Want to kms but dont know how... someone suggest sometging quick n eazy other than car exhaust

want to kms but dont know how... someone suggest sometging quick n eazy other than car exhaust..

pic of me .. im ugly asf 14 year old autist lemme die

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u dont

Dont do it!

Underage b&


i have no reason to feel like this i dont want my family to be sad but i dont believe in cousciouness aftet death so why does it matter

not bait... backsearch it.. if u aint helpin gtfo

rope but 14 so mods should know what to do with this thread

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>backsearch it
please, a mod has to ban this kid, too much cringe for one night

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would i jump off a tree with it around my neck.. if so how long will it take

How to improve your life:
1. Research flat earth
2. Watch and read Eric Dubay's research on youtube and at atlanteanconspiracy.com
3. Everything else will begin to make sense

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Underage psycho FAGGOT.

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teĺl me how to kms or gtfo

take some pills

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>backsearch it.. if u aint helpin

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no, underage OP cant make rules

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i like that reaction image, have a pepe

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>want to kms
Just because you're gay?

im popular n have a gf n shit but i just want to die

good luck brother

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try pussy then kill yourself

>ugly asf? this is ugly

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fuck your gf bruh, just keep doing it until you feel better

man i hope that wasn't OP

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