Trump is hittler

he the next incarnation of hitter

hell even bald eagles hate him

also look how much of a pussy he looks like when they agravated

>he the next incarnation of hitter
If only, alas.

>calling trump hitler
>expecting Sup Forums to be ashamed of that

Newfag detected. Even /polgbt/ knows this

>Trump is Hitler
Do I get to vote if I fly over right now?

>when they agravated

Illiterate nigger detected

....and you want to want vote for a globalist puppet ?!?!?

I hope you understand that the end goal to the globalist movement is neo feudalism.

The establishment democrats is against Trump

The establishment republicans is against Trump

The Bilderberg Group is against Trump

The Council on Foreign Relations is against Trump

The Trilateral Commission is against Trump

Soros is against Trump

Koch brothers are against Trump

The whole (((AGENDA))) is against Trump

omg trump drinks water
adolf hitler drank water

holy shit guys....

Yes. Just say your undocumented my finfam

Yeah, go to Chicago or anywhere in California. I'm sure there's some dedicated Democrat somewhere in those locations that knows the ins and outs of voter fraud.

>Even /polgbt/ wants this

Hitler was a qt when he was young just like President Trump. 9/11 would have let him invade my gas chamber.

>Koch brothers are against Trump

Oh they were the sweethearts of Sup Forums a year ago. Whenever I criticized them for spending too much cash and influencing politics people rush to their defense

Very ironic that they become the bad guy when they spent influence against poltards wishes

Maybe I should do it. Trump deserves my vote.

im glad he's promised to finally allow lynchings for convicted illegals


>is against Trump

In this context you would say "are against Trump" since you are speaking of many. Or you could say "The Democrat party is against Trump"; speaking about only one - the party.


i want Bernie Sanders

Well I am not a fag degenerate but I will say they were both handsome men when they were younger. They had a excellent taste in wives though.

Hitler > Trump
Trump is merely a nationalist leap pad for something closer to what we need. It's just the beginning and America will be great again, like Hitler made Germany great again. Until the Jews won and conquered western (white) civilization.
Face it foreigners, you belong in your own countries, trying to make them better. Instead you bring your culture here and force it down our throats expecting us to adopt it and leave our own behind. How can't you see that, that has been engineered?

You have been here for a year and you still have not figured out this is a satirical board? Here is a 1 time tip. OP of this thread might like Trump, he might not. Either way, he made this thread to trigger idiots dumb enough to take him serious.

>Well I am not a fag degenerate
>posts dat boi

>Sup Forums is satire

Its true, the Jews aren't fans of Trump.
That's a good thing. People are too stupid and would rather vote for a Jewish Commie or a known criminal instead. People want to be enslaved.

>implying normie-frog shitposting is equal to sticking a dick in an bacteria infest out hole.

huffpost pls go and stay go


>trump tries to free once noble eagle from its shackles

Wow, all the kikes are adamantly against trump.

Good thing there is nothing they can do if you guys democratically elect trump.


As long as he builds a wall, we don't care what he says


To be honest, i'm rooting for hillary. Hope the USA goes down in flames and stops fucking with SA once and for all.

For all the shady shit Sup Forums pins on the US government, you guys are strangely skeptic of its role in fucking with south american politics.

And no, I don't mean venezuela. Those guys are just reaping what they sowed, which is nothing.

Hitler was an animal lover, though. Trump was probably just hoping it wouldn't shit on his desk.

You can't be President if the White House eagle doesn't accept you.

When the olympics are a huge failure and your country goes further into debt, are you finally going to get that zika virus off the center of your flag?

Have you ever seen a fucking bald eagle?

They are fucking scary. Trump is old. He can die tomorrow from falling and breaking his hip. A god damn bald eagle would murder him in seconds.

You'd shit your pants in his place too.

well if he can finish the job then i cant complain

At least the Trump eagle shows some fight

I hope brazil goes down in flames too. This country is beyond salvation.

Maybe we can build something out of the ashes, and if we can't, maybe we didn't deserve a nation afterall.


#feelingthebern tbhfam

>trump tries to free eagle from its chains
>eagle lashes back out of instinct, it has been chained for so long that it doesn't know what it feels like to be free


Nah, Trump just fucked up.
When you're near large birds, the rules to follow are to be calm and not make rapid movements and to not poke them.

racist cracker



When you are 60+ years old, I bet you'll shit your pants when a fucking pidgeon gets unruly in the park.



I have a budgie, little fucker will try to kill you for no reason.

You guys are absolutely insane.

In here if a guys raises a brazillian leopard, its news. Over there dude raises six bears, nobody bats an eye.

Absolute insanity or absolute recklessness.

Tbh senpai Anti Trump Supporters are acting like shit tier versions of SA, and Bernie is a Socialist, just like Hitler...checkmate reddit

This is b8 but I'll bite. Technically Trump is much more like Caesar. Both men were very successful in their pre-political careers. Both men oppose the current establishment who has later tried to bargain with. Both men entered politics at a time when their respective republics were failing. The only big difference is that Caesar had a damn army that was loyal to him, but this is maybe like Trumps meme army. There's a reason we post Emperor Trump memes and images; if everything goes well, that's exactly what we'll get.