Since trans gender is a thing

Since trans gender is a thing.

Is there such a thing as trans race and trans religion? can you self identify as a proud Japanese christian but be a Chinese atheist instead?

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I'll give you a trans-answer and say no, by which I mean yes

>check flag
>smirk and take a sip of beer
>typical auscunts

can someone please translate this transnonsense?

>trans religion
>not "conversion"
are you retarded

"I am special and I want you to call me something I'm not so I am reminded regularly about how special I am."

I'm not going to lie. The other day I was having too much banter with the soft cunts at work and they threatened to write me up for harassment.
I thought for a brief moment that I was slowly becoming a Trans-Australian.
But then it clicked that I'm not surrounded by dangerous flora and fauna unless you count nignogs, so there's no way I could possibly be that close to evolving into such a spectacular lifeform of free speech and shitposting.

I'm go to Church but I identify as a Muslim ALLAH AKBAR!!!

Well, That's probably the best anwser that i'll get from this thread.

don't misrace yourself.

is that transpecial?

I identify as a Catholic but I was born a Faggot

well gender identity is defined by the brain structure you're born with, while race is defined by arbitrary social assessments (what race are slavs? bjork? ) and religion is defined by social customs
I can see no legitimate way to draw parallels from "gender identity not aligned with sex" to race or religion

>what race are Slavs?
Slavs are Slavs


>It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

There is very clear empirical evidence illustrating the intersexual nature of the transgender brain. If you deny this, you deny true empirical fact. Might as well be a fucking liberal.

PIC RELATED: 25 years of sexual dimorphism research in the brain and the last 15 years of transgender brain neurology annotated.

"well gender identity is defined by the brain structure you're born wit"

>Identifying as a two-spirit is part of my brain structure

That's a pretty sweet false parallel you have there my friend. The difference is physical intersexuality actually exists. There are about a dozen types of observed intersex conditions.

All research points to illustrate the state of being transgender is a form of neurological intersexuality. I'm really sorry science and critical thinking is so hard for you.

>while race is defined by arbitrary social assessments (what race are slavs? bjork?

So if race is only defined by arbitrary social assessments, what about sickle cell anemia? Pretty sure that a factual genetic difference between races, not a social one.

>That's a pretty sweet false parallel you have there my friend. The difference is physical intersexuality actually exists. There are about a dozen types of observed intersex conditions.

Yes, I'm aware that they have a mental disorder and it's a shame that they aren't being offered help as the research into treating it is all but shut down.

Also theres 31 gender identities you can choose from now in NY, you shitlord.

that's not exactly a racial trait, its a trait developed by populations living in malaria infected zones over time
since there's no malaria in the US the people you would call black there barely have it anymore

I'm transcopter you heliphobe.

i indentify as a nigger because as a Slav i am considered a white male and can˙t get any gibs me dats in Germany

Trannies are a plague upon humanity.

You want to see what letting people get away with genetic weaknesses does?
Look at people with bad eyesight.
We were able to "cure" that quite a while ago. Now what do you see? Blind fuckers everywhere.

That's what accepting weakness is.
It's being weak yourself.


Go call yourself a trans nigger in front of a group of black people and see how far that gets you.

Caucasian race with a slight mixture in it. Still mostly caucasian if the person is an actual Slav

>Go call yourself a trans nigger in front of a group of black people and see how far that gets you.

I will make sure to remind them that black lives matter as well.

>that's not exactly a racial trait, its a trait developed by populations living in malaria infected zones over time

"A trait that only affects black isn't a racial trait"

Ok then.

[spoiler]i'm a trans arab[/spoiler]

ahoy pinoy! Now that you have a new prez can i no longer get drugs and hookers in your country?

>not living in an area with a shotload of cougars
Why even live

I don't get how someone can believe in evolution and at the same time believe that different groups of humans separated for thousands of years didn't develop traits specific to that group that helped them better survive their environment.

Humans aren't exempt from evolution, as much as liberals would like to believe.

>what a coincidence (((Garcia-Falgueras)))
Not so fast user. Until I can fuck horses and dogs you can piss off.