Would Sup Forums consider Alan Watt's philosophy redpilled?
He managed to take Eastern philosophies and translate them very well for Westerners, but he had his own unique spin on things that I just love
Would Sup Forums consider Alan Watt's philosophy redpilled?
He managed to take Eastern philosophies and translate them very well for Westerners, but he had his own unique spin on things that I just love
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>Eastern ''philosophies''
Even more trash
*sad piano music intensifies*
Absolute leftist trash. People like this shit only because it sounds nice and intellectual to the dumb masses.
Orientalism is degenerate.
I wonder what Watts would have said about todays liberals/lefties
>*sad piano music intensifies*
Is that really the gist of it? I don't want to bother watching.
Looks like you didn't either listen to or understand him. A lot of what he talks about is orientated towards a better understanding of our reality and arriving at peace with it. It's never degenerate to aim for such a noble goal, no matter who you are or where you are coming from.
Conversation With Myself by him was a great youtube multiple-part video that stuck with me from around 2007-2008
>*sad piano music intensifies*
Man that puts me off of it.
Nah he's more Green Pill or something
Still awesome
He starts off by making very vague statements like ''life implies death''. It basically means that there's no day without a night, because of how words are defined. It's babies first philosophy and he doesn't go into detail, it just sounds nice.
Then he goes on an insane rant that has absolutely nothing to do with what he said previously.
He basically says that if you could do anything you want in dreams, like lucid dreaming, you'd do anything you want, but then you'd get bored from it, so you start introducing random elements to keep it more exciting because humans don't like predictability.
It's just garbage. This is what an idiot thinks philosophy is like. This is so bad it's not even DUDE WEED talk. Way worse than that.
I find his ideas relaxing but he's blue pilled as fuck and his philosophy is useless in the real world.
He has the rich hipster philosophy of "I have everything I want in life I'm just gonna travel the world to nice places and pretend nothing is going on".
Thats not what happens in Conversation With Myself, but whatever you say Pedro
As a philosopher and a theologian he's one of the best. I used to love him when I was a stoner, but I haven't smoked or listen to watts in years so I might give it a go, hopefully it doesn't sound like gibberish to me now.
>Conversation With Myself
All I found with that title is a Mandela's book. So either elaborate or you're not really making any point.
>Then he goes on an insane rant that has absolutely nothing to do with what he said previously.
The "rant" has everything to do with what he says next, by realizing the illusory nature of life and death, for instance, we can feel ourselves as all of reality itself (in the video he calls this ultimate reality the Self). That is very redpilled
"He starts off by making very vague statements like ''life implies death''."
Jesus is love.
I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding shit to say about it, but he seems pretty aware and not "le wunderlust xDD" as you put it.
It's a good video for anyone with the time to watch it, though.
worse than DUDE WEED?
sounds like you might be scared of it user
And here comes one of the idiots who buys into this sort of ''philosophy''.
Nothing he said showed the ''illusory nature of life and death''. What he said is that something that is dead if defined as not living, and something that is living is defined as not dead. You can't have one word without the other.
This has zero relevance to his stupid rant about 70 year long lucid dreams.
I have no feuds against Alan Watts but the debate is wether or not he's redpilled and I think he's far from it.
Alan was a good cunt, very knowledgeable. Would have loved to have a chat with him
same, these autists wouldnt understand
Alan Watts is the best.
Learn a lot from him.
You're just too dumb to get it, faggot.
Go jerk off to the bible.
You know what's trash? Continental philosophy. A bunch of models and wordings on words.
Total fantasy garbage.
Zen and Hindu core is where you find useful philosophy
I'm so happy I visit the pure land as often as I like
I'm there and I'm back
I'm there and I'm back
Namu amida butsu
Whether you are going or staying or sitting or lying down,
the whole world is your own self.
You must find out
whether the mountains, rivers, grass, and forests
exist in your own mind or exist outside it.
Analyze the ten thousand things,
dissect them minutely,
and when you take this to the limit
you will come to the limitless,
when you search into it you come to the end of search,
where thinking goes no further and distinctions vanish.
When you smash the citadel of doubt,
then the Buddha is simply yourself.
(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
(113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."
Yeah, I enjoy listening to him from time. Comfy level desu. I can't say if he's red pilled, I don't think it really applies.
Taoism is comfy as fuck.
The only pholospohers I need are Adolf Hitler and Samuel J. Hyde
How far philosophy has fallen.
The lack of philiosophy is a big part of the downfall of the west. People were disenfranchised with philosophy and for good reason - it was from shit like this.
Semantic philosophy, abstract, meaningless, mental masturbation.
The best philosophers, the early philosophers - were simply about how to live the best life. What happened?
>promoting heathen ideas