Not racist, just acknowledging how white people are superior in basically everything that matters. We are smarter...

Not racist, just acknowledging how white people are superior in basically everything that matters. We are smarter, less violent, more productive to society, and are much more successful than other races. Lets be proud of that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty sure that's the definition of racist.

don't fall for it

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I'm proud of it.

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And that's why racism is bullshit.

I'm proud. Not just of my race, but of myself being intelligent, calm, and hopefully succesful.

Let’s be proud of something we had absolutely no control over.


Almost everything about you is predetermined; why shouldn't you be proud of as much as you can be rather than ashamed or indifferent about who you are?

I would be proud of you and your mom sucking my 10 inch black cock

not a neet at all actually

When did you make the conscious decision to be white and a faggot? Was it before or after your dad creampied your mom?

>Not racist,
you're also a dipshit too

> less violent

Attached: Hiroshima-bombing-1.jpg (1000x600, 108K)

Are you incapable of reading or do you just choose not to?

Vaporising chinks is better than killing them by use of bullets or knives.

With great power comes great evil.


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Lemme break these arguments down. smarter? Watch every stupid people compilations and its 90% white. Less violent? tell that to every school shooter survivor ever. And rednecks are so productive. BTW we all know asians are the most successful race.

>Almost everything about you is predetermined
oh wow youre serious? yall nazis really are fucking retarded.

Thank your mom and dad for making you white.

user is right. You can’t be proud of something you have 0 control over.

>Whites are less violent..
See the formation of almost every European country and colonialism.

Take a seat

>We are smarter, less violent, more productive to society, and are much more successful than other races.
Except in the American Southeast. There, you find inbred, unemployable, uneducated, trailer park dwelling, conservative, christians, mooching off of the government they hate so much, feeling entitled to SNAP cards, Medicaid, section 8 housing, free school lunches and cell phones, and anything else they can grift off the taxpayer.

> smarter? Watch every stupid people compilations and its 90% white
Are these representative of general intelligence?

>Less violent? tell that to every school shooter survivor ever.
Are these representative of overall propensity toward violence?

>And rednecks are so productive.
Are these representative of white people as a whole?

>asians are the most successful race.
Press X to doubt.


"I'm proud of other peoples' accomplishments and thus can just go live in my grandma's basement and whack off to cp all day."

>You can’t be proud of something you have 0 control over.
Being proud just means you feel good about it; it is the opposite of being ashamed. It is basically the same claim as 'I am happy that I am white'. No one has ever said that people choose to be white. You are just embarrassing yourself when you make the same comments in every thread.

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Yet you take it a step further.
>White Pride
Turns into
>We need to ensure the existence and survival of our race
Turns into
>Whites are far superior than anyone else
Turns into
>Only Aryan Whites
Turns into
>Whites and some Hispanics
Turns into
>Has a strange, uncontrollable attraction to Asian women
Turn into
>Is to fat and beta so no woman would want to procreate with him
Turns into
>White Genocide

The first one usually leads to the second, but neither of those two lead to the third. It tends to be that the third is actually a reason to support the other two, tho not required.

How long we giving it until a war breaks out in European countries due to Islam

Ill say 2 years max

Far east asians have a lower crime rate, higher average IQ and earn the most due to hard work partly through education.

>We need to ensure the existence and survival of our race
Have kids, more than 1. Stop chasing docile, meek and socially awkward Asian women.

I see people triggered off of IR porn. Whites getting their jimmies rustled over a fretish, The come out with data from stormfront about how black men are the least desired..

Ok.. tell me exactly what you’re upset about?

Far East Asian also skirt the tax system by starting all cash businesses and laundering money from their home countries into real estate. See: SF, New York, Miami and all of Developed Canada

Nice bait.

I'm white and poor and shiet.

sure do hate NIGGERS

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>Not racist
Stop starting yoru sentences off like this.
Stop caring what they call you, racism is just an ideology that has expanded into the oppression of whites.
Once you stop caring that they call you it they are useless, it really is their only weapon.

Then get the fucking niggers and their lovers in the music industry out of the fucking country, faggot. You are losing. Get angry.

you guys dont knwo what racist means. lol.

They are trying to have the words racial discrimination, racial bigotry and racial prejudice to be synonymous with racism.
Im not making these words up, you are simply ignorant to the existence of them.

They are literally reducing the vocabulary by taking pre existing words, terms meanings and then assign it to one word that means something else.

Racism: the recognizing of the inherent differences among the various human racial groups which determine cultural or individual achievement

This is a reduction in the language and these words have been around for longer then the new subverted meaning of the word racist.

Except: Irish, Iberia, French, Italians, Yugo Slavs, Russians, Central and Eastern Europeans.

Which leaves: The UK, Germany, Austria, Holland and Scandinavia

>White Pride WORLD WIDE?


Soon they’ll be letting Hispanics into the fold..

On wait

>Cough! AtomWaffen

first poster: these dumb nazis are so exclusionary
second poster: i agree, those retards include so much, soon they'll include hispanics


stop with this Jew bait this is almost as bad as the "you mad white boi" post

good times

Not the OP but this is just illustrating how retarded White Pride movements are.

On one hand you claim whites to be the master race on the other hand, you get into hissy fits about whether Italians should be considered white, all while knowing in the back of your mind, Hitler would have gassed you and your family for not being of Germanic/Aryan blood.

Being white and Aryan aren’t synonymous.

spics are right there with niggers in my opinion I actually live near some so I know how they act and they are at times worst then niggers

You clearly have nothing going for yourself if you must be proud of your skin color.

If you are italian/irish you are not white end of story. If you have brown eyes you are not white if you have any color besides blonde hair you are not white you are fake whites and should be put right next to niggers

We need a new youth movement with all the violence of skinheads but focused on far right conservative ideology instead of skin color

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

There is a spic in AtomWaffen..


them fuckers believe that having a black dick is everything in lif
well guess what neegers
it isn't

keeping a woman happy entails more than sticking your benis in her cunt emptying your balls and then moving onto the next stupid whore with 3 or more mulato kids

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I love how the kkk/white power movements in america support Hitler when it was them who stopped hitler and took in the Jews

man it must suck being a amerimutt

Italians are of Roman ancestry. Go ahead and discredit Italians for not being White.

Also the majority of whites in the US have some Irish heritage.. so in essence and using your own logic, these people are impure. Like a white and a black race mixing or a Jew and German mixing in the 1930s

>two retards arguing in different directions about 'those retarded nazis' shows how retarded the pro-white movement is
W8, wut

The state of White Pride


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This is exactly why white pride is retarded.

Wouldn't say we are the "master race" But we are diffidently the most successful race by far.
And anyone can be brainwashed, if it was the other way around and it was whites brainwashing jews it would have the same effect.

The niggers worked hard than you ever will in 150 years than you and your whole white mutt family kill yourself op suck more cock


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Oi, less violent indeed!

>people are people

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are these representative?


Are niggers representative of black people as a whole?

Now do you wish to argue based on averages?