prove that you have no idea what the word "theory" means.

How does that justify you? If you act like you know something, when it's not possible to prove, you're being willfully naive. I respect your faith and your right to believe whatever you want but when you state it as a matter-of-fact then I see you're not being objective or critical and you lose my interest.

wouldn't that mean severe brain damage? Lots of people come back from death with a NDE with no brain damage. It's a interesting hypothesis, but it doesn't correspond with reality. So it must be wrong. Also, thousands of people experience the same events across many cultures, religions, beliefs, all over the world. These similarities of events cant be explained simply by brain cell death. There is even reports of third party NDE where loved ones witness the patient crossing over. Not to mention patients recalling events that didnt occur in the room that they were dying in. For example, recalling conversations that happened down the hall in another room.

Christians are the most hateful people I've ever met. They're always rejoicing in the idea of others suffering. They absolutely LOVE telling people they will suffer for eternity in flames, and yet they accept that these people are all "Gods children" and all recipients of Gods love. Lol Christians are total sadist whackos.

>probably nothing
you'll "probably" be on your way to eternal hellfire.

we go to an waiting room and wait for however long were told to...
of course some people got them fast passes and sheit

This is really fascinating
do you have some examples of third partys witnessing, or the experiencing conversations outside the room? (sincere request, i'm actually interested)

Do you remember anything before your birth ? It's the same thing after death.

there are so many possibilities for why we might have consciousness after death it's ridiculous, but heres a simple one: our consciousness is a construct of the universe or the shape of the universe, and when we die we transcend time and become able to traverse our brain's history through time and have access to all of our memories at all times in our life as we interact with other consciousnesses in the afterlife.

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athiests are the most pathetic "people" i've ever come across.
repent you fucking degenerate.

You cant prove a lot of things that society accepts as truth. This is what science is all about. Science isnt about proving something any more than it is about disproving something. If you cant prove something, it doesnts mean its not true. However, if you disprove something, its a certainty that it isnt true. As Richard Feynan said ""If it disagrees with experiment, its wrong." I understand your willingness to not accept it in a way to speak of it as a certainty, but the truth is, its not wrong because it hasn't been proven to be wrong. The only difference between what I said and "the big bang" is that far more people choose to believe in "the big bang" despite a lack of proof for each.


What are you on?

Stretched by infinite moments of loneliness I moment of time passes by my awareness, in that instant I miss my friends and you all. And there you are.

I'm not an athiest. Try again.


Have you ever been unconscious? I think the feeling will be somewhat the same but like forever

i dont care what "label" you give yourself scumbag. i said REPENT

yeah but if you have no memory of the previous incarnation of yourself then you are not the same person. you're a completely new person. but yeah even if there's more than 1 conscious observer in the universe it's likely you'd just find yourself living out life in another body.

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Why are you putting your own choice of words in quotation marks, bro?

Christians take life for granted.
Atheists appreciate life more than Christians, because they know that nothing's there after they die. You only get one life.
Christians believe that they will have an eternal life after death and they will be happy there with everyone they ever loved.

Change my mind.

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ethnic located.
there is no hope for you "bro"

Our consciousness is a result of a combination of chemicals interacting with each other and the structure and composition of our brains. Basically each consciousness has a certain pattern or 'configuration' of the brain. If a person dies his brain ceases to function as well as the consciousness that thrives inside it. But then if there were a person to be born with the same 'configuration' of that dead person's consciousness, it will be as if that person is living another life. We cannot recall of our past lives because only the consciousness is able to be reconstructed in a new being and not the memories, which are determined by the person's interactions with his environment.

tl;dr there's a hard reset when we die and we just live as a different person without any memory of our previous lives

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you realize you're talking about the 0.5% of christians who piss you off instead of the 99.5% of christians who aren't like that, right?

You're spot on. By Christian (And all other religious peoples) logic, God made this bountiful green Earth just for us, gave us all of these senses to experience it, put animals here for us, etc but yet they all just want to leave it and go to this "heaven" that awaits them, when evidently the real experience is life on Earth, whether it's from a religious viewpoint or not.

I haven't read any books on the case studies. So i cant refer you to any particular book. However there are a lot of documentaries and interviews that you can look up. Its a pretty well documented phenomenon.

Wrong again. You've been wrong about everything, so far, it's really no surprise you'd wind up being Christian.
>Implying you aren't trolling

>Atheists appreciate life
*breaths in*

So why do electrons interact with our reality by simply observing it?

I do.

in referring to the double slit experience (not the youngs double slit experiment)

your an ethnic athiest, disgusting.
cockroach tier.

You got me, boss.


tbh my dude, i dont know. And that's what scares me.

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Delusion fruitcake


you'll be there too, sodomite.

It wouldn't. You can take dmt right now in form of a drug and be right as rain

>hurr im an athiest debate me
hell is forever, remember that.

I would put more faith in a person having an NDE experience than a person having a DMT trip. Not to say DMT isn't enlightening.

Or could dmt be the spiritual pathway to another dimension?

this is literally like a person who says that trees grow from taking matter from the ground to grow taller and larger, when most of their mass is gained through absorption of carbon from co2 in the atmosphere. it's such a primitive understanding that is the result of not being able to "see" carbon dioxide in my example but also not being able to "see" why consciousness comes into existence. Why does life need consciousness at all? Why can't we just all become bound to the laws of physics and act out our lives like a computer would?

Your answer is literally just the most basic answer and has no proof and no way of being disproven....But it's easy to come up with when you're 12 years old and want to show religion how much smarter you are than it so there's millions of people who hold this belief.

Ever heard of the double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics? Why do you think we send signals through our brains to make decisions? It's kind of like the quantum uncertainty principal in that the neurons connected to that signal don't know what state the signal is in until it wraps all the way around our brain and reaches its destination.

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I'm not an atheist. You should stop assuming stuff, you utter nut.

Where does hell come from? God? Why did God make Hell? Why is the Devil there? Did he make hell? Why does God allow Hell to exist? Does God and the Devil have a mutual agreement? Did God make a deal with the Devil? The devil was made by God right? Why does God allow the Devil to exist and torment people turning them away from God? It doesnt make any fucking sense. If God loves you, why does he handa you ever to the Devil to be hurt? If God made me and God is within me, isnt God sending a part of himself to hell to? What the actual fuck?

You repent

you're all the same souless shell of a human.

>hurr i have so many questions for someone who pretends to know what they're talking about
el oh el.

The same thing that happens after you stop dreaming.
You wake up.

i do, everyday.

Contradictions are a fundamental tool of science.

Except I won’t because your imaginary man in the sky is the most retarded and illogical theory in existence. Noah’s Ark is a true story too, right ? And Adam lived to 900 years old ?
Again, you’re a delusional fruitcake.

God does not make mistakes. I am as he made me. Your blasphemy has not gone unnoticed. Repent now.

God doesn’t exist

>muh science
>muh rick and morty
you "people" realize you're a joke, right?

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After death, if you are lucky, people will mourn. If you are not so lucky, nobody would care.

>because they know that nothing's there after they die
>they know
[citation needed]

So you're saying God make atheists? Why are you fighting with Gods creations? You're going to hell. Forever.

>Noah’s Ark is a true story too, right ?
>And Adam lived to 900 years old ?
another at*iest rekt


Where do you think atheists come from? What are you doing right now? See you in hell. Please don't try and suck my dick when I get there.

You get nothingness, at last.
Or I fucking hope you do, at least

hellfire 4 u

Your dick is already in Hell, that's why its shriveled up like a dehydrated pepper and burns when you pee.

>being THIS edgy

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>So.O He is behind?

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>not understanding the bible

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Sad but true. I died and was revived. I remember slightly b4 i died and when revived i came to and there were 4 paramedics around me. Coming back to life felt similar to a salvia trip. But that was likely a reaction to my brain being reoxygenated. But yea long story short i remember nothing of being dead. What a gip.

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>Christians take life for granted
Religious people look at life as something special, sacred something to appreciate so they enjoy everything about it good or bad as life's journey.
>Atheists appreciate life more
Atheist view the world as nihilists, what does it matter what i do we all die one day. over indulging in anything that feels good because who cares.

not an arguement

You wake up in another dimension. They let you know that your rite of passage of being born in a mortal realm and dying there once is now behind you, and that from now on you are a free citizen of their world. You're positively surprised by the 1000,000,000 AD internet and video games. But basically it's just chilling in an eternally young 11/10 body in a multidimensional, physical world that's pretty much like this world except that it isn't because of the prosperity, advanced computer technology, and lack of existential fear among other things.

you dont even know what the topic is.

LMAO. This is funny. Two trolls trying to out do each other by seeing who can be the most ignorant. Great stuff.

>Thinking you understand the bible
kek so do 2.2 billion other people and no two interpretations are the same.

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the topic is you need to repent, now.

not an arguement