So when do you think the European Revolution will happen? I'm guessing 2019

So when do you think the European Revolution will happen? I'm guessing 2019

Other urls found in this thread:,_2009

Never. Europeans have gone soft.

When we finally get sick of mudslimes raping our women and blowing shit up

>implying germans wouldn't suck muslims and turks dicks like they always did

But with what weapons will it be fought?

The Jubilee year will reach its climax around November. Expect some sort of civil unrest after that.

December/January 2017

Canada will fence sit until someone pushes us a little harder than we've grown comfortable and sturdy against.
We'll snap and become the next greatest warmongering nation in the world. We'll fucking kill everything. SPREAD THE FIRE.

Have you seen Dresden right now?

>UK to the left

When did the Romans throw off the barbarians?

>Netherlands on the right

but we're some of the most outspoken against Islam right now

>European revolution

do you talk about the great slaughter of the non-muslim minority?

>So when do you think the European Revolution will happen?
when someone starts it

protip: you neckbeards aren't that someone

three years after the alleged race war in the US so hmmm... NEVER. #tolerance #lovewins #neveragain

I don't think it will ever happen.
Europe, especially Germany is worried that taking any actions against the kebabs will result in being branded as Nazi's.
If it's going to happen it'll probably happen between 2018 and 2020 but I hope I'll be gone before that happens assuming there won't be a totalitarian EU regime by then.

Who gives a shit how 'outspoken' you are? There are still tons of shitskins in your country, and you're not sterilising them, killing them, or deporting them. Thus you are destined to be on the right.

so around 2019?
BLM did say they will riot when Trump becomes president.

Did you miss the Emirate of London on the right?

will you guys burn prime minister trujew on a stake? can i join in?

>Implying Weedman won't join the Islamic Forces

so, never?

that is soft, the "people" that had come in the millions since the 70's are not.

There really aren't that many muslims here. And they're generally nice people with great food and culture.

Depends on if these fuckers realise they have to be the next hitler in history to change things. If they're willing to do that. We might have a chance by 2022

sounds great, do you want more? they are great people so what's the problem

Faggot i'll throw cheese at your house.

>When is our larpfest gonna occur
Meanwhile in reality.

Shut up geneva. No body likes you anyways.

Oh nein nein nein, we don't have enough money to support them like glorious Sweden. We are still recovering from 2008

>Germany on the non-muslim side

You don't really believe that.

Yeah this is the kind of shit I'm talking about, this guy here. You have millions of cucks just like him.

You euros are doomed.

On Sup Forums? The only fuckers being outspoken about islam are geert wilders who used to work for the (((jewish ambessy))) and dumbtwats with an iq of 75

Message me for that rebellion though, im up for it.

>The European Union on the side of Europeans
Don't make me laugh.

Also, the USA would 100% certain side with the Muslims.

Just look at the Kosovo war.

Too optimistic for a dutchy

must be a jew.

A fucking health pack.

Blm won't do shit fuckface, they'll get knocked the fuck down to the point there's no one to speak up for them. You know those nignogs can't use that.

>netherlands on mudslime side.

Everyone hates mudslimes here, we especially hate turkroaches.

all is not lost yet, brother. A crusade will come and purge your land of the mudslimes.

This war would be over in days.

they're already protesting at Trump protests.
Or was that ANTIFA? I can't keep all those leftwing hippy fuckers apart.

I know not, but WWIV will be fought with Styx and the Stones.

>sweden on the right
>germany and uk on the left
nice meme

The only muslim population UK has is in london't

You imply that Sweden will do what exactly to switch to the pro-European side?

Don't give them false hope. they'll have to fight for hope, we all do.

And Birmingham and Sheffield and Peterborough and Luton and Leicester and....

Putin wins, best memes, best women, best nukes cyka

explain why uk and germany are on the left first
they are more cucked than us

In California it was mostly just Mexicans and some cucked white students.

BLM was bigger in Chicago and other former industrial northern cities. Despite the large concentration of blacks, they tend to get shut the fuck down in the south.

Antifa doesn't exist in America outside of Seattle/Portland/Chicago, but even then they are so low-test and spergy that they aren't capable of any damage

They're literally beating Trump supporters in the streets.
By the time the election's over they'll probably be suicide bombing.

explain why united cuckdom and germoney is on the left first
tey are more cucked than us


t. France

>But with what weapons will it be fought?
The ones you can buy, either legally or illegally, or manufacture.

>You have millions of cucks just like him.

>You euros are doomed.

t. America

Now I know you're trolling.

Ok Germany might be approaching your level but don't pretend that you are not the fucking Cuck Kings of Europe. I ask you again, what incredible change in Swedish culture will make you anti immigrant and especially anti Muslim?

Are you going to ban women from voting?

>EUFOR siding with the european confederation
le mao xD

this would make a GOAT tv series if the budget were high enough

Some Frenchie tried though, we all see how that turned out.

Fuck you, Ukraine.

>No Constantinople

>Whites start it now
>"See whites the real terrorists"

Beat them back and call them nigger fuckface, wear a pocket knife. You're talking about it as if it's scary. It's human nature. Knife a fucker go to jail and plead insanity, get half less of a sentence. Repeat. You're talking like your life's important to you but you're not doing anything against people threatening your way of life. Living that 'murican dream right?.

Cause they're suicidal.

>brexit happens (if not, them brits vote eurosceptic government in 2020, who automatically let's Britain leave)
>socialist, EU, Belgium, German, and Sweden butthurt
>EU commissioners are now literally anti Britain, and pose negativity towards them
Meanwhile in North America
>Hillary is elected as new USA president
>feminist propaganda in USA is at maximum
Back in Europe
>Hungary leaves EU
>Poland leaves EU
>Romania leaves EU
>EU is anti Britain, and promotes negative media viewpoints on Britain, Poland, Romania and Hungary towards the West
>Southern Meddeteranian states oppose the EU in referendum
>EU denies it
>EU becomes an actual nation
>Southern European (Portuguese, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece) resistance intensifies, and Britain and other former eastern EU countries back them
Meanwhile in North America
>USA is turning towards more socialism, EU style
>"hate speech" laws and censorship are in place
>gun legislation
>flyover states declare independence petition
Back in Europe
EU (also backed by Turkey) invades southern European territory
>Southern European resistance reacts
>USA backs EU
>russia,, Argentina and former EU Slav and Romania countries vocally support and fund the resistance
>Britain now physically supports the resistance
>MI5 creates false flags in Paris, frankfurt, Stockholm, le Manz and dusseldorf.
>EU declares war on Britain
>USA funds war on Britain
Back in North America
>flyover states get strong on independence
>flyover states refuse to be infringed and refuse to back the war on southern Europe and Britain
>second American civil war erupts
>it's NAIL (north American independence league) vs USA (Marland, new York, California and other coast states)
Meanwhile in Europe
>Britain forms free movement union with australia, NZ, Ireland and Canada
>Slavic states officially declare war on EU
>russia funds Slavic states



Albania will never join the Islamic side. They can't risk their partnership with the US.


>search EUFOR
first image of troops


they look cucked to nato levels with that little gay euro badge


shut the fuck up you fucking low irrelevant country

go on

most of the population of the UK would fight on the moslem's side

A couple of weeks ago speaking about "refugees" crisis a center-left politician during a tv show said something like "if we don't stop this (situation) in 10 years from now every european country will be ruled by nazists"

top kek

Hungary, Poland and Romania are the last countries who will leave the EU since they're the ones who benefit the most. It is more likely that the EU collapses since Germany can't afford to subsidize eastern Europe and french farmers.

Is there any more of these Wikipedia future history images?

part 2

>USA helps EU annex southern European territory
>Britain annex calais and then declares war on USA, and also proceeds to back NAIL in the new American civil war.
>former EU Slavic states declare war on USA
>Australia, nz, Ireland and Canada declare war on USA
>russia sends troops into Europe
>Iran and Syria back the resistance
Back in North America
>although they are divided by the flyover states, the USA coastal states annex gulf of Mexico to oppress NAIL's income goods
>naval war erupts on gulf of Mexico, between USA and NAIL
In Europe
>Britain's union with australia, NZ, Ireland and canada become stronger, and form as an actual union.
>Australia,NZ, Ireland and Canada are now dominions
>it's called British Ocean Union (BOU)
>Meddeteranian resistance decides to call for an official ally meet up, and then allies with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, BOU, Argentina, Iran, Syria and NAIL
>they name themselves the DVXZ-93-97 team
>EU, USA, Japan, South Korea, and Philippines team up and name themselves as allies
>China and North Korea join DVXZ-93-97
>WWIII erupts
>sunni Islamic countries unite and create the Islamic brotherhood
>their are III sides in WWIII

>I'm guessing

This needs to happen.

We can't stop the refugees yet.

We need to wait at least 10 years until millions upon millions pour in, destroying cities, raping and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Only then will it redpill the population.

Sorry eurobros. You guys need to take yet another one for the team.

>burgerland on the left
Ebin shill pic.

Thanks, Funny, everytime i am going to commit suicide because no reasons to live, a attack happends, and i just cant wait for WW3

if Brexit happens, I suspect Denmark will follow suit soon after, and our neighbors will probably follow. A Nordic Union could rival EU easily, since all that will be left of EU will be countries facing economic and social ruin.

>European revolution and kebab removal

That will happen somewhere between never and never.

Europeans are soft as fuck. Even the dumb as bricks slavs are becoming dainty.

Sweden is Europes litmus paper. Once the majority of people in their 30s and 40s are muslim they'll begin voting for candidates who run a platform of introducing islamic laws into the country.

Only then will every wake up and realise that democracy can be undermined if you import people with different ideologies who don't integrate and live in insular communities upholding the beleifs of their homeland.

Also on the topic of multiculturalism, if anyone ever tells you it is a good thing ask them why it is unidirectional. Ask them why westerners are not emigrating to the middle east.

>middle east stays muslim
>west becomes more and more muslim

>Europeans are soft

I disagree. I agree that we SEEM soft, but that is only because most of us are being lied to by our media, censoring out stories critical of immigrants. If we actually KNEW what was going on, we would retaliate.

To be soft, we would have to be aware of what was happening, and then do nothing. The problem is that we don't, thanks to the media.

In Denmark, the media problem isn't as big as in other countries, but its still a problem. Germany and Sweden are the perfect examples of the population being lied to and kept in the dark, so they seem overbearing, while in reality most of them have no idea how bad their situation is.

It's like wondering why a man with a blindfold on isn't panicking when you wave a gun in his face. It's not because he's suicidal or crazy, it's because he's wearing a blindfold.

Why 2074? We can start today.

if you start today, you'll be fighting against your own police and military.


>we SEEM soft

you consider yourself an Euro?

Preben for helvedet.

I am not so sure about that.
When hofer almost won the elections I saw a lot of people marching down the streets waving flags.
After loosing the election it disapeared.
It´s like in stalinism, all the rightwing people think they are a minority that will be arrested if they say something.
They will realize that they are a majority soon.
The "Silent majority" is not part of the refugee welcome movement.

If you're unaware of the problems in Denmark, then you're not just blindfolded, you're also deaf. This is what the people want.

I don't really care either way anymore and have thrown my Dannebrog flags in the trash.

>you consider yourself an Euro?

We are stuck between the 2 biggest cucks of Europa, Germany and Sweden. We'll be "Euro" until we leave EU, which I hope we do once Britain exists.

>have thrown my Dannebrog flags in the trash.

All polls show Britain exit with a 3-4% lead over remain.

I hope the lefty pricks keep twisting the knife so the public backlashes even further.

If you could petition your country to urge us to remain that'd be great. We fucking hate being told what to do and will vote against it out of spite.

>thrown my Dannebrog flags in the trash

så tag dog ud i skoven og hæng dig selv.

Where is my country? reeeee do your research

I'm voting remain

For what purpose?

Can I have your address?

It only took them 2000 years but the nosebros finally won. Good on them.

>hæng dig selv

Men jeg har stadig et hanreje-skur der skal males.

We were probably glassed by Trump when Melania cuckd him.

To avoid economic melt-down.

So you're twice a coward.