How has the Left managed to neuter even the highest ranking conservatives in our nation?
Just cuck my country up, family.
How has the Left managed to neuter even the highest ranking conservatives in our nation?
Just cuck my country up, family.
Other urls found in this thread:
>everyone who's not a stormfag is "the left"
It isn't about neutering.
Bro tier Mexicans are a based addition to the US, which is why every rational person or leader supports that view, most people, like you, are simply too stupid to figure it out.
>la raza
build wall
Trump is correct about the judge having a conflict of interest, leaf.
So I guess when a person from another nation called me a Canadian... he's racist?
Trump should've went further with the Judge he should've pointed out that the judge is a member of the La Raza.
>Backstabbing your own party's nominee
People should be glad they didn't won.
Go eat some tacos, Pedro.
Average IQ of 88...
Maybe for the first and second generations, but long term just another class of niggers.
45% of the california population
0% of Silicon valley CEOs
>based addition
Get the fuck out you pile of subhuman filth. Mexicans are disease ridden, stunted trash nearly as retarded as the negras'
Bro tier Mexicans stay in Mexico, and why not? They run the place? We get the trash
Agreed about the la raza bit. That alone is a massive indicator of bias
Trump is right, but is only scratching the surface.
As inherently emotional beings, humans are literally incapable of being truly unbiased.
Judges should be replaced with computers that coldly calculate sentencing and rulings based on objectives facts.
other people are pointing it out publicly already, some are catching on.
I think that's a bit unreasonable if you're not just fucking around. The judge should definitely recuse himself, though. If the shoe was on the other fit, the Left would be in the street.
>Called "The Race"
>Not racially motivated
You really thought you had those delegates, Donald?
I have to go to sleep eventually, user.
Frankly, you need all of the ``bro-tier" Mexicans you can get.
Maybe if you gathered all of the bro-tier Mexicans in the world, your country would be fixed and we wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath that is your government.
This is the political spectrum these days
Sure were a lot of """bro""" tier Mexicans in San Jose the other day. You people are honorary niggers after a chimp out like that. Burrito niggers.
>CEOs are the only valuable component in a society in these numbers I pulled out of my ass
>la raza fags
>a meaningful share of these people
You are so mad it's actually pretty comical, they say libshits are the most butthurt and thin skinned group in the US but it's becoming increasingly clear that buttmangled trumplets like you, who foam at the mouth at any aspect in Mexicans being based trigger some deep irrational anger inside you.
The judge had this case before the presidential election
Kasich isn't high ranking and he isn't a conservative, and hopefully he won't stay in our nation
Why are you on this board, seriously? How is it fun for you to get shit on everyday?
They're failed candidates that are still hoping for some shady "miracle" at the convention
Well, I guess I should have figured that. Not sure what the rules are on cases that have already begun, but he still has a clear bias regardless.
>judge literally a la raza fag
>totally not meaningful
He's a fucking governor, and he ran on the Republican primary ticket. Don't mince words.
Oh gee, the Judge who chose an illegal immigrant for a scholarship and is part of La Raza can't be biased?
>Bro tier Mexicans
>liberal federal judge with a lifetime appointment who has ties to the clinton foundation
There is nothing "based" or "bro tier" about any of this shit. Sometimes a beaner is just a beaner.
Trump shouldn't slam the judge for being mexican. He should slam him for being part of La Raza. Big difference.
Him being of Mexican heritage is what makes him biased. He obviously sees immigrants differently than someone who isn't a first generation immigrant, Mexican at that, and La Raza is fucking Mexican, dude. They didn't originate in Guatemala or Colombia.
Discussing a persons racial background is inappropriate and he should make a public apology. I want to see him beg and scrape.
>Public apology
Jesus, you're sad, brother.
Kasich once said that Mexicans were a nice people because "he stayed at a hotel once, and the Mexican maid left a thank you note in the room"
That should not matter. Does not change the fact that he is a La Raza fag.
Yikes. Well, he also tried to lecture Orthodox Jews on the Torah.
It shows these two fuckers are still in cahoots and will try all they can to steal the nomination at the convention.
You really think that?
No. His Mexican heritage is very relevant. Not pointing it out is the sort of timid "I'm afraid to be too right-wing because the left has conditioned me this way" behavior that leads to the right consistently getting cûcked by the left.
CRUZ / KASICH Alliance still working Baby.
Cruz / Kasich 2016. 1237 here we GOOOOOOO!!!!!
fuck off, maplefag
>please apologise for stating facts
looks like these faggots still haven't learned. Maybe when an Imperial Trump marine is crushing their skull they will understand.
Which is why Trump will win in November, while these "leaders" like Cruz and Kasich throw their tantrums.
There's a reason these clowns lost in the GOP primary.
Why are Mexicans so triggered by when someone calls them Mexican? Is this like calling a Jew, Jewish?