You are given a chance to re-draw the borders of Europe. How will you do it and why?
Pre Mongol/Turk Europe is best Europe
Yes, GB don't have muslims and niggers
This map is in case Britain leaves polandbro
Border to south halfway past belgian, mediteraneans and french can fuck off with their subhuman language.
Eastern border right of poland.
Wester border to the left of ireland. Northern border stays as it is.
You're lucky enough to be on an island, too bad we can still be in deep shit if some left wing pussies elect wrong party. FUCK.
I would give all the land to Russia, so Europe won't destroy itself again.
Isn't poland based though?
Most of us are, but it seems like the religious right wing and the usual left wing propaganda (both on media and in schools) spread fast, although I think they are litrealy only a vocal minority, Civic platform wouldn't be that bad if it didn't alienate the right wing and poles themselves, and of course, if they wouldn't lick the boots of Angela Merkel. We'll see how the media portrays Law & Justice party, and if we'll get another few years of based Duda.
It pains me that atheists, poles, are fucking idiots. Literaly, fucking morons that swallow everything media throws at them, they are trying to be 'open minded' but they just went from believing in one religion to another, I don't mind Christianity at all, since it's producing conservatives.
> religious right wing
These are the biggest cucks in the US, even worse than the left sometimes. You can't imagine how much the Jews have turned the US "Christians" into nothing but Israel worshipers that adopt African niglets
Same here for the youth
It's social media. They see some big block capital photo and everyone likes it. "pray for this" "one like for this" "let in refugees" No one thinks anymore, without social media we'd be a better place.
best map comming up
korwinek wykurwiaj
what did slovenia ever do to you?
good map imo
Russia has more muslims than the whole of western europe together
literally dont care about the rest BREXIT
Losing corse to get Wallony.
I'm ok with this
Pontus Exists???
Splitting up the United Kingdom???
Russia doesnt own Ukraine???
Italy owns Tunisia and France doesnt???
5/10 map at best
I don't even support Korwin, nor Kukiz, nor PIS - I think the right wing in Poland is either too religious or too far-right. PO is fucked because it turns more and more left wing, PIS is the lesser devil. I wouldn't mind Korwin though, something new and a soft dictature could work.
Take back Agean Macedonia for the real Macedonia. Just like it was prior to the 1913 Bucharest Treaty when you cunts robbed them.
But since I'm south American I know shit about Europe.
Flanders with the Dutchies. It's like you're not even trying.
reported for hate speech
We´ll give you Skåne
best map coming through
Im ok with this
>Over 9000 hours in MS Paint
You can't even try to refute this.
Right now?
Flamish, luxemburg, austria, switserland and espaňia, schotland, ireland. I'll take a train to spain cause they have that real spicy attitude. Nuke the rest of that don't have love for their country. Fascism is the way to go.
Where's the giant Wall across the fucking niggerland
Grootnederland plz
>independent Austria
nah, Greater Germany is the way to go
Nah this is the best map
this one is the best
This is in literally every map thread. It is a good thing.
>Wales part of "England"
>Southern Scotland and Northern England make up "Wales"
But why?