Why has Sup Forums become so shit?
Why has Sup Forums become so shit?
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Not enough shillary threads for you?
How about a blacked thread?
What about a aussie shit poster thread? Emus anyone?
No wait, I got it. A cry baby Meta thread wash.
Fuck off.
Zimmerman newfags
Trump hype
"""The Alt-Right"""
Economic slowdown means more normies become basement dwellers
I would bet anything that these faggots all post on Sup Forums
Fans of Trudo
The Left
Anyone posting from the middle east.
Because of pic related. He named the board and attracted a horde of shills.
Faggots and shills
>sanders for president
>tfw another baby bird died this year because I never got around to fixing the loose panel on the underside of the porch roof where they always nest
I don't get it, why is everyone complaining that Sup Forums worships Milo, even though nobody actually does and everyone calls him a faggot.
is this a forced meme?
Of course (((you))) would want flags to be taken down, (((Chaim)))
No he's actually right.
what a gaggle of faggots
>even though nobody actually does and everyone calls him a faggot.
>is this a forced meme?
Because retarded shills think this is a good wedge issue to shatter the "alt-right"
Though there is no "alt-right" leftists just coined that term to bash anyone who disagrees with liberals on the internet
I don't see Sweden in that pic. Is he busy prepping the bull.
t. cock cage connoisseur
>Calling anyone but himself a bull prepper.
Wew lad
What is this "alt-right" nonsense and why is Sup Forums being associated with it?
because anybody can come to Sup Forums and post what ever bullshit they want while the mods do nothing to stop it
Kind of like how any immigrant can turn up in your country and claim Asylum while the government does nothing to stop it.
This is on point.
Israelis get the least flak out of any of the countries that have political relevance and/or dank memes associated with them.
Most people seem to like them, ironically.
>Most people seem to like them, ironically.
Hold on...
You ok?
>Israelis get the least flak out of any of the countries that have political relevance and/or dank memes associated with them.
Tbh you're not wrong.
You'd expect Sup Forums to badger any jew flag but it's at most some bantz.
Kikeposters are usually quality.
wow boy
Dude, don't let them know that we know about their little scheme.
Ouch ;(
demo graphical change, few people stay here for more than 2-3 years , and Sup Forums grow tremendously since 2014 (check 4plebs statistics), so you would feel this place being changed even if every oldfag had stayed.
We >>/lgbt/ now :^)
Swedes are Mongols.
JIDF won the propaganda war.
Think you missed the part about us having the highest concentration of germanic people on the planet, turkroach.
absolutely this, except for flags (I trained my brain to skip over Canada, Sweden posts 90% of time)
>Falling for the alt-right meme
>Falling for (((Milo)))
He's just using you like every fucking other e-celeb you fawn over. What's worse is that he namedrops our little sekrit club at every opportunity, opening the floodgates to even more """""""""Redpilled"""""""" normalfag redditors.
>but m-muh queen of Sup Forums
Does that include half-germanics :^)
Because of germanys shitskin love affair
One drop rule has no exceptions.
Trott back to r.eddit you filthy jew loving bitch.
Not that I'd expect anything less from a sack less tin foil spine cuck boy like you.
No, it doesn't.
Precisely. The germanic part of the map are racially pure. It's not a graph that shows the genetic makeup of the average Swede, but the genetic makeup of the country.
Stay mad though, roach.
Poor canadian.
whiter than you even at their worst
Complaining about Milo is the equivalent of that "pancake fag" jpg. Nobody would be talking about him but for you.
Can't come up with an Insult for my superior master race people?
The delusion is strong in this cuck.
do these guys understand milo literally wants to fuck them? It's not just a joke
Keep being deluded.
>racially pure
Pick one and only one
>Master race
Can't see you on the list. Must be nigger-tier intelligence =/
>Literally the niggers of the northwest
Think you missed pic-related in Keep projecting though, it's cute.
We were one people back then (still are). Norwegians were vikings. Swedes were vikings. Danes were vikings.
>You will never conquer large swathes of territory with your horse archer bros, raping and pillaging the last "pure" nordic women and producing filthy asiatic rape babies
Feels bad Bagrationi.
Here have another.
I like this jew, even if he is playing a jew trick and pretending to be one of us.
>Per capita
Sounds like you're trying to inflate something..