John Skilling, lead WTC structure designer:

John Skilling, lead WTC structure designer:
>“We looked at every possible thing we could think of that could happen to the buildings, even to the extent of an airplane hitting the side… Our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel (from the airplane) would dump into the building. There would be a horrendous fire. A lot of people would be killed. [But] the building structure would still be there.”

Yikes...a bit odd..

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Other urls found in this thread:

Option A: It was a grand conspiracy to invade the middle east for oil despite the fact an excuse has never stopped America before.

Option B: He was wrong and forgot steel loses half it's strength when it's surrounded by burning jet fuel.

shut up or your next we know your mac address

Are airplanes the same in 1970 as they were in 2001?

It was Bieber's dick that did it...

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True with the heat but that only where the fire was it sould of fell a few floors but stayed up or fell to the side the whole fucken thing ?/ but BLD 7 is a big fuck up buy hey NYPD & NYFD have not said anything so it ok with me

Are pop cans the same in 1970 compared to 2001?

does this mean jet fuel can melt steel beams?

Attached: squibward.jpg (260x194, 7K)

>this didn't change, so neither did this totally different thing

So the commercial flights people get on today are the same ones they boarded in 1970? When commercial flights had just started to happen.
You realize the different numbers (747, 757 etc) are differently designed, yeah?

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It would seem to imply that it can't, but will cause a lot of fire and death.

you realize you have no, and are currently making no, point? Yeah?

That maybe a report about a plane crashing into a structure made in the 70s about the first aircraft used commercially wouldn't apply to entire different aircrafts crashing into that structure in 2001.

You've said absolutely zilch, besides making a strawman comparison.

The buildings were able to stand for quite a while.
Ever watch the real-time documentary?

The thing is, it was impossible to know WHEN the building was going to fall, so firefighters tried to rescue people anyway.

That's true Heroism.
Why can't you understand the sacrifice?

Why do you try and try to keep bringing up the conspiracy bullshit, hoping it will stick?

>for quite a while.

Less than 2 hours isn't quite a while, it's really no time at all.

Gotta be stupid.

After watches a metric fuckton of videos and listening to all the conspiracy reports and all that shit it is weird they fell the way they did but it's also absolutely preposterous to me that people walked in and out of the building for weeks setting up explosives with no ones knowledge at all.

The real problem with these conspiracies is they are always countered. Then they are counter-countered and countered again. This pingpong has been going on for years. The other issue is the number of nuts who make all of you look like insane rabbid drooling animals who will take any piece of info that does not fit YOUR narratives and call bullshit, and suggest shit like missiles and other crap. People always say how ridiculous the official story is but then counter it with even more batshit stuff.

2 hours was enough for most everyone from a few floors below the impact area to the first floor to get out!

Everyone above was basically fucked because of all the impact damage, debris, molten slag and heat and smoke.

>muh jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Wood auto-combusts at 800° F, but wood fires can be used to smelt iron (2500° F). In other words - the combustion temperature of the accelerant is unrelated to the temperature reached by the resulting fire.

What about all that gold in storage at the base that was never collected..?

This still makes no sense to me, but I've long since accepted there will never be an explanation ever

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>He is the author...

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Why aren't there 500 more angles of this, every camera known to man should have caught this

>has a hard time believing based on his personal sense of reality
>cant be true

Whoo whee It never fails, these threads are like a fresh loaf of poop to the jewish disinfo flies. They can smell it from a mile away and cling to it with their lives

seriously? you're gonna try to revive this shit? (for real or troll purposes)

There isn't any concrete proof though...there isn't any reason to believe that happened because then I am being asked to believe a ton of other shit.
What concrete evidence is there of bombs? People saying they heard explosions?

Or the option I recall reading about once: it WOULD withstand a fuel fire from a plane hitting the building... for _some_ planes, but nothing quite so large and so full.

>believing retards in 2018 still believe the official story wholesale isn't as ridiculous as the idea that the buildings shouldn't have fallen, and certainly shouldn't have fallen the way they did.

>he should just believe things because people on the internet said it
>has to be true

You didn't know? Flames on a floor or two are now enough to bring a building straight down.

i'm with you, user. things happen just like abc, cbs, nbc and cnn say.

conspiracies are just dumb. you and i believe what we're told by the mainstream media, and nobody can convince us otherwise.

i'm so sorry hillary didn't get voted in to finish what barack started. let's hope for a democratic revolution at the polls in the midterms.

thanks for lashing out at those dumb conspiracy theorists. conspiracy is just another name for stupidity.

there are other angles out there

>still talking about this
hopefully pudiepie sees this

Every design put fourth seems PERFECT to the person/people who made it.

Then something goes wrong and EVERYONE sees the obvious design flaw.

Whether or not 9/11 was the "inside job" I think most of us can agree on the overreaction our government has had on our personal freedoms and privacy's.

office furniture was enough to weaken/melt all of the steel in the building evenly to cause it to fail simultaneously and basically we're retarded for believing in conspiracy theories


The most sense I've read on this website in a long time... a very long time.

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Maybe humans shouldn't design and build buildings that take 4 hours to fully evacuate.

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wtc7 never had any jetfuel, it got struck by "debris" which "started fires" which smouldered for 7 hours until the building "collapsed"

So jet fuel can't melt steel beams?!?
Now I'm really confused..

Post em

here's greenfell tower in/near london, which burned last year. why did it not fall?

Attached: greenfeld.jpg (474x316, 37K)

Why would it?

to be fair it was mostly concrete

this high-rise in chechnya burned for 29 hours, still standing. why did it not collapse?

Attached: chechnya.jpg (759x500, 63K)

this u.s. water slide decapitated a kid who rided it 2-3 years ago -- and it was left standing TO THIS DAY for investigatory purposes.

why was the debris from 9/11 hauled off immediately, with no chance for investigation?

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Doesn't look like a building that should collapse at all really.

Because it didn't have a fucking plane fly into the side of it?

why was nano-thermite found in the dust at ground zero?

Attached: nano-thermite.jpg (550x414, 32K)

Because that slide isn't in the middle of New York fucking City causing a disruption?


>hillary voter detected

Okay so what would be the reason to bring down a building that isn't the twin towers?

>Just bring this down because lol!

seems to me the truth behind the biggest attack on america since pearl harbor might have warranted putting up with a "disruption" for a while. what, people couldn't get to starbucks without taking a detour?

Towers were built to withstand a Boeing jet(s). “I designed it for a 707 to hit it”, Leslie Robertson, WTC structural engineer. “Could probably sustain multiple impacts of jetliners”, “like a pencil puncturing screen netting” Frank De Martini, deceased Manager of WTC Construction & Project Management. “As far as a plane knocking a building over, that would not happen.” Charlie Thornton, Structural Engineer.

>why was the debris from 9/11 hauled off immediately, with no chance for investigation?

Are you braindead? They investigated it for 5 + years

I hope they open that shit up again, I live an hour away and never got to ride it

Apparently these people don't know their buildings too well. Shame.

Building 7 would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001 in 6.5 seconds at free fall acceleration. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers.

Attached: b7.jpg (720x576, 31K)

Yeah they also said that bridge in miami wouldnt fall 2 days after being built


The solution is obviously to crash a plane into another tower and see what happens.

>Appeal to emotions
Emotions have nothing to do with it.

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No other building even close to that height has ever been built so incompetency.

Becuase there were people under the debris?

>we have no idea, so we know what it was
end of story, long time ago

because it didnt collapse, bro
the whole building became a meatgrinder as it fell. it turned asbestos, concrete and steel into powder
they hauled away material in hopes of discovering survivors deeper inside the rubble, closer toward the ground the building was more intact
use your head

“I designed that building to withstand a direct hit from a boeing 747, im also the leader of al queada and personally ordered the attack on 9/11 at the structural weak points i designed, allahu ackbar death to america” - leslie Robertson

I used to think this to, until I actually researched the event.

yeah, but honest to god, there is no way for them to test that though
so are you saying they couldnt simply be wrong?

go ahead and explain how the city wasnt covered in metric tons of smoke and powdered concrete, i'll wait

Huh? Take your meds.

the difference between theory and practice is, that in theory there's no difference.

how do you look for survivors under a building wreckage without hauling the material away.
its not physically possible


In order to fit into society, you need to ignore those facts.



The WTC was recycled offshore immediately. The canals used to haul the debris had been dredged for the first time in decades just a few months in advance of 9/11/01. Someone planned ahead.

Who would like to have the honor of explaining how a couple sandniggers could level out a Boeing 757 around ground level in order to hit the 1st floor of the Pentagon?

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A lot of them are just faggot trolls who get a kick out of trying to trigger people.

didnt have a bloody great hunk of metal slam into it and take down support columns

how the fuck did that slide decapitate a kid? Somebody string a fucking wire across it?

>being a kid on 9/11
This nigga was just tryna enjoy his day

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>always countered
>ad hom ad nauseum

Nigga you have to be retarded. Or a shill, either way you should get an award.

Hope he's lost weight since then


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he flew out at high speed and hit a steel pillar that was holding up a safety net

Attached: verruckt2.jpg (1600x899, 237K)

no plane hit the pentagon, it was a missile. here's the pic, where's the plane?

Attached: pentagon_crash05.jpg (1000x651, 173K)


When did this word become a meme? People left and right keep saying it.
Why the sudden popularity boom?

but missles explode on impact, they dont tunnel inwards after the impact

so glad for all the skeptics who continue not to believe the official u.s. gov't line. the truth will prevail, /bros.

JASSM missle

the crews are already there, they removed wings and debris first

time has passed, you can see new construction materials all over

>but missles explode on impact

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You can look up a million websites and videos with rebuttals and counters. You know 2001 wasn't yesterday right? There is plenty. More than plenty. I'm not talking about the dumb threads on Sup Forums.

And a shill for whom? Sorry I don't believe something that doesn't have enough concrete evidence. instead of just buying into it because I'm told to. The 'don't be an idiot' shit goes both ways of the 9//11 debate.

Wow nice screencap of nothing of note.

huh, no counter argument here

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