Crystal Castles

>barely makes a statement

>counter attacks alice by getting someone to hand her a court summons after a show

Ethan Kath is fucking based

This is only the beginning, stay tuned.

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So why would Kath want to sue Glass? I know they were mad at each other but what did Alice do that might be worth money or other legal consequences?

called him a rapist

have you not been paying attention to the world lately? a lot of peoples lives are being completely ruined by baseless rape accusations. ethan is doing god's work by not letting alice have her pussypass.

Damaging his reputation

No, hadn't heard of Alice accusing him or rape or other sexual misconduct. Well good for him then.

lol you've missed a few headlines I take it

>Ethan Kath is fucking based

I know him from when he lived in Toronto. He's not based.

Yeah and this is where I stop believing her

She really think she gonna win? She know that twitter won't be able to be in court right? Kesha still all the ways fucked up and everybody in the industry has called Luke an abusive predator.

He's still beating the case though.


I know every member of the I.L.Y's

Ethan Kath is fucking based

can you please explain?

>Ethan Kath is fucking based

He's not.

She must possibly know that she won't win, right? She's getting sued 300k and these long term cases never hold up in court.

He's just scummy. Acted rude to a lot of people. I'm not siding with Alice either.

yeah he wrote this melody, he's entirely based. one of the most based musicians ever and I don't even care for CC.

you're probably mad because he wouldn't be your friend or something

If he actually did do it then yeah he's scum. But if he didn't and he wins nobody will believe him. Yet if she's lying and she wins people will go yaaaas queen etc, look at all the replies to the tweet. Ethan's reputation will be damaged either way.

ethan's reputation has already been damaged

Well yeah, but more so.

yeah the baptism melody is one for the ages

You are just adding to my point even if that were true. He is unfriendly

His reputation will soar regardless of the court outcome which he'll win.


I see it as mutual assured self destruction.

by this I mean he'll work off this stage in his life in various aesthetically pleasing ways in the future

screencap this

I generally believe in death of the author but fuck, this is really making it weird to listen to them.


man... Alice is one of the few accounts I believe wholeheartedly. The rest are questionable and yet Ethan is the only one fighting back, I hope he gets put away for a very long time, he's a clear psychopath

it does look like tears.

dude it's beer probably

that's because you're attracted to her.

It only takes a decent amount of psychology foreground to have the complete opposite opinion.

the only thing i don't understand is

>alice has a bf in band
>alice probably has told bf about "ethan" raping her
why didn't her bf just get his boys and go fuck ethan up?

She's ugly as all get out and I hate her aesthetic. I'm more into the clean cut better-than-you Kerri MacLellan or Joanna Newsom type.

Still believe here though because Ethan's obviously a raging Canadian dickwagon

> psychology foreground
What did he mean by this

>he's canadian so i'm with the psycho girl

>Going to prison for assault just because some roasty said a thing

dumb horsefaced thot about to get patrolled for real, 2nd time you get caught red handed.

how would they go to prison?
wear masks and beat the piece of shit "rapists" up. so he doesn't do it again
what was alice thinking by letting him get away with it and then the random lol fb post.

foreground in psychology

Wow I hate Alice Glass now

>being this much of a pussy
y'all white boys really gotta buck up.

Do what again? We don't even know if he did it once.
You're going to pretend to be the moral person by assaulting some guy because maybe he did something?
Then you'd be the bad guy. Who's gonna beat you up then?

No, how do you have a "foreground" in anything? You can have a background in something.

>Who's gonna beat you up then?
student loans

>Kath, whose real name is Claudio Palmieri, allegedly "took advantage of" Glass for the first time when she was 15 years old. "He was 10 years older than me," Glass wrote. "I came to in the back of his car extremely intoxicated (from drinks he had given me that night). We didn't talk for months after that. He went to great lengths to find me again, stalking me and driving past my high school looking for me."

>define foreground
>make (something) the most prominent or important feature

stop being a spastic

>Alice Glass was held back a grade 5 times
That explains so much

You dense motherfucker, the saying is to have a "background" in something, not to have a "foreground" in something. Saying you have a "psychology foreground" isn't a real phrase in the English language.

If "foreground" in a field even existed it would mean that it's your life's work, so you're saying only true expert psychologists could ever understand Ethan Kath which still makes absolutely no fucking sense.

Well obviously she says he "was" 10 years older than her. Check your age privilege.


Kath's lied about his age. Look at the history of his wikipedia page, there's evidence of a massive edit war from anonymous IPs to obfuscate and troll his real age dating back to the creation of the page itself.

Fucking thirdy trying to be artful with his fake idioms lmao

they both work you are dumb

go get your bachelor's in English and get a job that probably pays less than mine congrats

>Conspiracy theories

The absolute state of alicecucks


> theories
It's literally fact:

Senpai you got roasted hard

It doesn't matter if it 'works' you fucking mongoloid. It's not a saying. People don't say that. You look fucking stupid for it.

that doesn't sound right actually. either she's lying about how much older he was or google doesn't have his name right
>ten years older than her
>would make her 24 right now
>i'm 26 right now
>got into them when their first album came out when I was a junior in high school, age 16
>meaning she was 14 when the album came out
Pretty sure she wasn't 14 during their first album

no he didn't. also, correct word usage.

All I'm seeing is some literal who with dogshit wiki rep is trying to fix his age so it fits the roastie's narrative

his age right*

I do what I want

>Dropping your trip to reply to me defending yourself


Except be correct

First case scenario, she's lying. She has lied before several times and she also got busted twice, not even surprised.


She will be missed

women lying is the equivalent of men using violence to make a point.

They probably both think they are right in their heads. Ethan probably did stuff with her but thought of it as consensual while Alice decides to regret it 10 years later

>trying to fix his age so it fits the roastie's narrative
The edits are from 2009

>ITT: Alice Glass fans try to turn the thread around over a word
>There's literally nothing incorrect about my word useage in that sentence. SJW spelling

>Alice Glass fans
Nigga we all making fun of you

>filing a defamation suit in the united states

i can almost guarantee that ethan does not understand the implications of what he just did. he's in for a world of pain if there is any truth to what alice has claimed. the risk far, far outweighs the reward

"Foreground" works perfectly fine.

Telling me that I'm wrong actually serves the foreground of this thread but whatever

haha nice

Sure, and I could say it's raining bats and frogs and it would work but that still doesn't my phrase is correct, dumbass

fuck off dude you have been in here defending your boyfriend for an hour. wouldnt be surprised if you swallowed his cum before with how defensive you are

lots of spelling errors here

you should have stayed in high school alice

I barely even care for CC. what a shitty post.

Never, ever, ever work with or be nice to femoids.

Missed the word "mean", I see I don't have as strong a foreground in English as I thought

> Telling me that I'm wrong actually serves the foreground of this thread but whatever
Again, what did he mean by this

Innocent until proven guilty

google "foreground"

Every use of the word is in this thread is fine

not to be *that* guy, but i think inxy is correct, he usually has alot of arguments to back up his statements and so far he has been really articulate in describing everything, hes probably my favorite "tripfag" because of this

go 2 bed inxy

>posts are exactly one minute apart


Imagine being inxy

Innocent until proven guilty

is there such a thing as a good trip?
or are they all considered bad?

Got 'em

youre so yucky

I'm quite friendly.

Alright here’s my POV


i think ive seen you around, you dont seem to bad, i also like triangle or whatever his name is and jazzthread guy, herbienigga was also great
honestly tho, inxy brandon and montie and others whos names i forget fucking suck
was just asking cause idk if i should start my own trip