How do you prove to someone that god doesn't exist and religion is stupid
like a really good explanation that will trump all counter arguments
How do you prove to someone that god doesn't exist and religion is stupid
Philosophy? flaws with the bible?
tried those, didn't work
we need to go deeper boys we need some 200 IQ deep thinkers here
You can't
Outside of a few character contradictions like "He's a prefect being that requires worship, and a perfect being should have no deficiencies" You can't really disprove that any God doesn't exist. If there is a god, he/she/it exists on a plane that we have no understanding of.
Why aren't there more agnostics? Its literally the middle ground and its hard to find a reason to hate us
If God was a literal being, he would stop children from being raped to death. Simple as that.
If He can’t stop something like that, he’s either immoral or nonexistent. There’s no other way around it.
This. No one knows so don't act like a retard to others based on what you have no proof to back.
Why did god create hell because he knew people would be bad?
or something similar or the whole concept of faith
human evolution etc anyone?
I'm with you but people call it a cop out. Why do I have to pick a side when there's no evidence either way?
Religious people are too stupid to listen to any sort of reason, most of them are too far gone from either an entire childhood of brainwashing or a bad night with bad drugs. No matter what you say to them or how stupid you may make their ideas sound, they will never listen or let go because faith is all about believing ridiculous claims without evidence and fiercely fighting to protect said claim is seen as a positive good sign of strong faith.
Its better to advance the space industry so that we can all just tell them that their god lives on the sun and that they should go colonize it and live there with him.
*Abrahamic/sandnigger cults are stupid
or amoral, absent or non-omnipotent.
or dead depending on how you define a godhead.
i agree with your point, but there are many angles on this topic
I'm sure r/atheism has answers for u faggot
Is there such thing as no beginning or no end?
whats this whole thing about if you can do anything can you make a rock you cant lift?
or what was god before time what is a white hole or a black hole. or what about the law of science? so much problems in this world i cant begin to think a loving god exists
They are insufferable, but Atheists are just as insufferable. Just shut the fuck up you snowflakes.
I was thinking of putting non-omnipotent, but I dropped it because if a motherfucker can create everything, and change outcomes, he’s capable of anything. Not being able to stop child rape while being the creator of everything is non-omnipotence by definition, leaving with non-existence or immorality as the next logical conclusion.
>mfw logical problem of evil
> mfw plantiga's free will defense exists
OP, there isn’t a physical God flying around, making sure certain football teams win games while he ignores cries from help of children being raped to death.
THAT SAID. Atheists are fooling themselves if they think that abondoning the TEACHINGS of God and the Bible are for the good. People aren’t naturally moral. Look at most of any country that doesn’t follow Christianity, and you’ll see they’re violent, poverty stricken shitholes. The west and western values are all built on the foundation laid out in the Bible.
There really isn't one. It's all based on faith. The only evidence based conclusion that one can make is to be agnostic.
CS Lewis addresses this metaphorically in The Great Divorce
Basically, Hell is something people choose because they don't want to be with God (for various reasons) not something God just chucks people in for shits and giggles
It's like 150 easy pages, give it a read. I did it in a single sitting the first time I read it
Either the big bang was by design or an accident. All accident have prior factors that lead to it. Floor slippery, you fall. Car crash, talking on phone. Dice falls on 6, number of bounces on table, heat, the person who threw it. If we assume that nothing in the universe existed prior to the big bang then what caused the bang? Either not all accidents are caused by prior conditions or big bang was the result of agency by a being.
>how do you explain the purpose oflife simply
when you find out let us know
>god can predict the future
>humans have free will
Pick one, dipshit.
While you’re at it, try thinking critically for once rather than regurgitating other people’s arguments.
Pretty much all of cosmology. And the fact that there have been untold millions of gods throughout the course of human history and most of them have been forgotten.
Good summary.
>how do I disprove something with no research?
have you tried putting your fingers in your ears and making noise?
The animals with instincts to live, well, lived. Those instincts drive our purpose for life and survival.
The god of the bible led the jews to slaughter many, and wiped out a city for partying too hard.
Also, another thought, we're applying a human thought process to a non-human entity. Think of it like this; do you feel bad when you see a kid kick in an ant hill?
pfft, shows you don't know your ass form a hole in the ground
no it has to be completely right or completely wrong
being reasonable isn't an option
> Look at most of any country that doesn’t follow Christianity, and you’ll see they’re violent, poverty stricken shitholes.
Maybe the Christians were just the meanest motherfuckers in the world for a long time and conquered half it. Doesn't have much to do with all of the morals and niceness.
>hurr durr, compatibilism is hard
>o no an argument from an actual philosopher
>shit self
>better ask random fag for a completely original argument on a topic debated for centuries to hide my retard nature
>the purpose of life is to survive
Are you arguing that most of the gods mankind has imagined haven't been forgotten? Do you really think the current popular religions are that old?
>can’t use human thought
>applies human thought
Yep, congrats. Your comment is literally the dumbest thing I’ve read, ever.
Try harder next time, fag.
We weren't the meanest, the only reason we conquered most of the world is because of the fact that we developed better technology quicker than everyone else. The reason Christianity took hold in so many places is because Christianity was basically Judaism excep God chilled out and stopped killing people for not being jewish.
o no ur jpg 2 gud wat do...
Keep on riding them cocks, homo. You'll get AIDS and die early if you're lucky.
i don't talk to retards, so i am never asked to prove the nonexistence of anything
Lmao fuck off, you know what I mean. Animals with the emotional response to threats survived. Passed those genes on to their offspring. Offspring develops consciousness, still has those same emotional responses integrated with their intelligence, reasons that life has purpose because that’s what their instincts make them feel significant.
Obviously I’m super-over-simplifying things, because no one wants to read a novel on Sup Forums
Way to provide an argument disproving him
Just realized I completely butchered the end of that reply. Time for bed.
>He is the author...
It's not possible to prove that a god doesn't exist. It can be shown that it's unlikely that a god exists, because there is no verifiable evidence of one existing. Knowing something as true without evidence is irrational
Looks like I struck a nerve. Keep that damage control up, bud. Before too long, people will forget that you never had a point to prove in the first place. You just had to feel significant, so you used someone else’s argument as a facade to cover for your ineptitude.
I've honestly came to the conclusion that atheist don't honestly give a shit about the concept of god or the existence of the universe, I think they just have a massive chip on their shoulder about Christianity. You can bring up the comsological argument, the problems with subjective morality, platigas, Plato, and they'll literally tell you "stop listening to a book! Here, read Harris, hitchens,and Dawkins for an opinion."
I was around during 09 and seeing the atheist constantly talking about the ridiculousness of religion but it was always Christianity everything was modeled around, never Islam until 2012, never Hinduism nor Buddhism (btw, Buddhism is a religion) not, as humorous as it is, Judaism, which seems to be atheists biggest bone since they always bring up the old testament whenever they want to argue about it.
Even more so, they have used science as a meme, a true factor in intellect and turned scientist into wizard kings who have all the answers. It's odd that I seem to be against science yet they seem to understand it less, thinking it's a form of rational magic.
It's so irritating and so obnoxious that I can't stand it and I told everyone that if you did this, break a major puller of western civilization, you didn't know what was going to happen. Well, what happened? Marxism being proclaimed in the streets, transgender bathrooms, the islamifucation of the West, the degeneration of the West. It's almost as if you take the main reason for people to exist and thrive, it will lose it's will to exist. The funniest thing is that when I tell people that their atheism is a good portion of Marxist doctrine and probably a reason why the madness has taken over European countries, they scoff and then (deluded as it seems) blame Christianity for it. So Christianity was responsible for destroying Christianity? Sure thing bucko.
In done trying to reason with the fedora kids raging at the ghosts of their fathers. It's tiring.
Have you read your own? Or are you too stupid even for that.
Dyeing would provide you with some solid proofs but not much else, the universe has unexplained things like why do physics work at all and it's not just non-existent
Assumptions based on assumptions can take you anywhere. That's not how science works
Why bother?
Also, calling religion stupid is not only obtuse, it is far from logical. Different things work for different people.
If you want to claim religion is evil, you're only cherry picking a few religions which exist, ignoring many which have never caused an issue.
Wow ur dumb.
Dude was comparing God:Human thought to Human:Ant thought. Good try though.
>we just don't want you forcing your beliefs on us.
Says the man walking as an atheist advocate
>the Catholic church caused wars!
So did bananas. People will cause war over almost everything.
>gay rights!
I don't give a fuck about gay people and most don't. You only care because you think it pissed us off.
>gay marriage!
Why should gay people get married if they're not going to have kids?
>prove it!
I could but you would deny it. Fuck you even deny that Christ exists in the first place so whatever.
Liking science doesn't make you smart nor does it mean you need to be an atheist to appreciate it.
Okay So?
>You can bring up the comsological argument, the problems with subjective morality, platigas, Plato, and they'll literally tell you "stop listening to a book! Here, read Harris, hitchens,and Dawkins for an opinion."
Or they'll, you know, explain why those arguments all fail.
if religious people could be reasoned with, religion wouldn't exist
Or He's not here anymore. I always believed that there is a God, but He no longer plays a part in our daily lives. Plus, he kinda left the world in our care, so we should really be taking care of each other rather than blaming Him for everything.
Nigga religion is just a scapegoat for people killing eachother, like how have all you atheist fucks not realized:
>be crusades
>have two religions fighting eachother
>its not religions fighting because religion is ideals not fucking people
>religion in the crusades is a scapegoat to capture more land and get more people to capture it
Hold up, try thinking before you get ahead of yourself next time. The point was him saying the problem could be the human thought process on something non-human. And then used the human thought process to try to think about how we could be misunderstanding God. That’s what I was making fun of. I get the comparison, but unlike you, I also understand the irony in the logic.
I'd say that man has blindly followed thousands of Gods over millennia...polythestic religions far outdate their monotheistic why do they believe all of those other religions are false but theirs is real...surely they'd realize that religions were created by man to explain natural phenomena that our unevolved ancestors had no idea on how to explain has answered the majority of these questions and there just is no need for religion now.
Some dude said the same stuff about 2000 years ago.
A dead Jew basically uprooted all of Rome by teaching to love your neighbor.
Why would you have a religion that preaches pacifism if it's used for ears and killing?
Beliefs inform actions. Religious beliefs can and do result in people killing each other. Religion isn't the only reason people kill each other, but it is one of them.
I see where you're coming from, because I like to hear what others have to say, but what I mean is that if we don't want all this carnage, misery, destruction, etc. to be occurring, one thing we should do is help out. Even if it's just donating, at least it helps.
Incorrect...the most godless societies are the most peacefull...its the religious societies is where you see war...honour killings...religious sacrific...genital mutilation...girls getting acid poured on them because they didn't marry on the parents advice and religion
You are dumb.
That is not irony. Go be dumb somewhere else.
The burden of proof is on the person that makes the claim.
Saying I have to disprove god is like me walking up to stranger and being like “hey, my car can fly, prove me wrong... oh hey btw you can’t sense my car with any of your senses, you can’t detect it with any instrument whatsoever, but it flies because I said it does. Again, it’s on YOU to prove me wrong”
I dont think god exists
its just an imaginary thing humans created to explain morals and to make them feel...something
Okay bro, but you realize that's literally what churches do, right?
I simply used an analogy I felt was simple enough for your less than average mind.
>Soviet Russia
I cannot stress too deeply the importance of one's constructive mental attitude toward life. One gets out of life only what one puts into it; everything must be seeded in different degrees. Always express happy thoughts and keep an uncomplaining mind. A complaining mind is a destructive one-destructive to health and happiness. How easily we may be made unhappy depends upon the weakness and ignorance of our own minds. Happy thoughts expressed are like the sunbeams that create warmth-that stimulate one's sense of well being and make us feel happy. Give happiness and you will receive it in return: it is a natural phenomenon of a balanced and well-ordered mind. Do not complain; instead seek the solution to the problem, and then you can do something constructive about it. This can best be accomplished by forgetting self; too much false value is placed upon self and personality, thus developing an overrated and inflated ego that sees all things in proportion to its own ignorance.
Oh please do so kind sir. Please tell me each and every argument that has been made for 2000+ years is shallow and silly and stupid. I'm sure you have some new argument that I've never heard and I'm sure you won't spiral into a cycle trying to make "gotcha" moments each and every time.
Go ahead and tell me how your shallow white guilt cargo cult of celeb scientists are so right and have all the answers. tell me how Sam Harris and his robotic jew voice telling me how Christianity is dumb changed your mind so much. How his deep philosophy of "doing good things is good" is such deep eloquent thoughts. Tell me how cool Hitchens was and how you liked him so much.
I am sure to be elated with your revelations.
Show them this video.
Yes. Never really been a church person myself, since I don't believe your ticket to Heaven is really earned by just attending a building for an hour one day of the week, or by handing them a few bucks.
don't talk bible since we all know you're talking about yhwh.
because they will win the argument if you DO talk bible.
become independent from them and sage that shit.
I wouldn't say each and every argument that has been made for 2000+ years is shallow and silly and stupid, but none of them are valid with justified premises, and to be honest there really aren't that many of them once you account for all the arguments that are merely minor variations of older arguments. The problem of having no new arguments is something I would actually accuse the theist side of having: they repeat the same arguments that have already been addressed again and again.
What did Santa bring you this year? And if there was a god, why would he give a fuck about you?
Neil degrasse Tyson
The amazing meeting
Atheist here.
Science hasn't even proven God doesn't exist. There's no proof for or against.
And religion isn't half bad. Everyone has biases and emotional hang ups and beliefs they won't let go of regardleds evidence. The smartest most critical thinking people do even. The question is, is your religious friend hurting anyone. No? Leave him alone.
The only thing I say to religious fags when engsgrd in a *welcome* debate, is for tens of thousands of years we were *100% certain* god did everything. Lightning? It's a god. Tides? Sea god. Rain? God. Stars? God's in the sky that tell the future. Son? God.
And as we advanced, we found out one by one it isn't magic, and the goal posts moved back. Whatever science doesn't know now was god. And when we prove it beyond reasonable doubt, they'll move to the next mystery and say "god".
But we've gotten better, smarter, better equipped, and no challenge so far has even once turned out to be magic so we declared god and left it behind. No. It's been observable, testable, rationally explained phenomena every single time. No matter how sure we were it was god, it wasn't.
Well if we are speaking about Christianity you can just straight up disprove most of everything in the bible.
>poverty stricken shitholes
japan has a lower crime rate than america and no national religion, 300 million people
But they also have a very high suicide rate. And tentacle porn.
>cargo cult of celeb scientists are so right
The device you used to post this works, because they're right. Make the rest of your posts with your religion's technological discoveries. I'll wait...
which offsetts our homicide rate
and awesome tentacle porn
Japan's new slogan.
"There's no tentacle porn in Hell."
most american internet traffic is porn
I'd also say that the atheist side tend to spiral out of control by trying to prove themselves right. I swear to god I saw an argument about morals devolve into talking about fruit. I don't think other have much more points then the other does and most atheist arguments are roughly the same amount of derivatives as well. I mean, this is one of the oldest questions in history and probably the most talked about. I think it's been pretty exhausted.
My biggest problem is that when you see an atheist placed into a drfensiven position, you see their argument deteriorate into hysterical mantras of "you don't know!" ""Atheism is a lack of belief" and other such weak defences.
It tells me that atheism is an ideology built, at least new atheism, around simple offensive debate strategies. It's absurdity of the largest scales!
But it's not all tentacle porn, and it didn't originate here. Was just a joke, but you know.
Watch zeitguist documentary
>religion of peace
shut the fuck up.
I tried to tell this to a Christian and they told me that God makes there be suffering so we learn to appreciate the good. "Can't have the good without the bad"
Thought that reasoning was so fucked that I couldn't counter.
>Look at most of any country that doesn’t follow Christianity, and you’ll see they’re violent, poverty stricken shitholes.
I'm looking at south africa alright.
not to intrude on your argument
"the atheist side tend to spiral out of control by trying to prove themselves right"
you cant complain about the other person arguing against you when you are in an argument with that person
both of you are arguing, you are not the better for it
atheists and christians argue about how right they both are all the fucking time, no one is smarter for it. thats the trap everybody falls for
I have a purple unicorn in my yard. He says you're wrong. Prove that's not true
>Thank you lord, for giving that child aids so I can enjoy this coffee.