Personality Judgement game!

Personality Judgement game!

>post age, sex, hobbies, fav album/artist, fav movie, sexuality, political views, and others will guess your appearance

I'll start us off

>Working out, socializing, a game here and there, playing guitar, exploring
>Phantogram, Radiohead, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Foster The People, Tame Impala, Arcade Fire and Franz Ferdinand all tied
>Completely straight, traps are gay
>Don't know

Attached: Head.png (200x252, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Y u do dis

>All the time
>Throwing back with the boys
>Drake, Logic
>Jackass (Any of them)

>Reading, Studying history and philosophy, weightlifting, chess, playing video games i guess
>don't really have a favourite but i really only listen to hardstyle
>I like heaps of movies too many to list
>i consider myself straight but i've fucked a few trannies and traps
>White nationalist identitarian.

Finally some cool motherfuckers up in here

Too broad
Either scrawny or buff, one of those modern cuts, black hair

I'd say i'm buff, broad shoulders and tall. I've got blonde hair lol

Oh word, blonds do it best. I would know. Same exact description as me
How you found so many traps and trannies and why fuck them

Because i got brainwashed by porn.
Only realised about a year ago that i was brainwashed and addicted to it, been slowly coming off of it now.

>Born Male
>Songwriting, gaming, working on cars and electronics
>Ayreon, Devin Townsend
>I don't watch movies much these days
>Only into women, question own gender identity. Diagnosed transgender but not medicating
>Conservative-leaning libertarian

You dress relatively up-to-date, potentially lightened hair, you're not in amazing shape but not in bad shape at all.

>running, reading, movies, art, video games, filmmaking
>John Maus, BMSR, Death Grips, Lil Ugly Mane, Mica Levi (everything by her), Minor Threat, Fugazi, Yung Lean
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Bi? fucked lots of girls, never done shit with a guy
>guess race, location, ses, upbringing etc.

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>Diagnosed transgender
You mean diagnosed gender dysphoria?



That's the symptom, not the disorder. If you want to get technical I have GID.

>That's the symptom
What? A symptom is an indication that you have something, like symptoms of a cold are headaches, runny nose, cough etc..
Whats GID?

>performing/listening to music, working out, watching a good movie, dining out at a nice restaurant
>The Mars Volta, "Frances the Mute"; Radiohead; The Roots; John Coltrane
>hard to pick a favorite movie, but I love sci-fi and "Arrival" was really good
>Social liberal, Marxist

Gender identity disorder. Do not attempt to argue with me about my own illness. Gender dysphoria is a/the main symptom of GID.

This is what you'd look like.

Attached: bruce.jpg (215x324, 22K)

>Do not attempt to argue with me about my own illness.
It literally says here that Gender dysphoria and "GID" are the same thing lol.

This is objectively correct

>Painting, Gaming, Warhammer 40k, Reading, Learning, Snowboarding, Surfing, Skateboarding, rugby, Working out, Robotics, Chemistry, Trying not to suicide
>Fav artist: Sabaton, Fab album: The last stand
>Total Recall, the first one btw
>Sorta bi, I like dudes but can't get hard kind of thing
>Hardcore Fasict but I'm literally a fucking mixed bag of political views so idk

No beard, longer hair.

You are using the American terminology. I am not an American.

In the DSM, GID is the disorder and GD is the symptom. Australia, where I live, uses this system. Hope that clears it up for you.

This again eh? Sure why not.

>Backpacking, MMA, vydia, books
>mgtow, pagan

I'm not american either, calm down.
I'm aussie aswell, i used to know a guy who was being treated the same as you and said his psych said he had gender dysphoria.
Must be pretty shit having that either way, have you heard there has been people with that illness cured?

>track, vidya
>varies, but right now Stone Temple Pilots
>Megamind. Fuck off, it’s brilliant.
>too broad a question to answer properly, but trump was better than shillary

Yes good goy don't reproduce and create more resistant white children, women are annoying and just want your money anyway!

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You're a faggot.

>Be 25
>Hate niggers

Youre about to become that blondie shirtless college hippy with the guitar and the abs.

Well, if you want to be correct, they haven't been cured. They've been medicated into an altered mental state.

I don't know about you, but to me mind altering drugs to feel OK is the same as heroin abuse.

Of course, the medical community says the ONLY solution is hormones and surgery, but see above for my opinion on drugs.

If you actually do backpacking and MMA then you're probably pretty fit, although everyone knows "mgtow" is just a label that kissless autists give themselves to justify their inability to romantically socialize with women.

videogames, Sup Forums, irc, hanging out with friends (rare)
>fav album/artist
Favorite artist is probably Iron Maiden. Don't have a favorite album.
>fav movie
Maybe The Prestige?
>political views
left leaning but mostly centrist

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Yeah they just say that as a way to give in to your illness, it's the same as telling a schizophrenic to listen to the voices they hear.
You'll probs kill yourself anyway though.

You're gonna have to:

Be specific
Be coherent
Be correct

For me to care what you have to say.

>D&D, Vidya, Singing, Books.
>Mostly top hits from 2000 artist, and Joji/pink guy cause fuck it
>Saving private Ryan, Green Mile, dunno.
>Straight, just had a breakup too so fuck me amirite
>centralist, right leaning.

Shit taste in music, decent taste in animated films, but none of that matters because your political opinions indicate that you have the current affairs literacy of a lobotomized child. Idgaf what you look like. STP, jfc...

Cool dude, average build. You don't know what to do with your hair and your jeans are just "whatever's comfortable".

>romantically socialize with women
Yes, although the combination of immunity to peer pressure due to social retardation and physical boldness has gathered a friendzoned A tier harem around me in high school

>inability* to romantically socialize

everything is correct wtf
Actually I want to grow my hair out but it's very thick and curly, so unless I gel it or something it stays messy. I'm too lazy to do any serious work on it, so I just keep it short.

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You are surprisingly self-aware and I wish you luck in the future, user.

I cannot stress too deeply the importance of one's constructive mental attitude toward life. One gets out of life only what one puts into it; everything must be seeded in different degrees. Always express happy thoughts and keep an uncomplaining mind. A complaining mind is a destructive one-destructive to health and happiness. How easily we may be made unhappy depends upon the weakness and ignorance of our own minds. Happy thoughts expressed are like the sunbeams that create warmth-that stimulate one's sense of well being and make us feel happy. Give happiness and you will receive it in return: it is a natural phenomenon of a balanced and well-ordered mind. Do not complain; instead seek the solution to the problem, and then you can do something constructive about it. This can best be accomplished by forgetting self; too much false value is placed upon self and personality, thus developing an overrated and inflated ego that sees all things in proportion to its own ignorance.

Yeah, your self-description sounded a lot like my some of my friends when I was around your age. The Iron Maiden thing was the big giveaway.

>Martial arts, working out, fishing, parkour, clubbing, stand up.
>No favorite albums or artists. I don't listen to much music at all. It's a background thing for me but nothing I attend.
>Registered at independent. I largely sit democratic on social views. I disagree on some stuff they push that's getting pretty radical. Despise Trump, the GOP and the republican party at this stage though. Any Republicans I would have voted for didn't win and I'm done with that party entirely. Definitely lean left between the two.

Is this to me or everyone?

Piss off. Third wave feminism, refugees welcome, and wasted childhood in feminine enviroment demands blood.

Well what am I to keep up with? Canadian politics are boring as fuck and American politics don’t interest me, since it’s a different country.

-Guns, guitars and cars mainly, occasional game and a drink
-Top five bands; Gojira, Pantera, Avatar, Children of Bodom, Motley Crue. I dig hip-hop and oldies too, but it's a mixed bag
-A few favorite movies are End of Watch, Stand by Me, Gran Torino, Evil Dead, and The Warriors.
-Straight, but not closed off to swinging for home team.
-Hard to tell, do as you please, don't drag my views down with yours if they suck.

Yea right

Can’t fall to peer pressure if your social anxiety means you don’t have peers

Pure brilliance

You sound really boring except for the stand up thing. Read some Keynes and Chomsky and you'll be a much more interesting leftist in no time.

>crocheting, playing video games, listening to music
>Tame Impala, Mac Demarco, Pixies, The Smiths, Marilyn Manson, Alice in Chains, Die Antwoord, Vince Staples, Earl Sweatshirt
>Chicago, Disney princess movies, Flawless, Big Fish
>conservative leaning centrist

Fuck yeah, Alice in Chains

You don't shower every day, you like black, are romantically lonely regardless of attention you do or don't get and are slightly autistic.

Tame Impala and Mac DeMarco, nice taste
Tall, thin with black hair and a narrow face
Now time for tits

> 33
> fishing, Vidya games
>mike Patton and ween or primus
> I'm a cyborg but that's ok
>No homo
And my closet floor for good measure

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I envy that your politics are boring, because there is a very real daily anxiety that comes with having a completely unexperienced, easily-manipulated idiot rapidly sliding into senility at the controls of the highest levels of government.

I don't really care if you care what i have to say or not, you won't care about much in about 5 years after you kill yourself.

you're supposed to be describing me, not yourself

>narrow face

lol I'll believe it when I see it

Prove me wrong bitch

I'll be able to guess better if you show your tits

Ugh, except for AiC and The Smiths your taste in music is kind of shit. Other than that you're probably an okay person.

>told to be coherent and correct
>still rambles about nonsense

lol whatever faggot

>Snowboarding, videogames, cars, Biking, photography
>Tyler, the Creator
>Channel Orange, Frank Ocean
>Perks of Being a wall flower or LOTR: ROTK

You clearly haven’t been paying attention to our PM. He’s just as bad as Trump, just less outwards with it. During the election, trump was a better choice than Hillary simply because we didn’t know how it would turn out, and since I hadn’t kept up with American politics I assumed it had stayed mostly the same with a bit more gun violence

>Woodworking, graphic design, learning about bugs and animals, relaxing, gaming (video and table top)
>Everything from Death Grips to Stereo Total. If it sounds good I listen
>Death to Smoochy
>In favor of personal freedom, opposed to anything that challenges personal freedom

I'm not the autistic chick.

>My civilisation is facing destruction due to decadence and degeneracy so i am going to run away and just care about myself and watch it all burn
You're a selfish coward.


Trudeau has relatively eliminated Canada's gold holdings and destroyed the social cohesion of the nation.

You look like a fag

you were probably a "satanist" at one point, moved on to wicca, and you're now an atheist in touch w your spirituality. average height w/ sandy blonde hair.

>you said something i don't agree with
>be coherent and correct right now respect me i am a tranny
Just hurry up and join the 45%, the world doesn't need more weakness like you in it.

>Guitar, bass, cooking, occasional vidja and visual art
>Devo, Pere Ubu, P-Model, The Screamers, Rocket From The Tombs, Oingo Boingo
>Blues Brothers
>Marxist-Leninist with some Enver Hoxha Sprinkled here and there

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I get the vibe that you just sort of absorb random bits of pop culture and decide that those are your favorite things. Like, really? Frank Ocean and Tyler the Creator? Return of the King?

You need to follow up on this shit and live a little. Get into better contemporary pop (although Channel Orange is legit, I'll give you that) and watch more movies.

More like everyone was trying to make me fall in line with subtle dissaproval and moking but I was too socially retarded to catch the subtelties.

Tl;dr he’s the reason the Canadian dollars fucked

lol man you're reaching really far. It's not that I don't agree, it's that it's nonsense. I can't agree or disagree.

You're going "hope you kill yourself" and my response is "whatever dude". I know it can be pretty hard to follow if your IQ is in single digits.

When you kill yourself can you please stream it?

Don’t worry about fitting in with those fucktards. If Tetris taught me anything, if you fit in you disappear

>telling transer they'll suicide
so original and edgy user
i bet you have a mlp collection

Always the fucking narsissist calling selfish those that are not pathologically altruistic.

ill also evade possible draft.

Never cared for the concept of religion, no spirituality, dark brown hair (i'm not exactly the whitest white person around), but yeah I'm average height.

>registered independent

By this do you mean you registered "No Party Preference" or "American Independent"?

PC gaming, cooking.
QOTSA, radiohead, king crimson
I really liked a lesser-known movie called simon birch.
I am straight, but not looking for a relationship and I don'r have one.
i'm mostly a left wing libritarian that's mostly against banning guns
I am difficult to get to trust, and commonly hate being with others.

>Video Games, Movies, Just started learning guitar
>Charles Mingus, David Bowie, The Mars Volta, Kendrick Lamar, Duke Ellington, NIN, Tom Waits
>Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Platoon
>Straight, traps aren't gay

6 foot weight 98lbs, definitely autistic, dark hair, lying about being straight

>left wing
>Can't even spell "libertarian", let alone know what it means
>Typical leftie

>Volleyball, reading, anime, socializing
> Black Sabbath but don't have a favorite album
> Butterfly effect
>Family left af, but don't really have one

>Mtg, vidya games, d&d, hanging out with gf, doing stupid shit like jumping out of moving cars
>American History X
>Moderate Socialist

I fucked it up okay? I was typing fast, just go with it.

You like anime?! You fucking weeb.

eh yea fuck them. If we were living in a viking tribal/warrior society I would not be catching their subtle ass kissing.

If you are ever doubting whether you should kill yourself or not just remember that no one will care when you are gone so just do it.

>Hanging w friends, exercising, video games
>The Strokes, MF DOOM, Anthony Hamilton, Keith Sweat, Modest Mouse
>Reservoir Dogs
>Neutral political beliefs

In real life I'm not boring though. It sounds boring on paper because a lot was omitted for the sake of this thread to keep it short and simple.

White guy, between 5'10 and 6'2 short hair, probably cocky about everything even things that you shouldn't be cocky about, goes clubbing or to bars often, and is a gun guy.

You probably look like Dead from Mayhem and will follow in his footsteps if you keep up your lifestyle

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You aren't a libertarian. You cannot be a left wing libertarian. The idea of personal freedom and self determination is completely incompatible with collectivism, social regulation and financial regulation.

since i was about 5, not really much into things like conventions and stuff