Hey, guys. What do you feel to Ukraine and Russia?

Hey, guys. What do you feel to Ukraine and Russia?
What do u know about this countries?

Attached: Ukraine-and-Russia-to-Cooperate-on-Modernization-of-Russian-Naval-Ships.jpg (400x320, 60K)

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I'm Russian, mother from Ukraine.
>What do you feel to Ukraine and Russia
>What do u know about this countries?

My girlfriend is from Ukraine and I spent three weeks there last January. It's a pretty cool place but I don't want to spend the rest of my life there. I'm trying to convince my girlfriend to move here once she finishes university.

Where were you and where are you from?

zdorowa brat

Where r u from?

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He is from Russia :D

>zdorowa brat
Priwet, brat.

In that case, it's strange that he said that he does not want to spend the rest of his life there. Russia differs from Ukraine rather weakly. With the exception of Moscow.

I'm from the USA. I spent a week in Kiev and two weeks in Kharkiv where she's from

I'm from the southwest United States. I don't want to say too much here because lol4chan

>Kharkiv where she's from
My Mom from this city, nice place.What do you think about the local nature?
It seems to me that in Russia (European part) and in Ukraine the most beautiful nature in the north, where there are many forests and rivers.

Fuck Russia .
Ukraine is cool.

>Ukraine is cool.
Chechnya is cool, dumb.


What do you like in Kyiv and Kharkiv?

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I have lots of love for the ukraine.

russia not so much.

Ukraine is like a redneck version of Russia.
It's not bad if you were born there,
but an amerifag won't last long.

Btw, they treat women like shit over there.

If shes not rich but won't move,
there something suspicious going on.

Mother is a Ukranian, Father is Serbian (might not count, but there's a lot of love towards Russia from my people)

So, I love Russia because of my father, and I love Ukraine because of my mother and her father. If I had to pick my favorite country though, it would have to be Ukraine, since I suffered a great deal of bullying by my own grandmother (father's mom) for having Ukranian blood and for liking my Ukranian grandparents who also essentially raised me, so I kinda connect with Ukraine more, even if I never visited.

What the reason

Unfortunately I spent pretty much all of my time in the city and didn't see very much of the nature. It was also January so I didn't want to spend too much time outside.

Really what I enjoyed the most was just experiencing a new place and culture. It was all very different from what I'm used to here in the US.

Here we don't even know much about Serbia.
Your people love us?

I used to think Russia and US should Ally against China, but Putin has made it clear he is no friend to the US. I smell a bad war coming.

I lived with Russians and Ukrainians

We drank

A lot

All the time.

Nice people

I have no idea. I always thought it was retarded but apparently my people think love is mutual? Even though Russian government promised to help us when we were bombed and then didn't. Essentially retards who want to feel loved and appreciated. I kinda admire Russia for Fedor (mma fighter) but that's about it

> Ukraine is like a redneck version of Russia.
Why do you think that? Like Russia > Ukraine

> Btw, they treat women like shit over there.
Where did you hear that?

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Russia is run by a bunch of third Rome Chekists with ambitions to reassert the regional and global significance it once held in the USSR

So we promised to help you from getting bombed but we lied and you love us?

Shouldn't you hate us?


Both languages are neat from what I know.
Ukraine has some cool games from there but I know nothing else about it.
Russia has a lot of cool things from it but aside from that and not getting along with some westerners I only know some history.

I want to get out of here

I have personal friends in Ukraine.

Who is this friends and how did you know they?

That's what im saying. A lot of people ignore that though and act like there's a big fucking circlejerk. It mostly has to do with politics though, I guess it helps our government if our people think they have friends out there who will look out for such a tiny country. I think it's extremely fucking stupid and everyone praising Russia in my country can eat a dick.

I was always interested in the question of how foreigners hear our language. I have heard many times that foreigners think our language is ugly, but to me it seems pretty nice. And in the comments under Russian songs, our language is often praised.
I also like Ukrainian, I understand it completely.

who r these friends***

> I was always interested in the question of how foreigners hear our language.
What is your lang, english?

What about this:

>What is your lang, english?
Russian. I post songs.
Time to autistic russian songs.

Who killed Givi and Motorola?

I'm Croatian,
got to know through a friend who was born there but moved here after that shit with Russia started.

Volodymir Pyton

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Their opponents in their republics, most likely, were afraid of their independence and power.

pls answer anyone

Ta шo oтвeчaть, бpaтeц. Mнe кaжeтcя, чтo co cтopoны pyccкий кaжeтcя oчeнь гpyбым и твёpдым языкoм, бyдтo язык кaких-тo дикapeй или лaйк зиc. Boзмoжнo, чтo кoмy-тo этo нpaвитcя

Интepecнo, пoчeмy. Bpoдe кaк paз нaoбopoт дoлжнo быть, в pyccкoм бoльшaя чacть coглacный пaлaтaлизиpoвaныe, тoгдa кaк в aнглийcкoм нeт. И звyчaниe нaoбopoт дoлжнo быть дoвoльнo мягким и гapмoничным. B пecнях ocoбeннo этo cлышнo. Пpичём этo мнeниe нe мoё, я eгo eщё дaвнo нa фopчe и ycлышaл, нo хoтeлocь бoльшe мнeний coбpaть.

Anuuuu cheki breki i v damki

Sboku, sboku abkhadee

Pyccкий oчeнь пoхoж нa тypeцкий. Heзнaю пoчeмy нo yкpaинcкий из-зa звyчит бoлee кpacивo.

A lot of your grills have nice lips and hair for some reason, other than that I'd say your country is pretty garbage. You dump your rusty old wrecks all over the Norwegian coast, your towns are sad industrial husks, like all the slav countries your language is atrocious too, brute and orcish. For a northern country with such a huge population, it's pretty amazing that you don't have a single good metal band.You all suck at dota as well.

Mнe кaжeтcя, тypeцкий aбcoлютнo инaчe звyчит, oчeнь oтличный. Я дyмaю, пpocтo тyт кaждoмy пpиятнee eгo poднoй язык, y тeбя, видимo, yкpaинcкий или нaoбopoт, чтo ты пpocтo нe зaдyмывaлcя o тoм, кaк звyчит pyccкий, мнe, из-зa тoгo, чтo я пpивык к pyccкoмy и зaдyмывaлcя oб этoм, кaжeтcя oн кpacивee, a yкpaинcкий нe тaким звoнким, чтo ли, a чyть твёpжe, нo этo cyбъeктивныe вeщи вpoдe кaк, вooбщe и yкpaинcкий в пecнях oчeнь нpaвитcя.

>metal band


I hear an ethnic minority that needs protecting

>He is author of this....

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know nothing of both

do not care

hol up

free watch!


I like how you went for my cultural points when you're still collectively stuck in the mid 90s electro genre

Know enough history to know that they are essentially the same country, except only Russia kept the name.

Enjoy architecture and demographics of Moscow, though Museums are all in Russian, people will stare if you speak English on the metro, and not even the people at Krispy Kream understand English. Also, food is cheap, no restaurants seem to sell pilsner, and public transport is noisy as fuck.

know a few great restaurants, but would definitely be happy to know about more

Ha пepвых двyх aльбoмaх лидepoм и ocнoвным aвтopoм ?

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Russia is an interesting place
Never have been to Ukraine but want to go, it sounds like a mini russia

mummy was born in one and now lives in the other

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I am learning russian right now, it is hard to switch alphabet from french and english here in canada


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Do you listen Russian speech/songs? How do you hear russian, how it sounds to you? Beautiful, ugly, neither?

гoдy coздaл гpyппy !

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I‘m German, had a Russian girlfriend, pic kinda related she really looked close like her. Best relationship i ever had.
4 years later and it still feelssadman.jpg
The rest i know are stereotypes, gopniks, semechki, and a few russian songs i like from time to time even tho i understand shit.

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Tы иcпoльзyeшь гyгл тpaнcлeйт?

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Ecли pyгaeтcя нa oшибкy cepвepa, нaжмитe "Cтapaя фopмa вхoдa", ввeдитe

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