Is this why the Jews had him killed?
Is this why the Jews had him killed?
wtf now i'm glad he's dead
wtf now i'm sad he's dead
wtf now i'm mad he's dead
wtf now i'm daddy's shed
wtf now i'm dead he's sad
wtf now i'm postin in u thread
wtf now i'm dead he's mad
European colonist Jews will be removed from Palestine, and there is nothing you can do about it
Wtf i love lil peep now
wtf I love Jews now
good thing i don't drink soda, those fucking jews.
Don't use those two words in a sentence ever again
Peep was a marxist himself. He was in on it.
I didn't know he was this based.
rip SS Officer Ahr
a swede to the core
literally what
>be lil peep
>be named Gustav Åhr
>one of the rare pure aryans left in america
>rap about falling in love with white bitches
>objectify the fuck out of mongrel bitches
>tell your fans not to support you if they are zionists (over 90% of jews are zionists, he's basically saying 90% of jews shouldn't listen to him)
>call out (((them))) openly with no shame
>some Jewess whore gives you xans pressed with fent
RIP Peep, another Aryan victim of Jewish supremacism.
>Peep was a marxist himself
No he wasn't. He just admired Stalin, so do I and I still hate Jews.
>European colonist Jews will be removed from Palestine, and there is nothing you can do about it
They are a minority of Israelis though faggot. Not even 30% of European Jews live in Israel versus over 90% of Middle Eastern Jews. There are 3,500,000 Mizrahi Jews, 3,200,000 of them live in Israel. all you so-called bleeding heart liberals just want to see brown Jews get killed.
Stalin basically was the closest thing to a non-SJW rational guy who understood how to actually run a business in the Bolshevik government. All day up to his ascent he had to put up with brain-dead dreamers who thought they were geniuses and considered him to be nearly illiterate, and meanwhile he's cleaning up all their mistakes. Anyone who wonders why Trotsky had to die after learning what Brest-Litovsk was will not understand Stalin.
he was dumb as bricks, let Lysenko starve his country kek
Stalin was a retarded psychopath though.
>56% white
Wew lad
>56% white
How is he 56% white? He was one of the very few pure whites left in America. Mostly German & Swedish. His name was fucking Gustav for fuck's sakes, the Jews despised him for that.
>hitler laughing at all these cringey commies even though there is an equally amount of cringe lord nazis
would hitler be proud of his modern day following of gamer neckbeards, meth heads, rednecks, and teenagers jerking off to hentai? no
You kind of missed the point of the pic bud. Stalin is surprised/disgusted because nu-communism/socialism is literally just homosexuality, pure degeneracy, diversity and """progress"""
True, both of them would be pissed at what their movements have become today though.
>equal amount
Doubt it