/sc/ - Slowcore General

what's your favourite slowcore release, Sup Forums?

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but my favourite is obviously down colorful hill

this is a great album


All pretty obvious, but I really love all these albums

pic related will always be my favorite


What is the black and white chandelier album?

one of the sun kil moon albums that I can't remember

april by sun kil moon
it's amazing

I've been listening to this album almost everyday this past week because I've been stressed studying for a test and remembering bad things I've done.

So clumsy in the lyrical department, but damn if it doesn't hit hard

Is this slowcore? Why or why not?

mine is this

pic related.

followed by this:

it just clicks

how is Low so good, boys? how do they do it?

That girl Pipi or something clearly has a major depression.


Slow mesmerizing music along with some solid guitar riffs now and then. Sufficiently vague but still sincerely specific lyrics. Beautiful voices.

I love Duster and Valium Angels. I got into Secret Name and Things We Lost In The Fire, but the earlier stuff seems so dark and bereft of melody. Pretty experimental, too. Can't get into Red House Painters/Sun Kil Moon. Maybe I'll try him again tonight. Anyway, these are some of my favs I believe to be overlooked:

early Helvetia songs have slowcore that's just as beautiful as Duster or VA

Kind of unclassifiable, but I think it still counts. Great anyway.
Mark Hollis

Love me some Karla Schickele (she joined Ida during their best years)

Every Duster head should have this compilation, some of the other songs are pretty good.

I always post these next two but never get any feedback so I assume people don't like them? Shame.
Tel Aviv
A Day Called Zero

Shout out to whoever recommended Love, Claire to me in a thread once upon a time. They were nice.

1. Low - i Could Live in Hope
One hour long snoozefest. Perfect music for when i just want to be alone or feel depressed.

2. Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
The most depressing music i have ever heard. I play it a lot on mondays, saturdays and sundays...

3. The For Carnation - S/T
A bit more unique with spokenwords and no singing or screaming. Its something i can listen to without eaisly being disturbed.

Have you listened to their EP Fight Songs? The first track on it is probably one of my favorite songs ever written.

I love Snoother. I need to look up the lyrics one day.
Some more:


Ida - Tales of Brave Ida is so underrated. I love it.

No but i gave it a listen and love it. Thanks a lot !

this one is probably my favorite. stratosphere is also 10/10 for me but i really don't consider that one slowcore, more of just indie rock with a few slowcore songs and a few space rock songs.

side note: i'm actually reissuing this album on cassette (starting a slowcore label) and i should have a bandcamp up for the label soon, so if you like this album keep your eyes peeled

That album is very boring but the last track is amazing.


top tier

second tier

amazing album, has slowcore moments but no dyed in the wool slowcore album would have Let's Save Tony Orlando's House, Cherry Chapstick, or You Can Have It All

Certain Songs: Ohia/Jason Molina stuff could be considered slowcore, pic related is very underrated

good shit, hope the label goes well

thanks pal!

Fuck yes, I have a thing for super austere slowcore maidens.

Pic related: shitty generic 90s album art, beautiful narcotized slowcore/drone

is that her best album?

this guy knows what's up

Her s/t is probably her best but certain songs on that one fucking slay me e.g. Falling Yesterday, Trust

never heard of her somehow, downloading her s/t now

i can't get enough of lisa germano

A Psychopath is fucked up yo

Try this Low album

there she is

Best Codeine album


Sun Kil Moon's best album

Too lazy to find a pic but check out Horse Jumper of Love

I want more like this.

Thank you so much. I've been looking for Will You Find Me by them for years.

I fell in love with Bluetile Lounge's Lowercase about a year ago, but only recently discovered the band is from my home city

Pic related is some pretty recent stuff, and the fact that it's Canadian makes a little part of me smile. I'm happy about this whole thread; so much shit I haven't seen before.

I just took a quick look and that album seems to be on Soulseek.

Want me to upload it for you?

This is also mine. Frigid Stars is good, but if that's your pick for best Codeine album you're a pleb.

Fucking love this album. Criminally overlooked. But idk if I'd classify it as slowcore.


Also good choices


>it was the biggest cock you've ever seen

i love this album

Is this slowcore?

If Cindy is slowcore this might as well be.

could you recommend me slowcore-bands/albums where fuzzy guitars and synths are present?

Not much synths but the guitars sound great.

What does Sup Forums think of the latest The New Year album? Maybe not as slowcore as their earlier albums, but I still like it. Recent History is an absolute banger


The For Carnation - S/T is one of my all time favorite albums, the more I listen to it the more I start feeling like it rivals Spiderland.

Bottom right?

Remind me of this

Is this the soy boy general?



The worst New Year album but still really good.

What's the most depressing slowcore song?

do you guys like neil young? on the beach could be considered THE definitive proto-slowcore

I do

Cat Power - I Hate This Stupid Song, It's Not Even Mine And I Don't Want To Sing It Anymore