Where were you when famous women sabotaged their entire existence?
The United States of Women
I can't wait until the Muslims overrun us and force those proud womyns into trashbags.
Bumping for raping of dislike bar and comments.
So ww2 americans fight for this? fuck this gay earth.
>mfw michelle obongo gets to be one of the most powerful people in the world without doing any work besides being a sperm recepticle for barrack
What do the 2 Trannies have to do with some women?
wtf I hate women now
America, our enemies are laughing at us I just know it
>Michael Obama
the bigger the lie...
If you have to make videos about how powerful you are, well guess what: it only shows your weakness. You don't see men making these vids because they don't need to.
How the fuck do liberals expect to achieve racial and gender equality, when they constantly feel the need to keep sticking gender and racial labels on everything?
Bump for dislikes
You have that backwards, Michelle is the man of the house.
>making shit up to validate their persecution complex
my sides
'Literally duh.'
>college educated
Totally. She's been getting pretty damn buff, lately, huh?
Why is the media in the US full of black people, even though the US itself is not? Fucking disgusting, I'd rather have more Jews instead.
WW2 American MEN fought for this.
As an aside, are men allowed to embrace their 'powerful' identity?
Oh wait, that's asserting my privilege? That's a micro-aggression?
Sorry. I'll go back to raising your kids now.
Such richness, much diversity.
Women finally achieve the nigger level of WE WUZ.
I assume they are in favor of the draft
>Not saying "O man"
Missed opportunity, friendo.
>People died 72 years ago on the beaches of Normandy for this
Because the propaganda is failing. They're pushing harder and harder and people are resisting. There's going to be a breaking point soon, this kind of PC/SJW horsefuckery is pissing many people off now.
So what the fuck is the end game? How does it all end? Do feminists stop and think about their actual end goal?
Hindsight 20/20.
Do you realize the kind of lack of information and propaganda that was around during that time?
You see a problem, and I see a money making opportunity in this
Pro tip: women empowerment ngo's and shit
Maybe even get some oh vey funding ;)
To sissify all White men and have our numbers dwindle into non existence.
Imagine if the men who built this entire civilization needed this much patting on the back.
The hand would have to be half the size of Earth and the pats would have to be done with a rate of 100 per second, at the speed of mach 10.
So niggers were stupid enough to "uplift" potential future enemies & got raped because of it? Niggers BTFO by their own theories.
All I gotta do is identify as a woman and get me some scholarships in US of Women and then pursue those quotas.
This is the exact same thing as
Reminder that you must kill yourself, jew.
United States of Women.. featuring a tranny.
You're so progressive.
I never say this, but I'll bet you something goes crashing down in the next twenty years of the western world. I can just feel it getting momentum.
liek if u cry ery time
Kek. However, you can't say that Sweden, that is a no-no word in your country.
Why is it 1st world middle class females and cucks DESTROYING western civilization?
Literally you live in the best country on the world and you go on and cry how unfair everything is
fucking women
would suck tranny bbc
If you go on Instagram and search "#BlackSupremacy" theres alot of weird theories nigger have.
>"we're "le gamers & we le own also xDDD"
>"resist hate speech online ;_;"
Fucking attention-seeking stupid cunts. This is why it brings me great pleasure to be an MvP in a shooter & shitpost like with buzzwords like a nigger.
>i play on PC
wow, so brave.
Why the fuck is terry crews making a video about women?
And why is he wearing a dress and wig?
Is this just a really long old spice commercial?
Like literally duh you fucking white males
You say that but you realize there's a bunch of highly educated women and even the fucking first lady who just did the exact same thing, except with higher production value?
It has nothing to do with them being stupid cunts, it's just what women do
it's undeniable at this point. our societies are like a cork in a shaken champagne bottle waiting to blow
>It has nothing to do with them being stupid cunts, it's just what women do
True, it's a sad fact.
>the man is the best looking woman in the vid
the current state of women
Yes, and in WWI too when the Germans were going to win. But now Germany's brown and everyone lost, so oh well.
Someone needs to record one called We Are The United State of Men, that focuses on men doing all the really dangerous, hard labor jobs who get no respect. Jobs like coal miners, city construction workers, fishing industry, etc...throw some Van Halen or ACDC in there as well
I gave a click to this cringe fuck you faggot
Yes, exactly. Like 5 years ago it wasn't as bad and it was just Sup Forums ego chamber shit. But now the meme magic is unironically real and is trickeling down to reddit, 9fag and even Tumblr. For example, I saw lots of people defending Trump on 9fag, while two years ago this would have been unthinkable. Also the stark contrast between muslims and sympathisers and anti-islam. In our country there is a large PVV voting base and the Green party also has a big voting base. Our societies are divided and also slowly seeing the autocracy which is nowadays enforced with a fake smile.
But I am happy, change is underway eitherway and it is better than this horrible limbo.
> this is considered good looking in USA
How are you not killing yourself?
Yikes, what's that shit hanging out of her nose?
>Someone needs to record one called We Are The United State of Men
No, that would be sexist and probably racist. Can you imagine the outrage?
No need, men who do these jobs aren't doing them so they can circle jerk about how great they are.
If anything, women should make a video thanking men for allowing them to be equals. Every fucking day.
Honestly, shit like this is just because absurdist.
Like as soon as that hut-living ringed-up muzzie turned her face dramatically, I burst out laughing.
This shit is pure comedy now. They might as well put a llama in there. Would have the same effect.
thread theme as reaction on femminist agression: youtube.com
For women, I wonder how it feels to pandered to all the time. To know that nothing will be, or ever has been, your fault. Must be real nice.
I know it would just be funny
>women make a video
>men create the camera shooting this video and the platform where said video is uploaded
It is like poetry
I thought the same thing. Who is the tranny though? Never heard of him
He said he's the best looking one of the ones in the video, not all women and i guess "women"
They're deleting comments now.
reminder michelle is a tranny. just from the OP pic you can tell, her head to shoulder ratio is one head per shoulder where women should be only 1/2 head per shoulder.
Okay, so they got a bunch of celebrity cunts together to campaign for...shit they already have.
My point stands. If this masculine gorilla would be considered remotely a good-looking woman in my country, I'd end myself immediately.
Mine is still up, it's probably the most offensive one there.
When they started talking about EVERY POWERFUL PART OF OUR BODIES in a sassy tone i lost it.
A man who starts talking like that would be considered a giant cringelord even if he was the fucking Hulk or something.
Women do not have any idea how cringe they are.
Just like a child.
The fuck? Feminazis have fucked us beyond repair and the cancer keeps spreading.
Hooray, you've got fuckholes and feelings.
You CAN'T do everything a man can do, equality is a lie.
No dominant woman is attractive to men, so when beta orbiters put them off they complain they can't find a "real man".
Sick of these nagging bitches blaming men for their own shortcomings and continually complaining about men.
b-b-b-but more college degrees than ever
(paid for by hubby or the state so they can pick up their 4 years liberal arts degree in 5)
>us of women
then why do they put a transsexual man in the video
There s like 3 tranny in this video and they are all black.
I thought black people were less gay and shiet.
i love how women totally believe the world can run with everyone being employed as CEOs or otherwise other white collar jobs
oh wait they dont, theyre just that narcissist
I love how Sup Forums is crashing the comment section. This is glorious.
Even when they are complaing they want men to fix the problems for them.
>because duh
>literally duh
God, I can't stand this cunt.
"Best looking one in the video" doesn't mean that he would still be considered attractive anywhere else tho
Then again who even cares
Implying she is woman
>1st world middle class females and cucks DESTROYING western civilization
A little thing called Jewish cultural marxism...
Makes sense, who else are they gona ask to fix the "problem"? Other women? top kek woman can't fix shit
The statement only makes sense when applying to sexual consent. "We get to decide when to say yes, and when to say no". There are some things that they absolutely should not have final say on, and should have to discuss. The biggest I can think of is having literally the only say in whether or not they want to abort a child, even if the father wants to keep it
Women = Devoid of all logic and reason. Incapable of resisting the urge to act out on any emotion no matter what the outcome of said action would be.
"like its nobodies business"
then why make the video you dumb cunts?
Technically the problem is on your end. It's not about how much more money she makes. You think Chad gives a shit if she's rich or not? It's about how you present yourself with what little you have. Women are all about appearances. So create the appearance of an alpha. Put her in her place. Tell her when she's wrong. She may be dominant on the outside but on the inside she's still a little bitch that fantasies about you dominating her with bdsm. If you don't have the money to pay for her, make it look like you don't want to pay for her or are not interested after you get her attention and wow her with something. She will seek your approval. It's why all these dumbass chicks are falling for refugees because they don't give a shit about them.
Meh, just treat women like the sluts they are, even the ones that learn ain't keepers.
I know the game, just sick of the forced matriarchy.
>we got this
>were gonna make a change
>were not done
What the fuck are they doing exactly?
The Islamogre