My father just got arrested for fucking my little sister

My father just got arrested for fucking my little sister.

My mom told me that it came out in therapy that he's been fucking her for 7 years. She's 15.

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Fuck that’s rough make she sure doesn’t an hero

how does it make you feel? (honest question)

I have a sick question too, is it okay if I ask.

Brutal shit. You need to be a father figure for her so she doesn't turn into a degenerate

Any videos?

Yeah replace him as the father figure and fuck her in his place. Then come back greentext and post pics

Really? If it's true, that sucks :(

If he ever comes out, at least try to kill him.

I'm not entirely sure I believe it. How the fuck does something like that go on in your house for 7 years without anyone noticing? I have an older brother who moved out 2 years ago and baby sister. Nobody noticed?

I suspect my sister is lying, but I don't know how to say that to my mom.
My Dad is in jail right now. He's been there for about 2 hours.

I know how you feel, user, and you’re right.

It should’ve been you all along.

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Why do you think she's lying?

I know I've been gone for a year or two but when did this board become so fucking gay?

How's the relationship between your sister and your dad? I mean aside from the allegations. Was it 'normal'? If it was unnaturally negative then he might be in some trouble.

But if they have a somewhat normal relationship and she was lying, then she may end up coming forward to tell the truth. If she's lying and she has a conscience, its going to weigh on her that her lie got him in a lot of trouble. And that everyones life is going to change. So she'd probably come out and be truthful eventually.

But thats all IF she's lying.

He better have recorded at least one fuck session

What's your sister look like?

She's been lying a lot lately. She's been sneaking out of the house to go hang out with some boy and she got caught smoking pot at school. She's on probation, and the court mandated that she see a counselor.

My father is like the perfect dad. He's a contractor and a soccer coach.

We need pics your sister.

About 2 years ago

Why would she lie about that, though? Don't lash out on her like that.
It happens a lot:
>child molested by family member
>family members hate her for telling
Seriously, be nice to her. If she's lying, the truth will come out. But for now, take her word for it.

She sounds like a piece of work then, and that she's lying. But are you sure you're not being biased? (Devils advocate)

Is there a single chance in your mind that your dad did this? Be 100% honest.

When you showed up

>soccer coach.
Is it an all girls team?
If it is, he's guilty.

Underrated post.

No. I don't believe it.

OP's dad here. I did it. Shit was so cash.

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>soccer coach

yeah, he fucked her.

boy's team.

If he fucked her for 7years, that means he started, when she was 8. I don t know, but there should be like evidence. Her puss must be smashed like an old sandwich. Get her to an doctor and this shit.

I like that attitude.

As fucked up as it all is user, your dad is still your dad and your sister is still your sister. If you loved them before, love them through this, at LEAST until there's a verdict. Sorry I can't offer better words, I can't imagine what you're feeling rn. Hope things turn out to be a giant ruse.

It came out in therapy? Therapy of who?
And your mother? How does she feel? She's believing it?

Sounds like some shit from this movie.

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This isn't the sort of accusation a man recovers from.

Even if he's vindicated, the damage to his reputation will be permanent.

20 says the therapist made your retarded sister attention wh ore and feel important by bringing it up in therapy.

Your sisters not lying. The therapist is lying and the birch used her very best witchcraft to get that lie out of her.

The therapist is a stupid bitch that coaxed up her liberal bullshit the filthy nigger.

Call it malpractice. Sue when your sister tells the truth and dad gets out.

There's gotta be a news story, right?

>Man molested 15 daughter for 7 years
>Soccer coach
This shit has to be flooding the interwebz. Let's find out who OP is, and then his sister. I'm on it now

Thats why i never trust therapy. I hope you find a way to recover completely OP

Stuff like this does happen, but I'm incredibly suspicious of therapists.

They're always pushing shit like this.

Yeah, if it had been a girl's team, I would've said guilty.

That's not funny. A girl's childhood has been forever robbed by a father who couldn't keep his dick in her mother.


>Why would she lie?

Same reason sluts lie about being "raped" at college parties

you're a bit stupid

GTFO my Sup Forums

if we don't find anything, op is a larping faggot

See my post your fathers a dipshit who probably looked at her wrong one time. Borderline masturbation creep shit but not as far as molestation.

Thank your sister and the therapist for turning your family into trash.

doesn't really add up does it?
this is why OP is lying and has a tight loli body fetish

Is she hot?

this, but still. It would be on her own father.

The thing is you could google those search terms and get multiple examples from across the country.

that is awesome user, good for them. Are you jealous? Do you wish it was you fucking your lil sis?

My sister was required to see a counselor by a judge after she violated probation by sneaking out of the house. Apparently, that counselor detected behavioral indications of molestation got my sister to say that my father has been having sex with her.

It's better than it was years ago, but you're right, it impacts professional and social life negatively. I just hope OP and his family make the best of all of this.

Ordinary kids don't get probation at age 14. Something is up.


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You're a few cards short of a full deck aren't ya, bud?

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Girls don't lie about being raped at college parties.

The thing is you could limit your search results to include only recent stories.

I'm not getting any results right now, and I'm concluding that OP is a LARPING faggot.

>Soccer Coach
This would massive news in OP's area, there would be a story up right now.

I know you're OP. Why be a faggot and lie?


Women get fucked.

Watch this bullshit you're not gonna care. My moneys this is tween bullshit coupled with communism from the left. She's lying over petty bullshit.

40% says he did it. She said 7 years so you could catch her in her lie are you this stupid? Your fathers a sex offender after the damage is done. Dipshit. Your sisters a dipshit too.

I agree. I'm getting a boner thinking about this. But this isn't like nigger cuck threads. You could get v& for posting this shit, especially if it sounds the least bit convincing.

this is a joke right?

It was ruined when her female role turned into being a white man for a gay nigger

She got busted for smoking pot at school. Got a years probation for possession.

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If your sister is acting up, especially at the age you mentioned, then this may very well be true. In many cases the victim is old enough to understand the sheer depth of the act and all it's consequences so they cope by acting out. After all, most victims don't even hate their abuser.

As for your dad, it would only really be surprising to immediate friends and family that he could do something so horrible and be normal about it. Predators are like that, and you know that already. The hardest part is accepting he is one.

Be careful she's not like another Jodi Arias

You need to get her stories right and facts straight. Trip her up and get her to double down on her lies. Gotta go with your gut on this one

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How the hell did this become about politics. Jesus fucking Christ you morons will make anything about much libtards or much trumpfags.

This might be shocking but there are some events that take place that have to do with neither.

She didn't detect shit what the fuck is she the terminator?

That's the type of shit molested kids do you fucking retard

>I'm getting a boner thinking about this
>pic related
True. I wonder if OP's jerking off while larping

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Well OP did say they barely arrested the dad a couple of hours ago.

When fags from reddit and imgur decided to come here and post pics of traps and their own dicks or pretend they’re woman to get attention

She really pushed for it then. Its a goddamn lie there goes your fathers job as a contractor and your house because he's a registered sex offender no matter what you do.

Not necessarily true. I remember a child porn ring got busted in my high school days. Three teachers were involved and there was not a peep of it on the news.

You're talking about America.

Yeah because every time daddy plugs daughter the internet totally blows up with the story right?

No retard. This shit happens every single day.
>but but he started on her young
So the same as almost all cases like this that you never hear about in the media?

So uhhh... does that mean she's single now? You should pursue that.

I never got probation.

>Why would she lie about that, though?
Women have lied about being raped to get out of paying cab fare, user.

>Seriously, be nice to her.
Op probably ought to just in case sister's story changes and now both he and the father "raped" her.

Your post just wasn't funny, dude.

I set search results for last 24 hours, and last week(just in case), and didn't find anything.

OP's dad (soccer coach) would have been on the news as soon as he was arrested.

Another 20 her boyfriend and a nigger are gangbanging her for drug debt and that the shit that dipshit psychologist detected.

Gonna go for a full fist up her ass without lube from someone who was gay for 500

Not the entire web, retard. Local news, definitely. There would at least be a single article from a local news station. Plus, I don't see OP anywhere saying that it's true, just not on the news. All I see are faggots trying to prove me wrong, because they want the story about a father raping his underage daughter to be true.

Fuck off you retarded pedos.

Unless the school wanted to keep it quiet.

>All I see are faggots trying to prove me wrong, because they want the story about a father raping his underage daughter to be true.

Wow you're pretty fucking stupid

Pic related.

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No I want someone to lose their shit. You're the closest that's come to it so far.

>someone who was gay
Didn't you mean to say a stinking raging aids infested faggot?

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>gets rekt
>Oh, yeah well you're stupid!

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So you admit you're role playing? What a faggot. Go back to your containment board, with the rest of your kind:

Anons insecurities and political leanings are bleeding through too many posts.

She was most likely abused. made up abuse stories involving parents is extremely rare. I feel bade because shes probably really fucked up about it and your time on this board has you going about it the wrong way.

One of the major reasons parental sexual abuse goes on so long is the child's affection for their parent (confusing them further about the abuse), and the ramifications of having to bring the abuse up. Like, say, your own brother calling you a fucking liar and ruining the family dynamic.

Keep supporting your predator father OP. I'm sure the other anons are right and your slut sister is out to ruin his career or whatever the fuck.

Contractor he sounds like someone who would do that. People spin that up to lie since its a meme.

OP has to be stupid not to be 100% sure since its 7 years. That's a lie to catch her father. Sounds like the lie is going to win.

OP would know if they spent time alone. With Americans the woman consents to fuck her father.

Goodbye contractor money. God punished you. You can't even save your father after your sister shit tested with the 7 years line of shit.

OP was role playing. This thread is fake. See You're now in the lead for losing your shit. You won.

What's obvious is you don't know how to use a search engine faggot and you've claimed victory.