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this is gold
where can i find more?

idk CNN

>instant civil war
Amerimutts are so fun

I heard from a friend of a friend that Emma Gonzalez wasn't even in the building where the shooting took place, someone who was in the building was kicked out of where her speech was being held

Hey guys I was around in 1999, I might as well have BEEN at Columbine!...sure I was half the country away but I'm a victim of that attack!!

SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT when you speak about an American Hero. She was killed by association because she is loosely acquainted with one of the victims.

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Emma's a creature, but doesn't have power and toughness. Can't take this seriously.

I don't get it. Blue is the color of thinking and intelligence. You seem to have put a retarded goblin in the picture of a blue card. Red has goblins and is used for chaos and insanity. Card should be red.

It'd be better to have a BB ability cost as well, since it would resemble two tears, one for each eye.

Er, UU that is. Forgot my Magic shorthand over the years.

I know the pain, when I first heard of Columbine years later i couldn't help but feel like the 2nd amendment was to blame for my trauma

It should have text that says if it is the target of an spells or abilities, blocked or blocks, or is dealt any damage, create a 2 copies and lose 20 life. It is a 0/1.

Creature type should be 'transnigger pavement-kin'

Rofl, make it a red goblin card, but has blue cry ability.

I cast this on my turn.

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What's the P/T of Emma Gonzalez? With no other cards except basic lands, any creature would eventually win the game.

I laughed. I lost.

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>implying I know fuck all/give 2 shits about magic cards, I just got them from google 2 make le epic meme for karma. I was too busy beating up tight sliz when I was a kid

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There was an 8/0 in future sight. How about 0/0.

Well you failed at magic cards, failed at memes, and now failed at green texting.

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at least I'm a hot sissy trap and I know my way around a BBC

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So it will be the people with guns vs the people with no guns. Shouldn't last as long as our last civil war.

Otherwise known as 95% of Sup Forums users.

i just want the white race (including me) to pay reparations and finally make things right with the Mighty Black Race FUCK GOD DAMMIT now i'm crying

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please, PLEASE take the guns away and make each american write a check

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I agree. Let's give reparations to all black people.

The caveat is the funds can only be used for a one way ticket to Africa and those that go must renounce usa citizenship and are prohibited from ever entering usa territories in the future. Additional funds will be given for one checked bag if they are extra poor.

how about washington dc is renamed WAKANDA and white people are enslaved

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should actually be (w)(w)(w)(w)(w)(w)(w) if the ability only costs (w)

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