Who is kek? I spent some time away from Sup Forums and I came back to all this 'PRAISE KEK' and memetic warfare stuff.
Can someone explain it? Is everyone just joking?
Who is kek? I spent some time away from Sup Forums and I came back to all this 'PRAISE KEK' and memetic warfare stuff.
Can someone explain it? Is everyone just joking?
Other urls found in this thread:
The dubs will tell.
Only newfags use it.
So you're saying that Kek's a cuck? That explains it.
I'll explain it OP.
Meme Magic is a mysterious circumstance where memes are manifested or represented in the real world.
Some like to say that Pepe, the one of the oldest memes on Sup Forums is actually a powerful Egyptian chaos God that listens to our prayers and effects reality.
I myself believe that out of our faith in memes and our hive mind intellect, we are somehow bringing things into existence through some kind of quantum mechanics.
In theory the world is full of probability waves that are in super position until something makes of record of it, which in turn breaks the super position and brings it into reality.
Look at the double split experiment.
This could explain the multiverse theory, where the universe is constantly splitting due to super positions going either or.
We may have found a way to control the probability wave in our favor to bring things that would be "impossible" into reality.
In short; We are controlling reality itself.
The things have come full circle.
Do not disrespect our Lord Kek, for it is not us mere pawns that will punish you, but Him.
Praise Kek!
>There are anons who actually believe this shit
Forgive him for he chooses through ignorance.
woah rare kek
here have another rare kek
praise kek one and all
bask in the glow of repeating digits
>this Australian knows all the secrets of the universe
Way to blow me the fuck out
Even if this post gets dubs, I'm not taking it back
The Frog God is Australian.
Indeed praise kek, one of my rarest keks for you my frog friend
>There are anons who don't believe in KEK
Have fun in purgatory non-believer
praise Θώθ
>Having this little understanding of quantum theory
>Pepe, the one of the oldest memes on Sup Forums
meant for
Praise kek, see image for the true story of kek's origins
>he doesn't know we memed an actual deity into existence and now we all have to praise him. he already fucked up Japan with earthquakes, now it's either San Andreas, Yellowstone or some big shit at the end of summer between Russia and Burgerstan
Ground shakes, tide ebbs
Can you hear His footsteps?
Ancient God awakes from sleep
Kek has come your souls to reap!
Those who serve him will be saved
Rest will die or be enslaved!
He is the ender and the redeemer
Will you be His victim or a faithful memer?
Enter now the End Times
As you read these bad rhymes
Bow your head and crane your neck
Meme with me and
Not even one dubs. Sinful thread.
Praise Kek.
It's nothing about knowing the secrets of the universe, it's just about knowing what is known. And nothing you quantum kiddies have ever said falls into the realm of knowledge. Just speculation. You guesses are so detached from reality that you would probably have a better chance blind firing a bullet from the other end of the fucking universe and killing Hillary Clinton with it than being right.
Praise kek, here have another rare kek for your kek-lection
fucking blasphemer!
Kek has existed way longer than your stupid unicycle frog, how new are you?!
unfunny forced underage meme
This thread is unclean. Kek favors you not. Be gone from this place, all ye holy.
Funny way to draw kek isn't it? Here, this is more traditional. It's all yours. Save it friend!
tl;dr some poltards believe Trump can win the nomination, when it is in fact more likely that Clinton will win 100% of the electoral votes.
win the presidency* my bad
Praise Kek!
Come on 2000 hours in paint? Have a real kek on me
Dat boi is simply the opiate of the normie. We have our own meme magic. Dat boi is on a far lower plane, resonating on a lower level as to provide the normies with some deliverance.
I find your lack of digits disturbing
Sometimes I doubt kek but then I just check em and I know he's with me.
O shit waddup ;)
don't forsake me in my time of need
embrace the dank
+0.50 has been added to your account
Based white brother.
It's the logical conclusion to all the pagan spam: Complete schizophrenia. I guess it's an Anglo thing.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Reality is influenced by thought because we all experience reality only in our heads.
Right now you're not reading this post. You're simply getting signals sent to your brain. Light is hitting your eyeballs and your head is making this stuff up from the visual stimuli it received.
For you the entire universe is just that little brain you have. All you experience is those chemicals going wild. That's what we all are.
It's not crazy to say that we all live in a simulated universe. Your brain is the computer that creates the simulation that you live in. I don't think it's that crazy to also say that this simulation is flexible. It might just be that we can influence what happens trough memes alone.
In a perfect Einstein universe, everything is measurable, yet at the quantum level particles can be both particles and waves. They can never be guessed, they are spontaneous, no way to measure them.
We are still a young clueless species
KEK is the light bringer
This is unacceptable heresy! In all of my years I never thought such blasphemy would reach us. It is obvious that this mere glimpse of meme magic has sent the normies into a frenzy!
Well I never...
There's a bunch of keklets croaking in my backyard right now from the tropical storm. Thanks Kek
Kek is the collective will of a bunch of shitposters manifesting itself as the top memes.
This is the crude and simple explanation. I think we all feel the deeper, more complex realities at play.
You misunderstand. A lot fo the quantum strangeness lies in the fact that there is literal unpredictability. Understanding the extents fo that randomness is all that any species could hope for, and it is indeed possible. The problem is that unlike classical physics, things on the small scale exist as quanta. Electron energy states, photoelectric emission, and photons all exist in finite energy levels. Classical mechanics can't cope with the fact that there are no energy levels in between set quanta. That is the basics of quantum theory and why it is so diffuclt to understand. When you think about it, humans actually have an easier time understanding quantized things. It is easier to understand whole numbers as opposed to decimals, for example.
Insightful. Have a rare kek on the house for your comment. Upboated!!!! XDDDD
Constantinople burns today , few roaches are daed.
As we know well - KEK loves to eridicate kebabs
The definition of any action would have to account for this, so yes, I am reading it.
I fucking knew it... Could reddit have powers that we are yet to comprehend?
first get of the thread
and you say that kek is real?
you can't even dress yourself
It is crude and simple, but crude and simple things form more complex forms. We have billions of simulated universes on Earth just colliding with eachother 24/7. We have these supercomputers that are capable of simulating a complex universe, and they're all just bumping into eachother.
It's messy.
praise kek, chaos shall consume the world
I understand what you're saying, what I am trying to explain is that humans by nature are unpredictable, we do not know what a person is thinking and we don't know what they'll do.
We as humans are in superposition 24/7, we have quantum influence on the universe.
We are to the universe, what quarks are to us.
The Kek state shall rise
Deus KEK removes kebabs
(confirmed with doubles)
I'm not saying the universe is simulated dumbass
woah saved
No, we are irrelevant organism on a fairly nice planet that have happened to achieve the ability to observe ourselves and the universe.
We are free agents. This space wizard shit is a spook.
>Can someone explain it? Is everyone just joking?
Read chapter 1 of Practical Speculation by Victor Niederhoffer(2005).
He talks about memes influencing financial markets and basically describes how it's just the spreading of information and how it influences peoples decision making processes.
/pol is taking it to a new level by believing the flow of information is divine intervention.
We are not irrelevent. We can influence the universe through our actions.
Every little thing we do has an effect on the physical universe. I understand that you might be a nihilist, but we don't have to have a meaning to live, we might just be an error in this universe that has the power to influence it and change its normal rhythm.
Imagine an asteroid going thought a galactic double split experiment, we can be that quantum manipulation by accidently ramming it or pushing it on purpose.
No you idiot.
Have you even been paying attention?
Pepe is showing up in bomb clouds.
Dark Knight scenes are playing out in real life tragedies.
People are predicting how stock markets end correctly.
Weird shit is indeed happening
The randomness in quantum mechanics is the lack of ability for our maths to explain it. There is nothing to say that we still don't live in a deterministic universe, in that every action is a consequence of the conditions in the big bang.
We impact the universe no more than an asteroid colliding with a planet. We are electrical impulses.
Also asteroids don't have a wave particle duality.
I'd also like to add that what I'm saying is based on what is verifiable. I would wager that our self awareness is something special and a consequence of something that we don't understand.
I'm not going to argue, in fact, I admire your dedication in trying to find a way to measure quatum activity.
I honestly believe it isnt measurable, super positions and their unpredictably would explain alot about the universe.
>although he was a god of the darkness, he was also associated with the dawn and given the epithet, the "bringer-in of the light"
It all makes sense.
>the one of the oldest memes on Sup Forums
Forced meme using a rebranded pepe.Basically, Sup Forums has become reddit tier.
Praise Kek.
Bless Pepe.
Meme Magic is real.
>>the one of the oldest memes on Sup Forums
Technically he isn't wrong, if it isn't the newest it's one of the oldest
Daily reminder Dat Boi is CIA counter-memetics designed to absorb Kek's power and funnel it into normie shit.
Sup Forums shits out memes by the week
Pepe is ancient in board standards
Things like poo falling from the sky in India and Madam Poo falling into a sewer in India and coming out clean makes me think it is legit. Imagined if we harnessed this power collectively, maybe everyone on this site all at once, what we could accomplish.
What are you talking about when you mention superposition? In physics it occurs when two waves destructively or constructively interfere, which is perfectly predicable.
nigga, that was already after chanology.
fucking newfags
Dat Boi is a CIA meme op
We memed floods of mud and slime in Germany after they got flooded with mudslimes. Our power is growing
Do not believe the false prophet!
Kek does not work on science!
Kek is Our God and Lord!
And Kek Needs our meme magic to fuel it!
Those are best repeating integers tbqh
pepe is from 2007/2008 is he not?
Kek might be our combined faith turning into a diety